LIVE: ‘Yellow Vests’ protest in front of UN headquarters in Geneva
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Why Geneva though?
Apparently they want the UN human rights council to pay attention to the brutality of Macrons police.
I doubt it. Pretty boring. Only a few hundreds of them.
Still they got their asses all the way over there so that's some devotion desu.
I learnt from this protest that Flashballs are made in Switzerland, fucking mountain jews.
At the same time as some politicians are asking Macron to do more to make the protests stop.
The demand of direct democracy directly threatens them and the powers that control them. There will be far more repression, the current regime ruling over Europe won't go as peacefully as the communists did in 1990.
>Flashballs are made in Switzerland
Are they? I'm getting flash-balls and GLI-F4 grenades both being made in France after a quick search.
Also note how there are no riots if the police doesn't start them.
Fair enough, only the weapon is made in Switzerland.