How do I deal with a loud roomate?

Sometimes, for no particular reason he will BLAST music so loud I can feel the bass, even though I'm upstairs. We're renting a 1940's 2 level house. Usually he says, "sorry" and turns it down. But recently he doesn't, Appartantly it's because of """""""""""""""""""gf issues""""""""""""""""""". He basically threw a temper tantrum when I asked him to turn it down this time politely. He ghosted me and when I got upstairs he turned it up more and started literally banging on the walls. How do I deal with this shit? Just call the police if it keeps ups? Not surprising to some but he's drug using black.
> inb4 move out
I just fucking might laddie.

Attached: helper helper enjoying some music .jpg (746x541, 43K)

Or get him headphones...

I was legit thinking that but I think he literally likes the vibration of the bass. Couldn't hurt though.

Do you think I should get him over ear or earbuds. Or both?

Roommates are pieces of shit. You can try talking to him but he won't listen. If you are not in the position to kick him out then just move. That will be the most painless way.

start walking around the house naked. tell him you'll stop when he stops with his shitty habits.

Sounds like you're in the UK, so check what Citizen's Advice Bureau says. It's either that or a Jow Forums solution.

The bass is going to travel. Headphones are a great option and there are gaming chairs that move the sound to the chair.

I live in Maryland.

I'll probably start that if he doesn't use the headphones I buy him.

Am I the only one who gets anxiety when someone is playing bass loudly? I feel like it literally affects my heartbeat/rate. I'm not even obese, 6'1 180. Fuck I hate roomates.

>he just laughs at OP's weiner

>implying I won't go down without a half wood

Just move and get out
People like that just stay like that forever. 20, 40, 70-- once that brand of shitty, and always. Seen it happen enough to know well enough what unchanging people are like.
They usually never mentally graduated high school and are the types who romanticize their life there, when in reality everyone knows it was because we were young and inexperienced that made anything novel or deep.

It's best to just leave him to his thing. Let some roid rager move in who'll just start breaking his shit. You, get you a geriatric neighbour who smokes the dope. They probably won't make a bunch of noise even if they smell.

I'm in a really werid situation right now but I'll see. I'm not living here because I want to. Just nessescity and circumstance. This house is dogshit dirty downstairs so I don't know anyone who'd want to move in. It's basically the opium den of potheads and xanex users.
Would probably just move before I did anything else.

>knock on door
>"if ya don't turn down thet music raht now Imma smash ya, bruv"
>smash him if he doesn't
>call the bobbies and claim he started it when you knocked on the door, asked him to turn it down, and he said, "if ya doon't get out me face Imma smash ya, bruv" but you insisted so he attacked you
>all evidence is hearsay
>falls apart in court

It'll work probably.

Move out as soon as you can, you can't solve this shit. My first year of college had one of my 'best friends' as a roommate and the guy was a total dipshit. It amazed me how fucking delusional he was, said that I make life hard for him etc. Fucker was staying awake allnight 4 days a week playing lol. He even got pissed when I suggested him to use headphones. The truth was that he was kindoff depressed and a total fucking loser from a social standpoint but the nigger had absolute no self awareness.

You can't deal with this shit unless you have a reasonable person with whom you can agree on a general set of rules, that's how it's done. Save yourself energy and move now or learn how to deal with it cause the bullshit will never stop.

Yeah, I can't move out right now because I'm in the middle of joining the USAF. If I don't get I'll definitely move. Absolutely can't do anything like
Can't do anything serious with the police because I'll have to inform my recruiter. Right now I'm kinda fucked, best bet I think is to buy him headphones. Landlord is a whole diffrent fucking universe so SHE'S no help.
She feels bad for this loser wanna-be ghetto trash for some reason. Hasn't paid rent since AUGUST. People are so fucking stupid, I'd be fucking stupid for staying here if I don't get in the USAF.

Good luck bro, sounds like you'll need some.

Yep. Had shit luck since Dec. 2017. I guess if there's a silver lining it's that money isn't necessarily an issue so I can move relatively quickly if USAF doesn't pan out. The best part is the landlord has said she's turning off the utilities and evicting everyone once I leave, since I'm the only one paying rent.

>being roommates with a black

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I know, shocking. Kinda out of necessity right now but I would never if given the chance. I'm 21 and this is the first time I've rented a place. Good to make this mistake now then later when I'm even more crass and pissed off than I am now.
If my state wasn't such a liberal shithole that was lax on weed possession I would of called the police already and had them raid the house.