Why do people like Stephen Colbert support Bernie Sanders?

Why do people like Stephen Colbert and other celebrities support Bernie Sanders even though he says things that directly work against their economic interests, such as "tax the 1%", or proposing higher taxes across the board?
Do you think these people actually support Bernie, or do they just pretend they do to get millennial/zoomer fans, and then when they're sitting in the voting booth they tick (R), a party that does benefit the wealthy?
Also, why don't more working class people support Bernie? Not saying he'd be a better president than Trump or anything, but I just think it's interesting that Democratic Socialism tends to be supported by the ultra wealthy in the USA, and that trait seems to be uniquely American.

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Jewish brainwashing

Because Bernie is not going to tax the rich and the rich know that. The rich know that there will always be provisions to protect their wealth. Everyone knows you can't become US president as a nobody. And if you're not nobody, you have money, meaning you won't tax yourself. Not even the purest socialists are this selfless.

because the whole thing is a fucking scam and they know it

Because Bernie sold out to Hillary you moron, proving he is controlled opposition

> "tax the 1%", or proposing higher taxes across the board?

Bernie has no chance he is there to drum up Democrat turnout which will be transferred to the nearest neolib scum

>Also, why don't more working class people support Bernie?

Because most working class people don't believe that a politician is going to raise taxes on the rich only on the lower/working class.

>Democratic Socialism tends to be supported by the ultra wealthy in the USA

It isn't most of the upper class are neolibs who believe in taxing the middle and working class while letting the elite rape the economy.

It looks like you have some growing up to do, junior. Now I want you to sit in your room and think about why you are wrong. Once you've figured it out, we can talk about it, k sport? Run along now.

Because Bernie's socialist policies, which he claims are against "the elite's" interests, are actually very much so IN the elite's interests.

Why is taxing the 1% bad again? Go work at fucking Wallmart for minimum wage and no benefits and tell me that the 1% give a shit

People like Colbert "support" Bernie because they know that he's not going to ever win, but it gives him (Colbert) some "Millenial street cred". It's like throwing your support behind a retarded girl with a hair lip in a beauty pageant; most people aren't going to tell you that you're stupid for expecting her to win, and most people will just go "D'awww, that's sweet of you." Furthermore, if someone like Bernie DID win Colbert's still going to be very cozy financially. He makes more in a week than most of us could wish to make in a decade probably. Even if you took away 70% of Colbert's wealth he's still going to be wealthier than 99% of people in the country or and the world.

If he supported the wrong person he wouldn’t have a job.

healthcare and chance at education man bad

Because; where do you think Bernies Campaign funds are going to end up?
>say you want to redistribute the wealth from the 1% to the 99%
>take donations from ordinary people (99%) and give it to mega rich TV corporations (1%) for political adds

same reason why hillary machine supported trump in the primaries

Cuz he's a shill for the dems, he knows (and resents it) and Bernie is the only candidate that would allow to think freely again

>The rich know that there will always be provisions to protect their wealth.

such as? what's something Bernie wouldn't be able to change?

>even though he says things that directly work against their economic interests, such as "tax the 1%", or proposing higher taxes across the board?

It's almost as though profit isn't the biggest concern for normal people.

You expect Americans to be logical?

They're phonies. Open borders but live behind 60 foot wall with guards in a gated community.

He's not stopping them from being rich. Their current levels of wealth is super overkill. I say that as someone who owns nice rental properties. The difference between a millionaire and a billionaire is beyond the comprehension of normal people.

(((HollyWood))) congregates around Sanders
Cynthia Nixon, Nomiki Konst, Larry David
The old fuck is the linchpin of Jews and Hollywood completely supports him

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blackmail. celebrities have been cherry picked and coerced into compromising photographs while under the influence of drugs and alcohol

Because capitalism vs socialism is a psyop.

implying colbert is part of the 1%

nigger please