Daily reminder that if you were born poor in a third world country, your life is already wasted...

Daily reminder that if you were born poor in a third world country, your life is already wasted. Even if you manage to get out of poverty, you still wasted a good 10-20 years of your youth, while 90% of people in Northern europe had a comfortable lives and therefore enjoyed it far more than you ever will.
I'll end it, lads. Fuck this shitty existence.

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>being brown
no dude that's eww
please don't ever be anything but white

that's based on the assumotion that in life, the life quality or (and) money defines if it is worth it or not, even though I might enter liberal territory when I say this, life is all about happiness. So sometimes a third-world commoner, which not only "lost" 10 to 20 years, but all his life in poverty but still managed to get a very happy life in comparrison to our northern brothers was more successful than the suicidal arian who has money. Stop complaining about life, it doesn't matter how is this "shitty existence" organizes it self, there will always be better and worst when speaking of power, so just try to make the best of it while it lasts, enjoy you've had the opportunity to be here (I wrote "enjoy" , not "be grateful" (fuck those christian bastards)) and stop pissing others off because you cannot enjoy your life properly

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The first world isn't much better unless you were born rich.
I can barely support myself here because I've been cucked by invaders and everything is too expensive.

>everything is expensive
Most things are cheaper in the US than in Brazil. I make 80 cents an hour and shit is three or four times more expensive.


What do you do for a job??

My country is poor but my papi is rich

You're fine in America, believe me.

I'm an intern in a lab at my Uni.

Some parts are but mostly it's a shithole. I'd honestly rather live in a poor Russian town that's 100% white than most places in the US.

>Even if you manage to get out of poverty, you still wasted a good 10-20 years of your youth
what exactly makes it wasted though? i assume you could have friends, a gf, you apparently strived to get from the poverty and even succeeded, looks like a life too me

It is wasted if you live in a Brazil slum. People blasting music all day long, high risk of getting murdered, trash all over the streets and a general uneasiness.

this type of mentality is exactly why you and your race are third world subhumans

your entire perspective is based around

>"what can i have? why cant i have what whites have?"

nowhere in your shitskin chimp brain does it ever fucking register that whites had to work their asses off to get into the position that you are referring to.

your entire preconceived notion of the western standard of living is based falsely on the idea of "white privilege", that whites are just
>"oh so lucky to have been born where they were and with the skin they have"

when in truth, none of this was just given to us by some divine entity, our wealth was instead built over generations of sacrifice.

i have more than you because my ancestors sacrificed more than your's did, rather than laying around the hut getting drunk for 10 generations, they worked and saved and invested in their childrens education and future.

this is why you shitskinned niggers will never be our equal, you just sit back and demand handouts for "inequality", when it is you yourself who is in fact causing that inequality.

too fucking stupid to use free contraceptives and when the women gets pregnant? you just disappear and leave her to raise the next generation of poor dumb shitskins who stand just as little chance as you did.

guess what, my father didnt run off, he stayed, worked his ass off and saved for me and my siblings

you will never have what whites have, stop deluding yourself into thinking you even understand why because you dont, you are stuck with a shitskin lack of intellect that will render your race poverty stricken forever.

Maybe this wouldn't be an issue if your countries weren't so shitty

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Poverty in a third world shithole like Brazil is an Ouroborus. A perverse feedback loop of misery. All it takes is one ancestor to spend all the family's riches some 40-50 years ago, and then you'll have the next 6 generations damned to a slum. There's little to no social mobility here in this country unless you get a public job, which pay amazingly well and have great retirement plan, or you open your business and pray to God yours doesn't become on of those 90% that go bankrupt within the first three years..

>just work harder, bro
>get robbed or killed when coming back from a 12h shift
Yeah, pretty easy, you dumb fucking leaf. Your country never faced violence like mine did, specially within its own borders. You can always trust your neighbours to at the very least not steal your shit. You speak high and mighty about how I should try harder, but you would either have suicided or left the country in the same conditions. It is nearly impossible to build something of value when your own alleged "countrymen" will stab you in the back to buy an overpriced phone.


