My best friend's girlfriend is hitting on me and I kinda like it...

My best friend's girlfriend is hitting on me and I kinda like it. She's said she wants to fuck and I have to admit I want it too. However, I don't want to ruin this friendship and I imagine living with a secret like that would be excruciating. What to do?

inb4 don't do it: I wish it was that easy

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Fuck her then tell your best friend she raped you.

it is that easy, tell your friend about it. You are an asshole if you fuck her.

do only if she comes to your place and gets naked
if you initiate, your buddy is in full right to curb stomp you

I did it. I won't lie, the connection was genuine and being with her was pretty amazing at the time, an experience only heightened by the drama and secrecy of sneaking around. There is a dark side to being 'the other man' though, it plays havoc with your sense of self-worth, and you'll never be able to completely trust her. Luckily we never got caught, but even after they broke up, and a respectful time had passed, and we became official, it still severed my friendship with him.

Now years have passed and she and I are both with other people, so the end-result is that I lost a good friend for effectively nothing.

Sounds like a plan

There's a twist: she's also a friend of mine and I'd let her down by telling my best friend about this. Well, it does seem like their relationship's ruined anyway since she's acting like this

Tell the thot to be gone, if you betray your ‘best mate’ then you are a piece of shit. You should tell your mate because she’s probs trying it on with other guys too.

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It's not like he's violent or anything but yeah she's taken the initiative all the way until here.

I would never actually date this girl, I'd only be in for a little fun.

Exactly how bothered were you with the fact you fucked your friend over? It's really hard to forecast my feelings should we do it.

I know for a fact she's not trying it on with other guys; she's really introverted with very few exclusively female friends etc.

>I know for a fact she's not trying it with other guys
No you don't. Even if she isn't, it's a pussy move to fuck around on someone you're officially in a relationship with. If you want to fuck around with someone like that, go for it, but don't delude yourself into thinking it's something special. Shes just some future thot who wants to cheat on her boyfriend, and you're potentially the asshole friend to whom friendship doesn't mean much when it comes to pussy.

>Exactly how bothered were you with the fact you fucked your friend over?
Not so much at the time, but as the years have worn on the regret has grown. I think, if you weren't going to date her, then it's less justifiable to go for it than if you were going to date her. In the former scenario you're trading friendship for a potential lifelong relationship, in the latter you're trading friendship for a quick fling.

Apparently she's had a fixation with me for years, since before my friend and her started dating. It's not like she's trying to fuck anyone other than her boyfriend and me - they've been happily together for years now. I guess I'm some teenage dream of hers.

Wise words. Still, maybe it wouldn't damage our friendship if nobody knew?

He's your best friend right? Well, if you're seriously considering fucking her then you're a lousy friend. Especially because you mentioned that you would never actually date this girl. You just want to fuck her to have some fun and get your rocks off.

So point being, you value a quick lay over losing the most valuable friendship you have right now?

>Still, maybe it wouldn't damage our friendship if nobody knew?
It will. Unless you're a total sociopath (and the fact you made this thread kind of suggests you aren't) subconscious tension and resentment will creep into your interactions with your friend, since you're both competing for the same piece of ass. You'll be with her, and she'll break off doing shit with you because he texted. He'll talk about something he and she did together, and it'll catch you off-guard and disquiet you. You'll learn things about him that will change the way you think about him through her.

Putting all of that aside, imagine if she does it and then feels guilty and insists on telling him. You'd be boned, and the situation would spiral totally out of control. In that situation, he might take her back, but you'll be ostracised.

Out of curiosity, how old are you all?

take notes boys women are cheating sluts and will repay your sacrifice by cheating.

It's a shitty thing to do. Is it worth losing your best friend for some sex? Find some other girl and wait until they break up

I'd say their relationship is not exactly in great shape if she's in it for a fuck with me. They'd break up eventually, right? I mean, he could even be grateful for exposing her.

Mental gymnastics, I know.

Honestly. There are sluts like you two everywhere, it's not a big deal. I feel for your "friend" but he should know better than to expect things from you two. Godspeed and good fucking.

>subconscious tension and resentment will creep into your interactions with your friend

I guess you're right. When I think about it, I couldn't even look him in the eyes had I lied to him.

>Putting all of that aside, imagine if she does it and then feels guilty and insists on telling him. You'd be boned, and the situation would spiral totally out of control. In that situation, he might take her back, but you'll be ostracised.

Well, that's the worst case scenario. In addition, practically all of my friends are also tight with this particular friend and so I'd lose all of them.

>Out of curiosity, how old are you all?

20-ish, give or take 2.

Well, I was only hoping for suggestions on what I should do. Never said I'm actually going to fuck her.

Anyway, should I expose her or act like nothing ever happened?

>inb4 don't do it, I wish it was that easy
It should be pretty fucking easy not to bang your best friend's whore, or any whore for that matter. Have some self control and some dignity. Bros before Hos. Some wet cunt isn't going to be worth risking your friendship over. Stop being a bitch about it and tell her to fuck off, then tell your mate about her.

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You should do it, then immediately tell your friend that she made a pass at you. When she mentions that you fucked her, deny it and pretend she's making it up to throw shade on your testimony. Jokes aside, at 20ish your friends are probably mostly from high school, right? You're going to lose touch with most of them throughout the next decade either way, so perhaps the sex is worth it. You have lots of time to rebuild after the experience goes bad, and young people should be trying to accrue a whole range of experiences. If you can live with the regret and the loss of your friends, you should do it. That's my oldfag advice.

As a side-note, 'once a cheater always a cheater' is a guideline at best. People are complex. Some are sloots, some cheat once under specific and unique circumstances, and all people change over time. I wouldn't write her off as a person just because of this.

>They'd break up eventually, right?
Probably yes, but that's irrelevant if you ask me.

You don't have sex with your best friends girlfriend. If you value your friendship and you actually 'love' your friend (love as in a bromance type of way) you wouldn't do this to him. You know damn well that if he ever found out you were fucking his GF it would hurt him a great deal and he probably wouldn't want anything to do with you anymore. If you were a real, honest friend you know what you would do in this situation. You would tell your friend about how his girlfriend is hitting on you and outright asked you for sex so he can break up with this slut ASAP. Spare him some of the mental breakdown he'll have. And no, you also shouldn't hook up with her after he breaks up.

I don't know how some people handle their friendships but in my book, you don't have sex with your friends girlfriends or their exes. Spare each other the jealousy and the drama. Go hit on other girls that aren't going to bring all of this drama into your life.

>And no, you also shouldn't hook up with her after he breaks up. You don't have sex with your friends girlfriends or their exes.
I also agree with this sentiment.

>your friends are probably mostly from high school

I've known a few including my best friend since 9 and the rest since 13. Losing touch with them anytime soon doesn't seem likely right now, but as sad as it sounds, you may be right.

Still, I'm anything but sure about whether I'd be able to cope with the possible regret and guilt let alone losing all of my friends. Guess that indicates I shouldn't go for it.

Fucking her would most likely feel otherworldly, though.

>You would tell your friend about how his girlfriend is hitting on you and outright asked you for sex so he can break up with this slut ASAP.

Then I'd be fucked too, since I already told her I'd hook up with her if she weren't my friend's girlfriend. If shit went down like that I bet she wouldn't forget to mention my part in this to him.

I also don't want to let the girl down because she too is a friend of mine and betraying her would feel awful.

it is that easy bruh

ITT: moralists

what do you mean excrutiating? just do it and if its too much tell him. If you take it like a baller, then do that. But I doubt you'll take it like a baller making a thread like this
