We all know what (((they))) are doing to all of us. We know their identity. We know their tactics. We know their goal. Knowing that simply isn't enough. Getting Jow Forums and reading some /lit/ are the only viable countermethods being discussed on here.

>>Butler Plan, Tulsi2020, and Accelerationism are nonviable, uncoordinated plans, that rely heavily on the chance that our numbers aren't dwindled further

Get in HERE, and let's start coordinating a viable plan that all of us can act on. Because, we all know that's what (((they))) fear the most.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Dude some bad shit is going down right now

can you be a little more specific, user?

>Getting Jow Forums and reading some /lit/ are the only viable countermethods being discussed on here.

and how are those viable countermeasures?

now you see the problem. they're not.

There are fucking kikes everywhere tonight! I’ve never seen it this bad! JIDF must be paying overtime shekels for these faggots to be posting so much so often.

Why tho? user, what the hell happened?

What's the butler plan

Here's the best plan I can think of. Make a day of the rope list with every politician, banker and rich guy behind the New World Order WITH redpills as evidence along.
One giant concise and powerful redpill for the world to swallow which contains every single occult secret. Races, sexes, elites, nofap, kalergi, everything and spread it online.
In short, what I'm saying is, let's redpill the masses in better, more productive ways in order to have every person with internet acces redpilled in 6 months.

That’s the 6 million dollar question, maybe it’s getting around out in real life, I had a normie friend 45years old and his wife at dinner start testing the waters with me about how Hitler really did nothing wrong, I hiding my power level was like “why would you say that?” And he was like just watch this documentary when you have the time..... sends me “Europa the final battle part 3” I acted dumb but inside my heart was beating 6 million times a minute

It's an unviable plan which involves moving any and every capable white person to the pacific northwest, and take control of the demographics and political landscape

lol,why not make broadcast it to CNN streams

though in all seriousness, i agree that we need a concentrated, short term, wide spread redpilling campaign

Doesn't that just concentrate all "undesirable" whites into one area so that we can be obliterated by the might of the (((U.S.))) military

So maybe it’s that the kikes are getting nervous, they know we meet here and have to spam the shit out of this place with the old “hey fello nazis, I’m a natsoc too but LARPING and steering away from degeneracy sucks and is for loser... am i rite “topkek”” also vote Bernie because trump is just a shill for the kikes so we might as well vote for a real kike and get free shit at the beginning at least”

how many people are being redpilled these days? furthermore, you are certain that no one single event occurred, and JIDF isn't trying to cover something up here?

That's the major flaw with that plan

Hold up I just got here from Jow ForumsThe_Donald and I have no idea what you're talking about. Who are "they"? What's their goal? What is the Butler Plan, and why are you supporting Tulsi, I thought this was a pro-Trump subchan? Can any fellow centipedes bring me up to speed?

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lol voting for any kike at this point is a dumb move. honestly, why not vote for any kike?

Show your flag first, shill

Bernie Bros are coming for your ads whiteBOIs.

also learn to fucking read, you're starting to glow in the dark

what a waste of fine digits

Oh I don’t know if something did happen, I haven’t heard anything but that’s the point I guess, LoL I love it when normies get RedPilled tho, it threw me off.... I guess it’s just getting around. Once word spreads it’s gonna be great! Shlomo is already at 95% damage control!

checked and blessed

the jews can outmaneuver us with the pen all day. but once we bring the sword, they lose, and they know that

who is kiking who nowadays? I’m voting Trump again unless there’s an ultra RedPilled goy running...(there isn’t) but I’m also wondering why they are pushing that tulsi bitch so hard? What’s up wither her, she’s just another shit liberal democrat who wants to open the border... why would they make their shilling so obvious?

yeh vague nonsense being spewed by paranoid retards as usual on /po/

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it comes with the turf, also checked

apparently naming the jew and defunding israel was enough for some of these people

Oh the pen and the shekel goes a long way for the Jew, I was blackpilled for a while because it felt like only I and a few anons on here knew the truth... but now that I’m seeing my normie friends, kikebook and work acquaintances step up the Jew hate and start to differentiate between what’s white and what’s like... it fucking lifts my spirits high, feels good user.

jesus... these digits. nice redemption arc tho

That's not what happened in 1945 and it's not what happened in the civil war either

LoL at work talking about movies and coworker says “hey user, watch this movie about that fat kid from Superbad running guns, wardogs... did you know the fat guys name is not really Johana hill... it’s some real jewie name! Then I looked up other actors real names and my mind was blown, why would they do this?” Hahahahah I was just like.... “oh my! You don’t say!”

>not understanding that kikes manipulated allied and axis countries in the war

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>jews picks the most basic anglo name possible
they're nothing if not predictable parasites

Glow more niggers.