Haha I knew saving pic related would find a good opportunity one day.
This is from Ecuador. Wtf south america, get your shit straight.

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>more than your's

>i have more than you because my ancestors sacrificed more than your's did
you have more than him because your ancestors lived in a more efficiently organized society, pic related also

your reasoning is a typical faulty protestant reasoning when you think that poor people are poor simply because they are lazy

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Fuck this gay ass country.
I Will work for The government ,what else can we do in that god forsaken place?its either this or suicide.

This coincides fully with what a friend from Belem often says. Brazil anons confirmed truthful.

>muh "typical shitskin woes"

its almost as if you completely failed to grasp one of the main points of my post: your shit existence is predetermined by your shit coloured skin and nigger brain.

>Your country never faced violence like mine did
it did, the whites fixed it by killing 90% of the indians, pity you high time preference nigger mentality is unable to grasp that events occurred before yesterday and will occur after tomorrow.

>You can always trust your neighbours to at the very least not steal your shit
see above, you are wrong about this

>You speak high and mighty about how I should try harder, but you would either have suicided or left the country in the same conditions

> It was estimated that during the 19th century, which was the heyday of the white pine era, half the males in Canada were employed as lumberjacks. For the longest time, lumberjacks toiled from dawn to dusk, six days per week, and lived tightly packed in shanties (or bunkhouses) whose odour — a mix of smoke, sweat and drying garments — was as distasteful as the bedbugs they supported. Strict rules often governed many of the bush camps (or "shanties"); many were alcohol-free and for the longest time talking during meals was strictly forbidden

again, you need to shut the fuck up since you know absolutely nothing about what hard work and sacrificing for future generations actually means or entails.

i can dig a hole in my backyard for 10 hours a day, doesnt mean i deserve a fucking thing.

>your reasoning is a typical faulty protestant reasoning when you think that poor people are poor simply because they are lazy

if you were not so fucking dumb, you would not have glossed over the parts of my post where i repeatedly referenced intellect and not just hard work

>That lumberjack info
On a side note I have to admit I died a bit inside with the fires in Canada.

>Your country never faced violence like mine did
ugh, germany was ravaged by two world wars and is the leader of europe again. it's all the population, it makes the country not even circumstances

I hate this country but I'm not a blackpilled nigger like you

i doubt you sacrificed anything to the future generations yourself lol

we fucking earned it, our youth is a gift of our ancestory, we do not ow you anything for the fact your ancestors were either lazy or inferior to ours,

yes because our ancestors were better at efficently organizing socciety,

the ultimate redpill is living life and helping people around you as best you can

oh and the poor are usualy genetically inferior aka retarded

i didn't see anything about intelligence in that passage about canadian lumberjacks who lived about like an average 19th century worker btw

If you manage to leave behind a better world for your kin and kith, no part of your life was ever wasted.
never mind then

Who cares? Nothing matters in the end. Even the wagecucks in Europe are all depressed NPCs living a meaningless existence that's fueled by degenerate never ending consumptation.

The family of an old friend here used to be immigrants in Germany during the 50s. They came back around 1980. I often hear 'tales' (some truth, some fiction I suppose) of how german families with 4 members slept in a single bedroom house and shared a potato cut in 4 for dinner.

Idk, poor people fuck like nothing else. You probably stuck your cock in many more women

Don't forget that our ancestors had the brains and the balls to travel across the globe and FUCK THEIR THIRD WORLD SHIT UP too. Not only did our ancestors build majestic cities in their homeland, they ventured to new lands and conquered the savage squatters before erecting new cities.

Based Anglos.

Poor people are poor typically because they are a combination of stupid and lazy. If you weren't born into wealth and you're lazy, chances are you'll stay poor. If you are stupid but work hard, you'll probably still stay poor because you're just muscle. That only gets you so far in this day and age.

Your people need to stop acting like literal monkeys. That's a conscious decision: "Today I will NOT stab my neighbour for the change in his pocket". Start with that and you might have some hope of becoming a developed nation.

