Bernie is running

Bernie is running
He is already raising millions

The game has changed Jow Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:!qLZSECJJ!9F9Z28qzzuTWks96_IRyQw!BxEThIaK!7EThxsN2Id7VkmgeplScUA

How many times must we teach you this lesson old man?

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Oh yay, another center-left SocDem. This'll definitely end American capitalism.

OP is a faggot

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Lol at Hillary letting Bernie even get past Iowa.

Too many people know about the millions he got to flop the last primary. He fucked his chances in the ass with a dump truck.

you have fallen for the scam that a lefty professor will have the will to change the status quo, in any other way than complaining about it

>I will attack from the left they'll never suspect my trolling this way

Those paycucks need to send more of their life savings, Harris is going to need it.

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> in any other way than complaining about it
hasn't Trump said he complains about things until he gets his way?

I’m gonna have to agree with the communist on this one
You’re retarded and you lost to hillary

Imagine being an anarkiddie and derailing the revolution. Embrace the eternal philosophy of Marxism-Leninism or fuck off, cop.

>hillary spent over a billion
>still fucking lost
thanks for the confident boost kike, hope your family in israel is bombed soon.

>He is already raising millions
He already has several mansions; does he just want a few more to add to his collection?

This. Imagine idolizing a bourgeois dinosaur playing 'socialist'.

>Bernie is running
>He is already raising millions
Oh, back to Israel...

he is not a career government employee

Nothing will wash away the image of him cucking to BLM on his own stage.
Or showing his belly to the DNC and clinton after he said he would fight.
Sanders is weak.

>Bernie is running
>He is already raising millions

He will screw you over again just like he did in 2016, Berniebro. Are you too stupid to learn from your mistakes?

Attached: bernie-what-he-did-in-2016.png (825x631, 40K)

If he actually got the white house, would the cunt not be 90 by the end of 2 terms? I say let him run, his base is shattered between ideologies and will never get to their former strength and core principles.

And millions of dumb college kids are gonna be tricked out of their dads' money again.

Old Bernie couldn't last a round with Trump. Venezuela alone is enough to send everyone running from this socialist faggot.

A socialist candidate can't be promote because to do so would be to say that he has more merit to be president than any other candidates or any other rando from the street. This violates the idea that we are all equally qualified for any job and that no one should be given power or priority over any other.

To promote a socialized candidate is to say you are the oxymoron of politics.

Muh Vuvuzela. Imagine thinking a country where like 80% of the industry is privately owned constitutes socialism.

Bernie is a fucking idiot. Constantly crying for "new voices" but here he is to divide the democrats again.

looks like somebody thought Bernie is a better deal than AOC

I actually want hillary to run again

It's PAC money you fucking dweeb. Leave this board until you learn how politics works.

I wonder which candidate chosen by the elite he will bend the knee to this time.

2020 Bernie will be fucked by superdelegates again and no refunds will be given again.

But didn't trump absolutely pwn the king of wrestling in that one match? I remember his finishing move "The Trump ChokeSlam"

>Literally the most popular politician in America
>Trump's polling numbers are dogshit because he's fucking terrible
>Already saw a massive blue wave in the midterms

He's gonna win my dudes

I've already donated $130 to him, and you can't do fucking nothing, HAHAHAHAHAHA. Also, my next paycheck is coming in again next week so i can donated another 100 bucks! Have fun losing your shit, Jow Forums, when Bernie is the president!!

You couldn’t even beat a vagina, what makes you think he’ll win?

Bernie is the best viable option that's running currently. I would take him over a centrist Democrat or a far-right crank. Doesn't change the fact that he's a SocDem dressing up as a socialist.

Congrats, you are unironically the stupidest person I've seen so far this month


Imagine actually using the
>not real socialism

How good of a career politician is Bernie? How many of his laws have been passed?

(((Bernie)))'s running to split the Dem tick between Kamala niggers and white hipsters; so Zion Don will when again.

Trump's the perfect Jewish pawn now.

Keep it up, (((Bernie))) needs anudda lake house.

The game has changed? What the fuck are you talking about. Bernies going for the Bonus Cash Round 2: Electric Redditorloo

He's gonna cash in on these retards AGAIN, and he's gonna get it, every penny they saved since the last tine he fleeced them. Only question is, who's he gonna bend the knee to this time? Biden?

What I like best about Bernie is not only did the leaked emails show he was a plant to capture the college aged useful idiots.
But he even gave all the donation money to Hillary and the establishment.
Now the useful idiots with their goldfish like memory are going to repeat the cycle. There are many more great laughs coming like pic related.

Attached: bernie buy my book goy.jpg (1427x1128, 408K)

But you said it was socialist until it began suffering from socialism.

>>The game has changed Jow Forums

are you sure because it sounds exactly the same

How many donations will he pocket this time?

>massive blue wave
>lost senate seats
>gained half of the seats that they lost in the prior admins midterm
He’s a less retarded AOC

>He is already raising millions

Redditors have been sending him their kids' college funds for the last three years. Berniebros in San Francisco can't even afford to shit indoors any more. Him announcing that he's running again will have no effect on the amount of donations he's getting.

