Group slut isn't attracted to me

>group slut isn't attracted to me

How do i get over this?

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go find some other whore user :)

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She's fucked everyone but me, it hurts my ego.

Get more attractive, man.
If she's fucked everybody except you, then something about you is so unappealing even a girl like that won't touch you.
If you find out what that is and fix the problem, it'll help you in future.

roll for better genes in the next life

Ignore her and new bitches to rail.

Id like to hear more about this slut

She's pretty and knows it. She's always bragging about how guys wont leave her alone no matter what she's wearing out. She doesn't seem to have high standards for men, so the fact that i'm off the list must mean i'm super fucking ugly

Why do you give a shit? Why do you have a "group slut"? I guess it would be kinda cool to know a girl that's guaranteed sex.

Because being unfuckable by someone with no standards is pretty fucking bad. I don't know, she's actually pretty cool so its not like she's annoying, just whorish

What about STDs?

Well i guess i'll use that as my cope.

Hmmm idk how I feel about this

I have this exact same issue OP. There's a girl I know who has slept with literally about 90% of the single guys in my extended social circle, as well as sleeping with plenty of random guys from Tinder. She's cool and kinda cute, I don't want to date her, but wouldn't mind sleeping with her.

I've literally seen her get off with every type of guy, short, tall, thin, fat, young, old, traditionally attractive and not. One guy she slept with is fat and going bald in his 20s. But she has no interest in fucking me at all. I dont know whats wrong with me that this can be the case. With guys like us, I think it goes beyond mere looks, because plenty of weird looking guys can sleep with "easy" girls. It's something deep and primal about us that subconsciously repulses women and no amount of self-improvement can fix it.

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I'm glad someone else can relate, this describes her and my situation almost exactly. I almost want to make a serious move on her just because I can't stand that she hasn't fucked me, but the social rejection chance would be pretty high.

By wanting to fuck her you let her win. Do not associate yourself with sluts. It has to be you not wanting to sleep with her not the other way around.

>group slut in hs teases me all the time
>invites me over
>parents aren't home
>think this is the time to make a move
>'w-what are you doing, user?'
>years later realize how lucky i was

So did you fuck her....?

No, but I also didn't get herpes.

She probably senses your desperation.
Literally don't pay attention to her outside of small talk. She'll be all over your dick in no time.

Being an incel is a nonsensical thing. Girls are willing to sleep with all manner of ugly, fat, disgusting, pathetic, even depressive men. But if you have the sweet spot combination of mild insecurity, low self-esteem, inexperience, and fear of rejection, then no matter how attractive, tall, or wealthy you are, you will dry up 99% of girl's pussies like the sahara desert.

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Agree with this.

if trash isn't attracted to you that doesn't mean you're below trash

have you considered you're above trash and that's why the trash is scared/put off by you

Can you neurotypicals just leave?

>But if you have the sweet spot combination of mild insecurity, low self-esteem, inexperience, and fear of rejection
I want to die

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>But she has no interest in fucking me at all
How do you know this? Have you ever actually tried to sleep with her or do you just lust after her from afar?

oh fuck this is this common huh
the group slut would tease me in hs too
now I'm a 26 year old kv who is either afraid of women or just hates them

Shit advice kys

Haha. Is this how normalfags cope?

Yeah right? Someone should start a thread about that

Just arrange a way to be alone with her and steal a kiss from her OP. She won't resist.

I had been looking for a job for a couple months after finally quitting my fast food wage slavery. I really didn't want to get on the retail carousel, but I needed money to live and swallowed my pride.

I applied to literally dozens of places. Target, Walmart, and some local grocer/sundry store are the only 3 that got back. I went in for interviews, they seemed to be good, and while at all 3 locations I noticed the people already employed were... off. One leg shorter than the other, speech impediments, the local grocer even had a down syndrome cashier.

All 3 rejected me. I was literally less employable than genetic failures. I realized then that there was something non-physical about me that I was missing and that no one, when asked directly, could describe. I am not worthless. My worth actively detracts value from everything around me. I am negative worth.

You think so?

Yes, for two reasons:
I. She probably saw the lust from all the guys, even the fat bald one, and needs you to show her the same, and
II. If she brags about guys not leaving her alone, this is her thing (trust issue probably). Be one of those guys.