And don't try to refute it, you guys act like that even when you come to Canada or America. It's this cut-throat mentality you import and think you still have to kill every other person just to get ahead at your Walmart job. Legit chinks are the same way, they compete with a few billion other zerglings and the only possible way to get ahead is by cheating/killing/robbing. It's why China is a shithole, as is India, as is Brazil, etc.




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Im a khv

>i didnt see anything about intelligence therefore there was none

you are correct, they didnt invest their earnings in farming or careers or educations for their children, they were like probably like your ancestors and willingly gave their wealth to the state in the name of communism, their descendants then just magically attained wealth at the snap of a finger

>bases anglos
Nothing but thieves

you don't have to live in a shithole third world country though
just emigrate to a first world one!!!

Learn to cope

>Even if you manage to get out of poverty, you still wasted a good 10-20 years of your youth, while 90% of people in Northern europe had a comfortable lives and therefore enjoyed it far more than you ever will.
I spent my youth masturbating in to a PC monitor.


Your people had no concept of ownership. We taught you about property rights and monotheism. We did everything we could to civilize you and bring you out of your savage existence.

And how did you repay it all? By shitting in the ocean so much it poisoned Olympians and ruined half the swimming events.

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eventually wealth begets wealth, so even if you are correct its not as though you have a fucking point. if you grew up in a country that wasnt dirt poor from retarded communist decisions you would be able to relate.

>Anglos stole shit and have top quality towns now
>Brazilians rob each other forever and have crappy quality towns still

>Implying that your life is about you and not about your offspring
Fucking subhuman

Fix your country than. You act like if good created all cities in Europe and whites found them. Europe wasn't exactly awesome 500 years ago. Everything you see in America was build by former Europeans. I don't understand why all nonwhites have to act like this. Act like humans. If you act like animals, you will live like animals.

copy pasta but
at least you have tight knit families. We don't experience that.

>Act like humans.
They can't. They have low IQs and didn't evolve the same defence mechanisms against nature, i.e., intelligence and long term planning to survive through winters..

You're comparing them to humans but they're humans who spent 80,000 years fucking around in hot climates and raping the local women.

Maybe that's true if you live in abject poverty.
But remember that those people with "comfortable lives" develop mental illnesses at record levels. Having nothing to live and strive for makes you bonkers.

Nigga Europe was amazing 500 years ago, they had massive cathedrals and all kinds of alchemy. Even primitive Europe was literally thousands of years ahead of Brazilmonkeys. The only reason they had any structures at all was because of aliens, and when the aliens realized they'd picked such a retarded group of creatures they just left and flooded everything.

This. Singapore, Taiwan, UAE, Israel were all shitholes. Now they have some of the most powerful economies in the world. Brazil has some of the most natural resources on the planet, yet barely manages to be a 2nd world country

Get a job and stop complaining.

This shit is true. My wife is Indonesian, and I lived in her country for a few years to "escape the West", but fuck that shit. Now I'm back in America and glad to be paying these bullshit taxes and all the horseshit we have to do just to not be planting fucking papaya that won't grow, and selling a hundred kilos of cassava for a hundred US dollars. Not to mention the mosquitoes and humidity and scorpions, etc.


o i l

Unfortunatly you are right. They never bother to build proper house because they didn't have to. Same with everything else. They actualy have better conditions to live. We can implant civilisation everywhere. But they are not able to use it properly. South and North America is perfect example. Whites in north. Non whites in south. Whole world know diference.

You have oil, yet you never managed to make anything of yourselves in terms of development. Hell, you've got minerals, woods, metals, etc. Your country is corrupt and you can't increase your living standards. A single state, California (literally a desert with no oil) has a bigger GDP and economy than Russia.

Honk HOnk!

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I never went to college because wageslaving here is not worth. The Minimun wage here is 290 USD... I rather be a wage slave for the same ammount in some Eastern European country like Slovenia, Hungary or Czech Republic.where Is safer, cleaner, peacefull and you can have access to education...
At least you don't need much money to have a decent quality of life and your taxes are paid for a good cause, here all the money is stolen by the polliticians

anyway.. I didn't go to college and I'm making more money by being my own Boss, I learned to be a trader.
I'm 25 years old and besides working, I'm Learning French and it would be my 4th Language.. that's something... I guess so..
being a poorfag in the third world is a nightmare....

how do latinas end up so fat dispute Latin America being so poor? maybe if your women did something besides eat massive amounts of carbs, your people would produce something.

despite Latin America***

Then Try to leave your country.