That screenshot

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Oh no no no no no no no....don't you retards remember your woman studies prof teaching you about intersectionality? Sorry kids, liberal women don't want another white male in the White House. I can't even see AOC getting around this for her endorsement; she's going to have to endorse Hobama. As the left continues to eat itself......

>falling for a shitty bait

literally commit suicide today

This, but unironically. I already donated. I don't need corporations to fund my candidates, unlike all the republifags.

Because words don't mean things anymore, right?

>>Trump's polling numbers are dogshit

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What the fuck are you on about? No I didn't.

>he is raising millions

You mean convincing millions of redditors and soifags to give him more shekels so that he can buy his next beachside resort?

I'm a dirt-poor Ukrainian and I donated half my paycheck to Bernie

Your autistic theories can't be realised. Nothing will ever be "real socialism". Pic related is less fantastical.

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White genocide is real.

if biden runs, no way bernie wins, all the super delegates and rigging will make this happen,
also there will be pressure on harris to become VP for biden,
and given that warren + other progressive are running, the progressive vote is split.
It doesnt matter than Bernie will win Iowa and NH, because on super tuesday, the vote spilt and bernies lack of appeal to blacks will cause biden to win the nomination.
If biden doesnt run, then the vote splitting alone + super delegates +rigging, will cause Harris to win in a landslide with only ~30% support because of the progressive vote split
if harris wins, get ready for 4 more years and a conservative majority supreme court

Now you're just starting a totally different debate. Can you actually define what socialism is? Or are you as politically retarded as you seem?

>pretend to be a communist
>raise millions through superpacs.
>we da rebolushiun

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No I think he means not being bought by Jews and corporations before even being elected and getting private donations from people who want to vote for him.

dumping redpills

>Alt base

>race realism and IQ

>The great replacement



>Diversity + Proximity = War


>Race mixing

>redpilled threads

>other redpills


>men and women

>other pastebin links

>book collection


>infographs #1!qLZSECJJ!9F9Z28qzzuTWks96_IRyQw

>infographs #2!BxEThIaK!7EThxsN2Id7VkmgeplScUA

>over 2 terabytes of redpills

LMAO - this is going to be good - the weekend at bernies crew will be a tremendous reaping of tears

>Jow Forums will start having Bernie 2020 general everyday
What a time to be alive

once a commie always a commie and bernie's a commie

Perfect; this homo already has you convinced he's doing you a favour by letting you empty your wallet for him. Maybe consider it practicing instead of donating (in the event he finds a lamp with a Jewish genie inside for a win)

Guns amiright? Trucks.

>Now you're just starting a totally different debate.
lol no, I'm pointing out that your "not real socialism" meme is full retard. Socialism only exists in you head, not in reality. The fact that you can't see that proves that you're either a child or suffer from a very severe mental handicap.

El Trumpo has raised over 100 million so far, u mad?

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Lmao imagine thinking a basic bitch like Bernie Sanders is anywhere near being a communist.

history repeats itself

Attached: bern lost again.jpg (750x562, 47K)

What do you perceive to be socialism, then?

Well its not like you were alive in 1988 so I don't blame you being more retarded than usual

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Says the cunt who probably faps to the red headed ozzy version of Trump

Eat a dick cunt

A childish fantasy.

Cop-out response. Not unsurprising.

No refund goy

Him partying with a few Ruskies doesn't change the fact that he's pushing vacuous Scandinavian-tier center-left garbage.


Then don't vote for him.
Vote for Jill Stein imo

look at that fuckhead u support !

Attached: berncommie day one.png (575x887, 663K)

Stein is honestly one of the more competent people in American politics imo.

Biden will get the nomination. He's already polling higher and he's the corporate mafia's choice.

I don't support him. I think he's weak sauce.

another dumbass doesn't know what cover is - once the power is achieved your ass will be pumped to explosion

Then make sure to tell your friends to vote for her too

>thinking Bernie's campaign won't raise tens of millions
>not realizing candidates can pay for personal expenses using campaign money
>not realizing all the left over money will end up in the hands of whatever center left milquetoast liberal makes it out of the primaries

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He won't because despite google and the medias help (they already have), his pedo lined closet will come out for sure.

Bernie is just a fundraising scheme by establishment Dems to get your brainlet donations. He'll get cucked again and give all your matched donations to the establishment pick. No refunds.

Trump is supported by Jews and corporations and you guys love it.

he's right though, real socialism has never been implemented on a large scale. at best you've had small territories run by anarchists, syndicalists, and the like. there's also small communes and collectives. it's never been implemented on a large scale, for several reasons. I don't hate Marxists, I'm just being real

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Well if he actually is the glorious tankie some of you think he is (he isn't) then I'll have nothing to complain about.

Also the Dem primary winner will almost certainly be an anti-white feminist shitskin who opposes trade protectionism because "muh woke global capitalism".

Bernie Sanders' offices are currently located in the Masonic Lodge
HQ in Burlington, VT.
The Washington Masonic Lodge of the Grand Lodge of Vermont,
Free & Accepted Masons, had been chartered in 1795.

You're ruining the thread with your gay flag and whiny faggotry. Kys.

that could totally happen. even if major players are behind biden he won't have the level of support hillary did. it wouldn't take much for another candidate with connections to torpedo him. theres a lot of candidates in the DNC primary, it could easily get ugly to the point they take each other out before anyone gets to Trump