Bongs have balls ?
Who would have thought
Bongs have balls ?
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I fucking love the Queen.
Gotta give a girl credit, it takes a lot of bravery to volunteer to be a jihadhi rape pig. But yeah, fuck off we're full.
WTF i love the rosbifs now
I'm surprised the bleeding heart lefties aren't having a mass protest in support of her.
>Bongs have balls ?
>Who would have thought
I'm surprised. Usually the British authorities are the most spineless, ineffectual jellies ever. The must be some actual dependable men in the security apparatus that made the decision.
Don't worry canada will pick her up
they're working on it
Per international law, they can't not take her. Stripping her citizenship is a symbolic gesture; if nobody else claims her, the Brits have to welcome her back in.
Next step is forced repatriation for the rest of them