Why are some guys incels and others aren't? What can an incel do to get out of their situation?

Why are some guys incels and others aren't? What can an incel do to get out of their situation?

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incels are born because of poor genetics or lack of knowledge
chads are born because of good genetics and a good sense of security when it comes to social activities

>What can an incel do to get out of their situation?
hang a noose because no "femoid" wants your dumbass lmao

Okay, on the off-chance you're not just some memespouter wasting a thread space:
Fucking stop. There are no such things as chad, stacy, incel, whatever the fuck. There are people with different stories and different situations, there are way too many variables in any given life to generalize anyone by a label. It was never even made with the intention to be serious and it's your fault you didn't realize that.

You're SEVERELY pigeonholing your potential and your social development if you generalize anyone and that's a big reason why you're lonely. Don't take memespouters seriously, ever. If you actually lurked, you'd realize this is the only board where people are even still saying that, unless it's overt shitposting.

>What can an incel do to get out of their situation?


The cards are stacked against you but the only way out is the painful one.


>Involuntarily celibate

Are you alleging there are not people who are celibate against their own will? This is a real thing.

Your message is almost powerful enough to make me delude myself into thinking I can be a happy normie. Not today Chad.

Don't be dense, it hasn't meant that here since the moment people decided it was memeworthy. It's just another new word for someone who can't get laid. We used to call them virgins, whether or not they had sex before. Limiting yourself and others to the arbitrary potential behind a title this way has been an ongoing attempt to use Jow Forums's well-known ability to manipulate the internet.

These are the people that you're getting your newspeak from.

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People, the entire incel/chad dialectic is a crock of shit. I know people who you would look at them and immediately think "Chad" who have very little sexual experience. On the other hand I'm literally autistic and have quite a few notches in my belt.

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>On the other hand I'm literally autistic and have quite a few notches in my belt.

How? How do you even get to the stage of being able to seduce women when you're autistic?

Asking because I'm also diagnosed aspie except im 100% KHV

Spent a long time focusing on building up my social skills in general. Accepted that I would fuck up and embarass myself a lot and just rolled with it. Also got heavily into fashion ans fitness as hobbies. Once I felt fairly confident socializing with random people in general I started trying to practice flirting more. Biggest obstacle was just becoming more confident making advances, especially with regard to flirtacious touching.

BTW I would say the biggest challenge with this for an autistic is just generally getting out of a mechanistic mindset and learning to go with the flow of a situation.

Also worth it to learn a little bit about sales techniques, especially learning to make people feel at ease/trusting.

>It was never even made with the intention to be serious and it's your fault you didn't realize that.
Based whitepiller

Found the Incel

This is the realest thing I've seen in my life.

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This is the end-all answer and it's a fucking wojak meme Venn diagram.
But it's real as it'll get.

Wtf is an incel and a chad?

Not the guy you're responding to but, yes. I'll step up and allege that, barring a tiny handful of the severely disfigured or disabled, the concept of involuntary celibacy is an odd combination of entitlement, personal weakness, and an almost complete abdication of personal responsibility. Its the participation trophy culture taken into the bedroom. Its an excuse for failed, socially inept men born in an echo chamber.

It's a lurk more newfag

Short answer: its the anxiety. Some folks let it cripple them, some do.

I'm a shrink and one of my jobs is at a small, therapeutic high school for kids with normal-to-high IQs and severe emotional difficulties. About a third of them are autistic. I'd say roughly a third are fucking.

The ones who are successful are largely the ones who just accept that they're weird and awkward and let that be a self selector. They don't try to fake it, they don't try to make people think they're normal, they revel in their weirdness. I've got one kid on my caseload who wears sweatpants 24/7, and he wears a fucking tail with those sweatpants. First 5 minutes of a conversation he's telling you who his favorite furry artists are. The kid is knee deep in pussy. Why? Because anyone who is going to be freaked out by a kid in sweatpants with a poorly made tail isn't going to approach in the first place, and anyone who's going to enjoy hearing about what kinda animals he likes to see fuck are probably the kinds of people who are into the same weird shit. The people who freak out? He doesn't think more about them then you think about the guy who got off the expressway an exit before yours.