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we'll never glow as brightly as you, sorry

True, and just as we were talking about it.... enter the kike to project and call us glowniggers^^^^

>predictable parasites

lol you got a xmpp or discord?

>Butler Plan, Tulsi2020, and Accelerationism are nonviable

Care to debate the viability of Accelerationism? I'll bet you don't.

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Annnnnndddddd kikes gone.... one post... also predicted.

What do we do about the jewish problem?

sure, i'll bite. my major issue with accelerationism is, by accelerating the collapse, we'll lose a good chunk of europeans in america. At the end of the day that's what (((they))) want.

well we got options, kick em out, defund and tax the shit out of them, or we turn them and the sandniggers into glass

In America, under Trump and Republicans, white genocide is happening slowly and in the background. Whites are distracted by political theater and kept just /comfy/ enough to not revolt en masse. Isn't this true?

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Idk if you guys were implying that I'm a kike or something, but if I was why would I post a paper model template of hitler? I don't really care though. I don't really care if myself or anybody I know lives or dies at this point.

name it, name the problem, when “us whites” comes up, you go with the “ but you’re a Jew” we win the normies over, when they ask “what’s wrong with being a Jew” you list the reasons or meme them out, always have memes on your phone for quick and easy access. Naming the Jew is a passive strategy, (((they))) see it as aggressive because they go through great lengths to cover their identity... what say you? Give me some ideas to deal with the Jew


Yes it is, but outright accelerating that genocide is just a dumb move altogether. The move should be incorporated to minimize european casualties. We'll need all hands on deck to rebuild it all quicker and stronger

the Israelis have the most advanced nuclear submarines on the planet and I am sure they would love to ruin America if you gave them an excuse

As technology and culture evolves they are more exposed and we're presented with peaceful options to reshape our society and government
more people are getting redpilled than ever and realizing the importance of culture, traditions, morality, religion, etc
I think our awareness of social ills is going to advance and we will be able to vote and avoid those problems and problematic people
they have been subverting the government but ultimately we can either subvert or infiltrate the government back into the interests of the average american
I think everything is still fixable

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Go get blackpill out elsewhere, we are being constructive and positive here, so change that attitude and contribute.... or fuck out of here. Your choice

>but if I was why would I post a paper model template of hitler
kike confirmation

If white genocide is happening because the issue isn't in the faces of every single white American, it seems logical to say the solution is forcing them to address the issue by accelerating it. No longer happening slowly, whites will not deny it's reality and they will fight back, just like they're doing in Europe. We have two choices:

>die-off slowly with no chance of fighting back
>die-off quickly with a chance of fighting back

both options are terrible but they're what we have. Why shouldn't I accelerate their plan and use it against them?

I think acceleration is thin ice, too many white youths are asleep and in that slumber of rap music and weed they fall for the “beautiful mocha babies” kike idea, accelerating might burn us out too quickly, where as a controlled long burn might yield better later on.

>kick em out
>defund and tax the shit out of them
How? They control the gov't and banks.
>turn them and the sandniggers into glass
How? They're spread out in every country.

what can I do as a spic to combat the jew menace? fight em? join them and then betray them?

You faggots are lurking in a thread with an OP picture that's literally glowing. Who's Jewing who here Chaim? Fucking CIA would be lucky to have me in their employ.

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Here a link full of nigger hate webms, I don't know how we can red pill whites outside of/pol but I'm doing my best to at least niggerpill anons shitposting on /pol.

>inb4 Jew hakkers logging your IP
Fuck it if they do, something has to be done

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Now I agree with the premise of the idea. Once again, my main issue is we should strive to find a solution that'll minimize casualties. Accelerationism is a great second best option, i'm not denying that, but that's why i say it's a nonviable plan. Because the less of us that die off, the better it is to not only win, but to rebuild

I have a cousin who is 20, read Mein Kampf, watches the RedPill documentaries, agrees with us here.... yet he still listens to nigger music, smokes weed all day, dresses like a nigger, higiene like a nigger, his best friend is a literal nigger drag queen.... I’m wondering what the fuck? And he is the one who told me “but look at the beautiful mocha babies” I’m puzzled as fuck about him.

We're dying off right now. It's not just about immigration
>pic related
We are literally dying off in yuge numbers as white genocide continues in the background. The only solution we have at present is Accelerationism. If you can come up with a superior alternative I'm happy to change tactics but I don't think you can.

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Start a political party, take executive and legislative control. Coup d'etat. this one would require that we kick them out to israel

These are shitty ideas, ngl

You're right *I* can't, but may we all can

LoL fuckin tagged myself

goddamn... he's the same age as me wtf

Ok. I'll lurk the thread and see how it pans out.

