Why do girls have this dissapointment face when I jack off to orgasm after sex even when Im doing it in their face?

Why do girls have this dissapointment face when I jack off to orgasm after sex even when Im doing it in their face?

Why do girls become happy when they make me cum themselves (e.g blowjob) after the sex?

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When you do it yourself they feel like they can't please you. This makes them unhappy and insecure. They want to be able to give you pleasure, because if they can't, there might be someone else who can.

Because the act of pulling out and doing it yourself is an extreme rejection and insult to them

i’m a femanon and i can confirm this to be true

Because women are whores and their only purpose in life is making a man cum. If they can't even do that they have no reason to live.

real frogposting incel hours

Based and redpilled
Cringe and bluepilled (and probably sucks dick for a living)

Femanon here, really accurate. It is also hard for us to understand because we don't have to cum unless we are horny. There is no physical need. I haven't done it for a month I think and I am perfectly fine. I don't think a man would be.

Anyway yeah, you have a girl so why won't you use her? Is doing it yourself that much better? That's what we think.

>Is doing it yourself that much better?
It actually is. Less work, more pleasure. It's like using a vibrator on your bean.

Maybe because not every fucking girl likes getting cum blasted all over their faces? Get the fuck off the internet and learn about real sex.

>They want to be able to give you pleasure, because if they can't, there might be someone else who can.
Why do escorts also feel this way?

Virgin rage: the post.

Sorry but I disagree. Vibrators offer something that a dick/fingers can't, so of course it feels better. They can also be bigger and have a better angle. A dick can be short, perfectly straight and thin so of course that'd feel better.
I'd say a fleshlight would be closer to what a woman can give.

We all know our bodies better than our partners so that's pretty normal, I think it's more about the intimacy and level of satisfaction.

I am not the one to say though, my bf has never been able to give me good orgasms. What a shame.

>Vibrators offer something that a dick/fingers can't, so of course it feels better.
Just like how my hand offers something that a woman's vagina can't (more pressure, grip, friction) therefore feels better.
>A dick can be short, perfectly straight and thin so of course that'd feel better.
lol no
>I think it's more about the intimacy and level of satisfaction.
lol no
>my bf has never been able to give me good orgasms.
exactly my point.

Sorry your gf's vagina is that loose, bro. If she doesn't know how to do a decent blowjob (you know, they can suck you pretty hard), what can I say.

You watch too much porn and don't touch enough real women if you think all women like all fetishes. It's not "virgin rage" it's "porn is a very unrealistic and unhealthy representation of sex and assuming all women want to guzzle semen on their face is an extreme prejudice to the facination with unreal sexual expectations." That's why people with this assumption need to get the fuck off the internet and learn about real sex, with real people, who have real likes and dislikes. Or he can just keep "cumming on all girls faces", and continue cleaning his hand at the end because drawing a face on your hand doesn't make it a real girl's face.

Why jack off, though? Why not let her get you off?

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>Sorry your gf's vagina is that loose, bro.
Sorry you can't make a girl orgasm, "bro". If she's tight, she's not into you.

Virgin rage: the sequel
Rated R for retarded

Why in her face?

Isn't it just humiliating to stop the sex to nut over her face?

What an insecure post.
God damn, you didn't even line up that comeback properly.

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Disgraceful cunt

Oh shit I do this every time me and my gf have sex lmao

I won't next time, I'll just bust inside her

Maybe its because she was 17 and was the first time but, it is not as pleasing as me jerking off

same reason you'd be happier if you make her cum yourself instead of watching her getting orgasm from masturbating to the thought of Chad plowing her after disappointing sex

Girls always get mad when I suck myself off after I fuck them, I wish they would just fucking grow up about it.