Is sugar an epidemic in Latin America like it is in the west? Cheap food here is so packed with sugar that its a chore for poor cunts not to get fat.

You sound white if you're your own boss and speak 4 languages so you'll be alright regardless.

never heard anybody earned something with trading without a significant capital... unless it's crypto ofc


>try to leave your country
awesome. whole world will simply move to Europe and America because you can't fucking run your own society.

They now have some money to buy shitty fast food,and are lazy fucking whores.

Why is a simple life blessed in agriculture, God, family and country not truly blessed?

Russia is possibly the weirdest most fucked up country in the world. How can you invent space travel and atomic energy and still be one of the poorest countries in Europe?

Most of California isn't a desert, you idiot

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>Hauling wood sticks over distances awards you millions of dollars

Nothing wrong with as long as you follow rules and regulations and Contribute to society.

The non-desert parts are still definitely not the type of climate premodern humans thrive in under natural conditions.

I was born in a 3rd world shithole, my dad wasn’t a retard and my mom worked. We left that place littler over 20 yrs ago, now I have a high paying job and a house. There’s simply no way I’d have this back in my former country. Fuck that place




it's just poor genetics. everyone I know trying to lose weight. If brazilian had more money, we would be worse than americans.

It's because of entrenched corruption. If the Bolsheviks hadn't taken over and a republic been established in Russia they probably would be way better off right now.

That's only if it's a small group. When it's in the millions, its ethnic displacement. Outbreeding Europeans in favour of less intelligent ethnicities.

Look at the bigger picture. This is what yank conservatives do, 'my stupid fucking grandma was an Italian shoeshiner so let in 1 billion people to fuck us out of existence"

But I don't want to live here..I hate this society....Puerto Rican Regueton Nigger music and degeneracy everywhere, Non trust society, poverty, violent society...and many other things.

Long story.. my dad is a genius for Bussiness...he sold his Finca, then moved to the City and Bought a house with 5.000 usd( like 25 years ago) then by working hard and making good decisions, he accumulated some wealth , then Inherited a House, I Sold it and that's where i started

i thought the difference in the size of the population was obvious enough so i didn't need to mention it. our oil is also of a worse quality. our absolute gdp is much bigger than their ofc

>How can you invent space travel and atomic energy

Russia invented atomic energy, thats new.

They have a somewhat functioning republic now and they're making even less progress than they were back in the planned economy days.

thats on your end to restrict and make immigration as hard as possible so that Natives stay the majority.

Can't argue against that, we have traitorous leaders and always shoot a traitor first.


I thought the first fully functioning nuclear power plant was built in the USSR but I could be wrong.

It is fucking wrong. I don't give a fuck if you contribute or not. You are not Euroepan. Europe for Europeans only. We don't need or want you here. Jesus fucking christ. Simply clean your shitty streets instead. Superpower by 2020. Show us you are not subhumans.

Based and karma

Fucking end them with an earthquake

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During the time before the Bolsheviks took power, it was literally a kingdom. I don't think there was much bribery, it was understood that a monarch ruled over Russia. They were allies with the U.S., even helping them during the Civil War. When the Communists took over, they promised gibs for everyone, but it basically screwed everyone. Bribes were commonplace if you wanted anything, so corruption thrived. Russia is a republic yes, but the Bolshevik thought mentality has seeped deep into Russian culture. Nothing remains of the pre-1917 mentality.

that guy is a few shades of red away from justed.

And The pretty girls too

But corruption us still accepted by most people as a simple fact of life.
Sure there is also corruption in western societies, but it's frowned upon and cannot grow above a certain level without a crackdown.


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Like I said you disgusting abomination that if Europe is for Europeans then its upto your leaders to decide that and restrict immigration to Europeans only.Blaming Non-whites for coming to your Country while opening your borders to them is incredibly stupid.