The probability of entering and remaining in an intellectually elite profession such as Physician, Judge, Professor...

The probability of entering and remaining in an intellectually elite profession such as Physician, Judge, Professor, Scientist, Corporate Executive, etc. increases with IQ to about 133. It then falls about 1/3 by 140. By 150 IQ the probability has fallen by 97%! In other words, a significant percentage of people with IQs over 140 are being systematically and, most likely inappropriately, excluded from the population that addresses the biggest problems of our time or who are responsible for assuring the efficient operation of social, scientific, political and economic institutions. This benefits neither the excluded group nor society in general. For society, it is a horrendous waste of a very valuable resource. For the high IQ person it is a personal tragedy, commonly resulting in unrealized social, educational and productive potential.

If you browse Jow Forums chances are you have a genius level IQ but suffer from NEETism and loserism

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Other urls found in this thread:

>you suffer from neetism or loserism
According to whose criteria?

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This is now a Pitu thread

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If I had an IQ >140 I wouldn't be using it to help a doomed enterprise. I'd be too busy building my own.

>tfw 152 IQ
>tfw abject failure at life

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So what you're saying is, You can be too smart for your own good?

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Pitu.....fucking pleb

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After the 120-130 range you are turbo spergs and need proper adult supervision. Normies are stupid and they aren't willing to waste time with you because they like "the system" as it is and any change scares them. Others could try to domesticate you, but they are either powerless or they don't care (like me).


>If you browse Jow Forums chances are you have a genius level IQ

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progress on the civilization level ended in 1945. stop overthinking it and enjoy the ride before it flies off the rails

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Pitu is literal shit cachaça...they add sugar to it.

Try pic related

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Do you guys get that disgusting shit in Canada?

>If you browse Jow Forums chances are you have a genius level IQ
I’ll try and find the results but there was a massive test and the average IQ was 96

OP is right, guys

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IQ is a meme. Also, you worship false idols.

I'm so smart I turned into a fucking retard. Sometimes I wonder if I actually was that smart.

>It's another "smart but lazy" circlejerk

>*hops imported from sierra leone

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Guys weev all moved over to NEW POL

You are literally the last ones here

N E I N ///////////////////////////////


I honestly don’t feel smart at all, but everyone else is dumber than me.

It’s frightening.

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Yes. Our government is trying to kill us

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>tfw 98 IQlet
>nearly finishing college, one the way to get a Master's in Applied Control Engineering
I made it out of pure anger and contempt for people like OP, people with potential and waste it all for being a fucking faggot. I had this friend who was born in a nice family, had everything he ever wanted, and still he was a piece of shit to me and called me dumb. He ended up a poof and wasted all the love he got, that shit makes my shit boil. Fuck you, OP, I wish I could switch places with you.

So tragic that you drink this swill thinking it is cachaça

It breaks my heart

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The high IQs got GATE'd and consequently have ruined lives

I just barfed in my mouth a bit

It didn’t have to be this way...

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How is GATE harmful?

Juden speaks out his asshole as usual. What was the reason for wwII? Can't be as simple as you're different. Fuck helmut and kike. Ugly, subhuman stuff.

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never did an iq test but studied mathematics and was a researcher briefly. started drinking more and not showing up to class or TA duties. now spend my days drinkin', watching movies, and working manual labour or collecting gov assistance. loser for life!

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im with you on the movies. tv series mostly suck. they all fill the time with stupid subplots. irrelevant shit nobody cares about. movies are like a concentrated dose of pure entertainment.

I feel this a lot, but sometimes I do/say some really dumb shit.

Nice try, but im a retarded neet

Communication breaks down when there is too great a gap of intelligence. OP's paragraph was taken from an article which proposed that communication failure occurs when the dyad has an IQ difference of more than 15 points.

So what happens in a public school is the 145 IQ gifted child can only meaningfully communicate with a couple of peers above 130, and all other attempts of communication end in social defeat. They then become hikineets.

Yes, but it is natural
Above 140IQ you can't communicate with the majority of people. You can't direct, lead o be responsible of a large organization if you can't communicate with the lower rank.
It's natural

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>Communication breaks down when there is too great a gap of intelligence

this is why the average IQ needs to be raised. all political systems are asking the wrong question, because they're not asking "how do we best improve the quality of the average human?"

