How do I get a kawaii asian gf?

How do I get a kawaii asian gf?

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So... You don't have one, and want one, amirite?

What stops you from asking them out? I mean, that's pretty much the way to do it.

If your actually being serious then your best chance is to move to an Asian country and find yourself an Asian gf. You Could also download this app tantan which is an Asian dating app. However the girls on there don't even speak English and they don't really want to date americans.

Not OP, but I do want an Asian gf

You can't just ask a random girl out unless you're some sort of chad. If you're an average or ugly dude it's gonna be harder to find a gf

Greencard marriage/gf.

The best way is to go to a college with a good amount of asians, that's your best bet, or go to an Asian country.

she's average 6/10. If you're not dogshit ugly you'll pick her up easy.

The app only works in Asian countries?

Protip: yellow fever is gross and Asian girls deal with enough of it already and can smell it on you from a mile away

No it works in the US but all the girls on there are from Asian countries and are in the US usually for college. Some do speak English but good luck trying to find one who will actually date an American unless your rich or you can offer them a visa.

This, if you fell for the "asians are pure and traditional wifes" meme they can tell and will avoid you

So its better to try to meet them in person or other dating sites? Have you used it?

Don't you think it's a bit fucked up to want to be with someone just because of their race? What does this say about you and how you perceive others?
If you think that they're generally cute, yeah I get that desu but it's not like it's all that matters or that no other women can be attractive. And if you think that they tend to have a certain personality that you like then it might statistically be true but there's no guarantee and again it doesn't mean that other women might not have good personalities too.

I've used tinder, hinge and bumble before. The Asians on there are American Asians for the most part. So there more likely looking a for an American guy. I also live in a state which has a decent Asian population but the part in live in doesn't really have that many so I haven't really met too many in public. I've gone out with one and almost with two others that I met off of tinder. You're best bet is probably using a dating app unless you live a place that has a decent Asian population.

that girl is ugly, notice how she's covering her face.

Do you want a westernized asian or homegrown? I just got back from a girl out of mainland china and she was very polite, but it just didn't work out. I used to think non-american girls would be more based. But I keep running into duds. Guess a fantasy is just that.

Thanks for the info. I also heard college is a nice way to meet them. Is it creepy to go to Chinatown and hit on them there?

Tbh I've only been to China Town like twice. But I would say yes it would be kinda creepy. Go to the areas surrounding China Town so that way u won't stand out. Also go to places that serve bubble tea. For some reasons Asians love that shit.

So go to areas around China town and hit on them there? I used to get bubble tea when I was dating my ex, they like that stuff, so go to bubble tea stores and try to approach them? Have you cold approached Asian girls before?

I keep getting rejected though.

I like the Americanized ones

With the China Town thing that's up to you. Tbh I don't really know if they would find it creepy or not. I just get not so friendly vibe when I'm there like they're only looking to hang out with other Asians and not other races so much. Like I said I've only been in down China like twice. Also it depends on the bubble tea place. A good one would be like a Cafe. You know people are chilling and reading book or working on a paper. Also I haven't cold approach an Asian before because like I said before the place I live doesn't have many of them unless I go the city.

Ah okay, thanks for the advice. I'll probably try to find a cafe in China town and see how it goes, maybe go to some popular restaurants and sites. How about cold approaching in general, have you done it and gotten results?

Probably because you're a fucking creep and no one wants to be around you.

Invest in a trip to Japan and work on your Japanese language skills, look up the English language cafes and clubs and regularly attend and you'll go far, yellow fever isnt seen as a thing to most Japanese girls if youre there.

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I dated asian women, from vietnamese to Chinese and to westernized Ones. Asian women aren't the type to stick around plus from my experience all of them cause too much problems. I'm with a latina right now and I'm having no problems. Also, you really want an Asian girl that dresses like that? With that description? Good luck keeping her lol

Is it yellow fever if you're not attracted to any Asians as relationship material that aren't Japanese? I find most Korean women shallow like Western women, and Chinese women seem depserate to get married off to white guys to get the fuck out of China, South East Asian I'm not into, but Japanese girls are legitimately cool, down to Earth, and pretty normal plus cute.

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Just go hang out at those boba tea places you will find tons there but picking them up might be difficult if you aren't an attractive asian or white guy. Also asian girls aren't too keen on being hit on by complete strangers so it would be easier it you have a mutal friend with that girl.

If you are average you can improbe your market value a lot by dressing nicely and having some muscles. /fa/ and Jow Forums are your friends, user.

Also, nice dubsssssssss

>However the girls on there don't even speak English and they don't really want to date americans.
>best chance


Dude if you are a white american you will have no problem getting an asian chick in asia

>Don't you think it's a bit fucked up to want to be with someone just because of their race?
Why would it be? Everyone behaves differently thanks to their upbringing. The environment one was raised and its culture have a large impact on someone's personality. So despite that everyone acts different, one's race can have a huge impact on said personality thanks to their culture that their parent or environment throws at them. If OP likes cutesy girls, Asians are usually a good choice. Now that's not to say that every Asian girl will be of the cutesy type, but there's a larger percentage in that regard.

>it's not like it's all that matters or that no other women can be attractive
Of course, but if OP is attracted to "cute", then a cute girl it's going to be. There are cute girls in different races too, but Asians are the first ones that come into someones mind when you say "cute".
Lets say you wanted some gangster-type girl, you would probably go for a black race or Moroccan girl. Doesn't mean that black or Moroccan girls can't be cute, or Asians can't be gangster, but you'll find them in larger quantities in their respective races.

I had a cute Chinese ex once, which then was preceded by a very cute Dutch girl, who was a lot cuter in both appearance and personality. But that's a very rare trait for Dutch girls.

Gotta be sugoi neeee?

>Is it yellow fever if you're not attracted to any Asians as relationship material that aren't Japanese?

Nah, you're just a fucking weeb.