How do we solve this inequality issue before it becomes critical?

How do we solve this inequality issue before it becomes critical?

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breddy gud but where does tyrone fit into all of this ?

state mandated gfs

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work on yourself, acquire money, become a man of value, like, literally a prize. then you will have women to pick from, and if you have done the work, you'll know how important it is to not pick the wrong woman.
nice guys are catepillars still in coccoons. they have the potential to break out of it and become a beautiful butterfly, but that requires struggle and work. if you just stay in the coccoon, you'll die in it alone.

You fix it by hitting the gym, you pussy. Chad Nationalism is the only path to the future.

Make lots of money?

*gasp* you're not a nice guy if you call a woman a b*tch and a guy a jerk!

Now excuse me as I suck chads dick and he pulls my hair, spits on me and calls me a whore. So much better than you "nice" guys :P

I'm so glad I completely ignored the retarded gym fetish that was huge after zyzz died. What a bunch of gay shit.

Rich guy is in the closet jerking it to Tyrone doing it with her in the bed.