Ah yes, Jow Forums the place for true intellectuals, cheers my fellow brainlet!

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Flatards came over from /x/ and niggered the average

>Theoretically, after Hollingworth, a person's social relationships should be limited to people with R16IQs within 30 points of their own.
I was hoping there was a reason my conversations with people made it hard for us to connect. But i'm sure they are in the margin of 30 points

What's your IQ?
look someone 20IQ lower


I'm normie IQ but I was really smart as a young man. Like to the point that I couldn't relate to people.

Drugs and alcohol and head trauma from fighting/moped crashes/sports took care of that.

Now happily a 30 year old boomer.

Weird how things work out.

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Lol, 140, GATE only gave a GED

>If you browse Jow Forums chances are you have a genius level IQ but suffer from NEETism and loserism
this is somewhat true for me, but I am getting better at integrating my talents with normie expectations so who knows?

So we should genocide the retards. Just say anyone 100 or below is now a retard and gas them. Problem solved

>tfw 160 IQ schizophrenic neet

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The mid 130s are smart but not smart enough to spot the flaws in the system.
t. 33 year old and retired

Dude, same here. Kinda makes me mad in a way because I know how much ass I could've kicked, but I might've been unhappy too.

I don't mean to toot my own horn but I'm pretty sure I'm 140+ given that I've become an autistic dysfunctional shut-in who becomes obsessive over learning, reading, tech, making things

I think if I were retarded, like 90 IQ (where dysfunctional behavior is also prevalent), then I wouldn't even be questioning my predicament

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It's more likely that by 140, they are too neurotic to hold down a responsible job.

It's a program to make good goys and early burnouts

Then your nation will be invaded after your collapse and you'll have no grunts to do the dirty work or protecting your brain.

I unironically believe that Jow Forums is somewhat intellectual, I would guess that the average IQ is something like 107-110. while it isn't that much, small changes have a very big effect on the extreme ends of the bell curve. meaning that while the average isn't much higher there could be something like 3x as many people with IQ's above 130, and 10x as many people with IQ's above 145 when compared to the general population. While people may think that some of the common beliefs on Jow Forums are absolutely retarded, they are retarded the way that the conclusion may be dumb, but the thinking behind it wouldn't be possible for someone of low cognitive ability. Another thing is that for someone to actually visit Jow Forums multiple times they're most likely very open minded, something that is positively correlated with IQ. But the whole QAnon thing probably caused a big bump in the low 70s range on the IQ distribution if I would have to guess.

by 140, or above 140? because you just described me accurately. I can't keep a job longer than 1-2 years, I always end up quitting. I just can't do it.

What are characteristics of someone in the 100-110, 110-120 range?

Only 14% of Americans can solve a problem as complex as calculating the cost of carpeting a house given a floor plan, so 100 IQ isn't that brilliant.

Not fully.

The problem is that someone with around 20 IQ points higher won't relate to those lower, and won't behave the same socially, cognitively, subjectively and objectively.

160 is to 140 that an average Euro American is to a Negro American. You can't compare them mentally.

I'd be thrown out of university for speaking my mind and calling out the BS that they teach outside of objective science.

you're post makes sense because I'm iq 133 i never went to college but found work in the trades and am able to at least move forward in life albeit very slowly. i'm very depressed at the current state of affairs but i'm able to snap out of my depression and slowly make my life better. if i was any higher IQ i wouldn't be able to get passed these mental obstacles but i'm just smart enough to have a measurable advantage over the average pleb. very interesting thread

should the cost include the vertical sections of carpet on the stairs? I could see how that might be tricky. and I'm fairly sure this doesn't count as part of the total square footage.

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160 IQ here. I stay at home and take care of my wife and kids. I could save the world. It'd be easy. You just have to let me.

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Once you're a certain level of smart, you become insufferable to dumber people around you.

I looked at some of the equally difficult sample questions and I doubt they'd be so tricky.

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no dude he says it increases UP TO 133 which means you should have none of these problems and be the most successful because of your IQ. so i got some bad news for you, but you have a 133 IQ so you can probably guess what it is.

ohhhh so i AM fucked... well.... that explains a lot. i dwell on things that never even happened and i feel sad about things that will never effect me. b-but at least i'm doing way better than every single one of my friends who were born into the same situation and also better than almost every upper mid class fag i know... r-right ?


