Apex Legends has on its front cover:

Apex Legends has on its front cover:

>Non-Binary Tranny? (Left)
>Lesbian (Middle)
>Fag (Right)

Sad thing is this degeneracy is being accepted in video games and other forms of media by those supposedly BASED GEN Z ZOOMER HUH HUH.
This is depressing, this shit is being normalised by (((them))).

Attached: E0CDD551-CADF-4F8F-B13C-48CB893206A5.jpg (220x310, 28K)

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Is this a new Fork Knife?

Battle Royale shitstorm no. 68329753

Its a BR game (real original ikr) and it’s been out for a month, just heard about it today (Me and my mates don’t play newer titles).
It’s made by the guys who made TitanFall and it’s published by (((EA)))

Another cheap cash grab by the kikes over at (((EA)))

It's funny how any new trash that comes out of the shelves a the newest big thing that everyone have to talk about and literally lose their lifes to interact with it and to tell other people that they are doing it. Everything is so fast this days. Pavlov is proud

The populous is being slowly conditioned, the kikes won’t make the same mistake of rushing their efforts of social and political subversion and destruction.

>Get woke go broke
pfft LMAO

Left is a dude and right is an Indonesian haka-style warrior. What are you talking about?

Gay EA shill detected larping as a nazi