I'm 5'7 and I live in scandinavia. I feel like a midget whever ever I go.
I know it's 80% in my head but I can't deal with it. I dont' know how I even should deal with it. I'm aware that even if all of the heightism in the world would disappear overnight that I still would be insecure.
Grow the fuck up and realize nobody actually gives a shit about this forced internet meme
Nolan Rodriguez
What can I say I fell for the Jow Forums meme. It still troubles me though...
Jackson Johnson
5'7 is a very good height for gymnastics and breakdancing, if it helps to look at the positives. Do you do any sports?
Matthew Johnson
You need to work out and take care of your face and hair. I'm not spouting a meme when I say a male under 6 feet tall isn't attractive. Therese hope for you, as it's easier for shorter guys to get jacked
But the only people who tell you it's okay to be short, are short themselves. You lost this part of the genetic lottery, but you can still make the most of it, I guess
Considering 90% of women don't date guys shorter than themselves, and the average height for women in America in 2018 is 5'6 -5'7, you're likely fucked
Stop asking retards on this website for opinions, I know you won't take criticism (the truth) to heart and will only appreciate those who tell you "it;s okay user, just have a good personality teehee".
Personality doesn't mean shit if a women isn't attracted to you physically RIGHT AWAY. This is fact. You can disagree of course. Have fun being alone and forever non-desirable lmao
Adam Gonzalez
I know it's 80% in my head
Unfortunately it's not in your head dude. Women just don't like tall men, they actively dislike short men. They appear weak and non dominant no matter what (this is just how the human brain works, feel free to do the research).
If you seriously want a descent looking female, you need to make a lot of money
That’s because most short guys are insecure like op, the first girl that liked me was way taller than me, with that being said nowdays i am going out with a girl that has the same height as me
So yeah op is probably fucked he is an adult now he doesn’t have the time or conditions to develop the skills to date tall women
Parker Morris
>Considering 90% of women don't date guys shorter than themselves
>Actually there's multiple studies and survey done in the last couple years to support this fact. Wow dude please stop. I can't hold my position and must admit defeat, how could anyone deny all these studies you've shown me that totally exist?
Carter Hernandez
>Be me, 5'9" >Insecure about being manlet due to Jow Forums memes and actively deprocate myself by calling myself a manlet before others can point it out "Haha user yeah you are short" >Eventually go full elliot and just before I start making bitchy MGTOW vids, I realize I'm an insecure faggot >Stop caring about my height >Never had a girl have a problem with my height, dated a 6'2" big gf and she didn't even care
I dont know about Scandinavia user but the insecurity is the killer. If you're short but confident it often evens out
Nathaniel Sanchez
>>You can either look into yourself and see this is indeed correct and accurate information, OR
Well, I've found a lot of surveys and information that proves otherwise. No, I will not show it to you, you'll just have to google it and see that I am right.
It has been proven over and over again that men below 6' are more physically attractive. Tall virgins like are bitter and envious and make posts like this, all while crying themselves to sleep.
Juan Evans
I literally heard a few women so far talking how they'd never date a shorter guy because it'd feel weird and they couldn't wear heels one of them said she might make a compromise if he were the same height
just look around you next time you go outsde, count the number of couples where the guy is taller or at least the same height, and then count the number of couples where the guy is shorter
Isaac Reyes
You literally did not hear that and are making shit up.
Nathan Price
>just look around you next time you go outsde, count the number of couples where the guy is taller or at least the same height, and then count the number of couples where the guy is shorter Ok I did, you're fucking wrong
how? never have i seen anyone around this height (myself included) have success with women
t. not OP, but another scandi
Hudson Anderson
You are lying or willfully blind. Look around at you and see which men are the foreveralone types. Notice something? That's right, they are always tall. At 170cm you are optimal for looksmaxing and can easily get any girl you want.
Asher Russell
Women don't care that much about how tall exactly a guy is, as long as he's the same height or (at least slightly) taller.
5'7 is 170 cm. I'm a 24-year-old Dutch woman who's 174 cm tall and I'm considered tall by a lot of people, even by Dutch standards - my country has the tallest people in the world. You would still be taller than even most of the women in my country. Sounds like you're making a huge deal out of nothing
Anthony Edwards
ok OP the truth is the only thing you can do is work on improving your other attributes like being really rich if you are rich you wont care about tall hobo's you will emanate masculinity and dominance, tall men will envy your success and women may be attracted to you
Colton White
Like Destiny has said, the only time people have given him shit for his height is on the internet. No one in real life actually cares unless they're also infected by internet memes.
Isaac Miller
>I'm not spouting a meme when I say a male under 6 feet tall isn't attractive. Uh yes you are. You’re just so consumed by your own bs you’ve started to believe it. What are your stats and gender?
Daniel Cooper
Then how am I 5 3 and been dating a 5 7 or 5 8 redhead for 3 years
Lucas Green
there's plenty of women shorter than 5'6" and not even asian or hispanic women, yes OP isn't going to be the most desirable guy in terms of height but to say he's fucked is such an extreme overstatement.
Jaxson Davis
170cm in europe won't get you anywhere
Dylan Carter
Stop worrying about shit you can't change. Worry about shit you can change.