Most people don't want to feel mentally inferior and corrected, and most people don't want to hear things that are socially taboo but objectively true.

So, you end up with 150-160 (the practical upper limit without specialized tests) people unable to fit in, hence, they're underrepresented in the "elite" (120-140), even though their intelligence would benefit the elite and society.

> 80IQ
Op doesn't suck dick.
Op sucks dick.
Questioning whether Op can really suck so much dick.
Knowing the amount of dick OP sucks is mathematically immeasurable and beyond any possibility of human understanding.
Traps are gay.

100-115 is reddit, leaf

I just watched a video about Juden Peterstein and it said engineers/programmers/analysts are IQ 115

Does that mean I'm 115? That seems awfully low

>tfw too smart for wage gap

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no no... redit is 90 to 105 tops

>If you browse Jow Forums chances are you have a genius level IQ but suffer from NEETism and loserism
If ur so smort y don't u have a job huh?

Be nice. It's literally all they have.

Can't be a loser if you refuse to play the game.

t. 160 IQ

t. ascetic

Discard attachment, destroy your ego and play lots of vidya. Enlightenment is why you are here. The world is temporary and void.

Embrace oblivion, take the blackpill user.

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I don't want to write a ton but heres some pages I fount that have all the different ranges and are pretty accurate. for other things like personality traits, correlations aren't strong enough to be meaningful besides the extreme ends. to give an idea tho, 1 in 4 people have an IQ above 110 and 1 in 10 people have an IQ above 120 if that helps.

You have it the other way around.

>a significant percentage of people with IQs over 140 are being systematically and, most likely inappropriately, excluded from the population
>if there is a difference in performance, there's OPPRESSION
Nice job jumping directly into neo-Marxist conclusions, faggot.

>If you browse Jow Forums chances are you have a genius level IQ but suffer from NEETism and loserism
Wrong on all counts. My IQ is in the 97th percentile, and I have a sweet career.

>y don't u have a job huh?
What am I going to do? Convince someone of my worth? Get a degree? Dig ditches?

He was talking about average IQ. Your inability to understand what he said would indicate you're well below that number.

>trusting people to not purposefully try and nuke the results, or for that matter cheat.

The virgin GAYTE / The Chad MILAB

NEETdom leads to poverty and suicide. If you want to avoid that, I suggest you get off your ass.

I'm in the 140's. The secret is that around that level you realize that everyone is largely just a meat bag that never matures past being a teenager despite what they tell themselves and that no matter how hard you struggle you will never actually attain anything resembling true knowledge. Everything becomes pointless when you know you're in a zoo with animals and you aren't visiting you're just another display.

If you're in psychology you get A LOT of leeway. #Shitskinpride

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Don't be a complete nihilist. I want you to know, buddy, that when you wake up from the sim, you will retain all your experiences during your last dive, and you will have learned important questions to ask.

Keep that in mind. It's the reason you're here.

Everybody hates the prettiest girl and the smartest guy in the room. Always has.

>If you browse Jow Forums chances are you have a genius level IQ but suffer from NEETism and loserism
That's true. When I was really depressed, I confided in one of my college friends that I believed all of our peers thought I was stupid. They replied, "no, they think you're too smart."

The modern world represents the victory of NPCs over the superior man.

holy shit. this explains it.

i worked offshore on oil drilling rigs as a shakerman/roughneck. basically i always think safety and point out all the safety hazards when working but then my colleagues just ignore it and do everything in a monkey-pack. and then someone loose their finger because they was working too fast.

I always double-check my stuff and lineup of valves when im at the shakers (mud return comes to the surface and im responsible for 3000 liters per minute going through my shakers/equipment). always my boss thinks i dont know what im doing because im double checking everything! its like the guys im working with are 80 IQ or something.

and they always chat about non-important things at coffee/lunch times. i tried to talk bullshit about my girlfriend (every guy talks bullshit about their girlfriends at work) and they were like: "woooah man, dont be so angry".

they basically repeat the same dialogue every fucking day. "yeah when i was working on that oil rig 10 years ago we did this and that bla bla bla" like wtf is going on?

any form of self-thought or expression of logical thinking is hit hard down upon.