*mic drop*

Only losers חeed there assault rifles they caחt fight with out it

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Other urls found in this thread:


Spread the brains around. Shoot em in the head.

I am not strong or smart enough s he saying I don't deserve to be equil?


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An army with guns meets an army with only brains. Who wins? A tyrannical government oppresses a people armed with guns and another tyrannical government oppresses a people with no guns. Who wins?

Smart people use guns. Melee fighting is for fools.

Henry can't have it both ways, but he'll try. He's a faggot like that.

>If you disagree with me, Its okay
Oh, good cuz I do disagr...
>You're wrong.
Well what a fag

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Henry Rollins is a giant faggot innacloset.
He s a pure faggot and cries because his gy boyfriend was murdered by a nigger.
Fuck Henry Rollins the fucking jew cunt.

0/10 low test

t. glowie

>Only losers חeed there assault rifles they caחt fight with out it
Sure thing cupcake, avoid military technology at your own peril. No seriously, plz try to fight without it and using your false sense of Rollins badassery. It will only make victory more swift and clean. I am willing to take the hard option, but if you wish to make this easy mode so be it.



He ran away and let his friend die

Government strong.
People weak.
Therefore 2nd amendment.

What's up with that "n"?

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Based post waster, and checked.

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That doesn't stop gun-toting monkeys HENRY.

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It's easy to say shit like that when your big scary looking. I'd like him to say that to thousands of women who defend themselves from rape every year with their CC.

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Every day I read dozens of stories in the news about people who have talked their way out of home invasions, car jackings, robberies, rapes and murders. All those brains. Such powerful weapons against the weak gun wielding violent criminals hell bent on destruction and death.

rollins turned into a little SJW fag in 1995 and hasn't looked back since. fuck this fake cunt.

best reply

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He is a coward punk. I would skull fuck him. A 12yo could ass rape hennry


looks like you need more brains

The strong do NOT need guns, BUT single mothers living in a bad part of town DO!!

I'm under no delusions of being the strongest being in the world.
Nor do I feel like I should be compelled to have the will of whoever that may be forced upon me.
Much less do I think all elderly or infirm should be subjected the the will of everyone stronger than them.

The army is overwhelmingly right wing and pro-gun, they're the least of your concerns. It's federal three letter agencies and similar branches of government you should be worried about. Anyway I have to laugh at shit like this because Americans on here are forever calling pro-gun Jow Forums browsing Europeans cucks when the USA is full of ass hats like OP pic related making stupid non-arguments and appeals to pseudo-machismo bullshit, barely a quarter of the United States owns gun and a fractional amount more support gun ownership. You faggots had best hang on tightly to that because your first and second amendments are the only things you can hold over the rest of the Western world and the only things keeping you in better-than-Canada-tier. Without it you're just a shittier more multiracial Europe.

He can say that to me with a sucking chest wound lol

I didn’t know that Henry Rollins was an actual retard

Would drop him like a bad day. Talk is cheap when trying to be edgy tatted up hip thrasher 20 years ago.

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Why do police and militaries use guns?
Is it because they're weak?

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>his gy boyfriend was murdered by a nigger.

Now share your work with the class, incel.

yeah thats the point, guns are for people who can't defend themselves

so strength, much macho

Guns are the great equalizer. No shit, the strong don't need guns. The strong are the federal government, armed home invaders, psychopaths with an impermeable moral compass or lack of one and other contentious types you have to face along the course of your life. The WEAK need guns, to equalize the playing field. Your post might have been satire but it's actually true.

Try again fren

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anglos always angsty about gun ownership

if he manned up and carried a gun his best friend would be alive right now
he got rich making absolutely garbage music and lives the life of a privileged rich man but wants to proselytize his lifestyle choices to other people
.. typical celebrity trash

>he dropped his mic BEFORE speaking

>Guns are tools of the weak
That's exactly what makes them great. I'd love it if all the women in my life could carry.

>The army is overwhelmingly right wing

LOL! The military and other armed forces as a whole is not.

larper detected.

Lol it doesn't matter how much you bench press. A little 22 will take you out

That's why they call handguns the great equalizer. Rollins argument would have been more relevant in the 1700's.. and even then he'll have detractors

He's delusional and a moron

Obligatory Henry Rollins post


ikr peopel are generally good, any situtuation can be resolved with a little dialog, but maga-country lynch mobs dont have the mental capacity so like cavemen they shoot first and ask questions later, typical.