>Yes goys please help me achieve my plans even quicker
Accelerationism is literally the dumbest shit ever. This is the action of a brainlet

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then go fucking apply faggot and gtfoh

I don't think accelerating us into a south-american brown commie shithole is a solution

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lol it might take a couple threads

Have children and tell them about niggers and Jews. This is the solution

What's the solution to waking up whites to their replacement?

Even if whites have 5 kids, with all the non-white immigration coming thanks to Trump, we won't outbreed the spics.

then let's get to thinking here. anything we can go off here. we'll need a couple major things to get an op running,
1. A clear goal
2. Knowledge about the targets
3. Detailed plans on execution

Don’t join them user, just RedPill your spic friends, remember to tell them that Hitler just wanted racial pride and national pride for every nation! I go to Mexico and I want to see Mexican plays, Mexican dances and Mexican food, to Peru to drink Peruvian pisco, just tell them the truth. You don’t want to see Jew York in every country with the same malls and the same bullshit being sold

Doing bad goy stuff in Minecraft is useful, though.
Accelerationism is pulling a tooth out, as opposed to letting it rot out of your head. By speeding things up, you break the system faster, meaning fewer generations have to deal with this situation, but have a chance at something potentially better. It wouldn't take much to make things better.

I'd rather take the dangerous and uncertain way than the certainly bad way.

refer to this

Agreed. Have your spic friends work together to fix your homes

Hahahahahahaha home page on his browser already user

so I haven't been on Jow Forums for awhile and it seems that there has been more shills since the last time I was here do you think the jidf is getting scared

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i'd make the wager

clearly. something's up. debatable as to which

For now the clear goal is to name the jew, get the normies onboard with naming the Jew, as for acceleration.... that’s a balance game, if you have 50% of the white population naming the Jew and it’s no longer a taboo.... then we accelerate.... till then? We can’t accelerate in my opinion.

Scared? Of us?

We aren't the dangerous ones. The dangerous ones have already went underground. All that's left up here are nostalgic guys like me and New Awakening tier fags.

New awakening tier fags are what are gonna fill the ranks, once we have enough of them.... us nostalgic fags will also go underground and become “dangerous” as you put it

Lol if you guys want to keep the discussion going, idk if (((discord))) is still being used, but if you guys want to chat, i made a shit one.

Discord Code: cvjXGNt

yeah something is getting ready to go down I can feel it in my gut

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I'm gonna let you in on a little secret...
Weimar Republic was controlled by Democratic Socialists. They nearly destroyed Germany and redpilled every German in the process. Only that environment allowed Hitler and National Socialism to rise. No one enjoys social birthing pains but they must occur.

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replacement is a complicated problem and it's not only just about awareness

I think the simplest way to undo it is to start at the beginning and just reverse everything that has been done rather than try to propagandize a "4th reich" without any media control

if we fix the economy and get rid of all the welfare, white people will be making enough money to have more babies
also if we subsidize the cost of things like diapers instead of giving mothers money upfront for child support, it would make it affordable but not tempting to have babies and we all know what that would mean demographically

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Accelerationism is a stepping-stone to Reich.

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Suffer now, or suffer later.

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Thanks user, but I’m about to pass out, gotta get my ass up at 6 and take the kids to school.

>if we fix the economy and get rid of all the welfare
how long will that take? in 10 years whites will be 40% of the population at best

we will be once we redpill the masses

Hitler was a faggot who betrayed his countrymen, the SA, and his generals. I hope he choked on argentinian gas. Faggot couldn't listen to anyone but himself.

luckily my parents are redpilled and raised me that way except for telling me that hitler did nothing wrong. I unironically believe that hitler did nothing wrong and wasnt a homicidal racist like hes made out to be, I know he had non whites as SS officers and had admiration of other cultures but I feel like its a losing battle for my fellow spics, spics have evolved into different things from America loving "white washed" hispanics, whic I am labeled for partaking in "white people" activities and interests, to full blown la raza communists, gang bangers, welfare leeches and just plain retarded motherfuckers, the only predominately right wing hispanics ive met were cubans that fled the communists and good ol boys you meet in flyover states. I am afraid that hispanics that share my values are extremely rare, I am afraid my people have succumbed to jewish trickery, making them believe that white people are the enemy when in fact its them, hispanics and whites have been coexisting in america since the early 1900s maybe even before that without many problems, if there was really a problem between us you would have lynched us along with niggers.

>Hitler was a faggot who betrayed his countrymen, the SA, and his generals
How so?

I really think it is essential. The more numbers we get, the better. Redpilling is an art, it must be crafted in order to give the best experience and to do that we need high quality infographs and charts that look clean and stylish and not some blurry screencaps edited with paint.