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>Henry! Thank we found you!
>The Russians have invaded Alaksa! And they're using some pretty advanced technology. Rifles and tanks that we've never seen that we have no hopes of defeating.
>But thank God you're stronger than any gun on the planet! We'd be screwed if we didn't have someone who could overpower the tools of the weak.
>We're going to parachute you behind enemy lines tonight. Try to destroy as many of their guns as you can. We'd wish you good luck, but as you said yourself "The strong don't need luck."

Yes they are, when Obama came in though - all the blacks in uniform turned democrat

Well, he's right. A gun is the ONLY thing that equalizes a strong 250 lb 6'5" monstrosity and a 5'2" 105lb woman. A gun is the only thing that will allow her to stop him from raping her. That hulking beast can bench 400 and deadlift 550, but even a 22 will punch a hole in his arteries and drop him dead. Guns liberate the weak from the oppression of the strong.

>Your post might have been satire but it's actually true.

What satire! Guns allow the weak and frail to live in unsafe areas. Even the strongest dumbest nigger knows that that a little old white lady can blow his brains out if he breaks into her house. This is why burglaries with the resident in the house are VERY rare in the USA.

fuck women

this fag thinks the Army is the only armed, trained and funded fighting force in the USA, LOL!

Don't go down that rabbit hole

Is it any different in the Navy or Marines?
The air force is the gayest so I take it you're referring to them, they're only one branch though

Oh shit dudes. He sure should us. What a fucking tough guy. Like those really cool middle aged people who have biker gangs on second life

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guns are a power equalizer. what's the problem?

brave brave sir rollins
bravely ran away
when danger reared its ugly head
he bravely turned his tail and fled
yes brave sir rollins turned about
and gallantly he chickened out.
swiftly taking to his feet,
he beat a very brave retreat.

bravest of the brave, sir rollins!

I wonder how guys like this can become so successful and yet remain such faggots.

Who the hell is this faggot and why do i care


liberals in a nutshell. now where does brave henry fit in here? hmmm...

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He's a jew shill. prob sucks cock

Never mind I found out.

is using a Hebrew keyboard

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Even societies that lived by strict codes of conduct and despised the use of firearms knew better.
They disliked them and thought they were degenerate, but they still used them.

Because guess what, if your adversary has a gun and you don't - you're automatically the weak one.
Like it or not

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t. shooting victim

You're only strong by your firepower.

Anti-matter cannon beats nuclear missile beats cruise missile beats gun beats knife beats fists.

Rollins ran away when his boyfriend was held at gunpoint

Hi Mr Jew. All your anti gun shilling makes me want to go out get a licence and buy a few. Previously I would never have had a gun in the house. Your shilling has had the opposite of its intended effect. No shekels for you.

>Grug smash! The post
Liberals confirmed for cavemen.

Saved for the next time this HR spam gets posted.

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I wonder what his position on wamen owning firearms is

The greatest accomplishment this man has made is managing a baskin Robbins.

>Women are weak and don't deserve the right of self protection by guns."
- Henry "The Rape Master" Rollins

I will take my gun against your aging muscles any day Rollins you fucking faggot. That guy is fucking worthless.

Rollins was in a good punk band for 2 weeks in the 80's. That's all he should be remembered for. I have no idea who convinced him he was a spoken word artist or author of merit. i would imagine it was the same retards who wore Free Tibet shirts back in the 90's. Also *mic drop*s are for homo faces.

>The weak (females) should fear the strong (men)
-Henry "Punt a Cunt" Rollins

Henry is clenching his anus to stop the buttlplug from falling out.

Get fucked nigger lover

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I stood next to him stage left one time.
He's about five feet tall.

>I made one post and ran away because I’m too coward to stand up to the garbage I post

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Can someone remind me exactly what qualifies this idiot to tell me anything?
Does he have a PhD or some other form of education?
Or was he some loser who got lucky and caught a break singing in some marginally successful punk band more then 20 years ago.
Fuck off

>what qualifies this idiot to tell me anything
Dude, he was in a band for a while. Have some respect.


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>Implying this isn't an intentional slide thread
Also the faggot responded to my first post and then deleted it.

Okay, I'll meet you on the field tough guy, you don't bring a gun, alright?

>Guns beats muscle
If you think the only people who need guns are weak you are just insulting the women who depend on guns every day for their livelihoods. I mean, why do you want women to be weak and defenseless? You hate women?

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You handle your situation how ever you want, personally if you invade my home and threaten my family you're going to die.

What a faggot slogan.

Remember that when some gang of thugs is taking turns on your wife or daughter.

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promptly gets shot with gun

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