Redpill me on US interventions in the Middle East

Plus, I have some questions:
1)Did the US steal oil or bribed the governments of the countries they invaded into lowering the oil prices below market price (especially Afghanistan)?
2)Did the US steal opium and send it over to their pharma industry? (Afghanistan-related, maybe Pakistan too)
3)Was oil important for the US back then? Does it continue to be as important (to the point they'd invade a country again? Like Venezuela?)?
4)Did they finance the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Hamas?
4.1)I know that before Taliban become Taliban, it was named Mujahideen and the US and some other countries financed them, but did the US finance them after they met their objectives?

And I'd like to ask you to provide sources so I can use in future debates I might have. Thanks you in advance

Attached: U.S Heli.jpg (722x481, 154K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s secret war




Why not do some fucking research, OP?
Make up your own mind?

I don't know. Look up Scott Horton, he might have something on this.

Because I only trust Jow Forums?
Thanks for the lead

From what I hear, most soldiers don’t get into actual combat. And the ones that do are usually fragged by their own guys. On purpose perhaps?

Only trusting random people you dont even know.

The absolute state of Brazillians.

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Lower oil prices is because the US is now the leading oil producer and oil exporter in the world thanks to fracking technology. The US can do these kind of things much cheaper than Saudi Arabia or Russia because of capitalism.

>a dutch

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>Because I only trust Jow Forums?
Parabens, you just played yourself

The US didn't steal opium it just ensured opium production not only contined but soared to historic levels. See pic related. See the year the Taliban outlawed poppy growing? Yup, the US went in right after and since then never has so much been produced in all of history. Glowniggers gotta keep the blackfunds rolling to finance war

Attached: Afghan_Opium_Production.jpg (1000x588, 101K)

Is Donald Trump a Mason??
>an honest and thorough look
He definetly is versed in handshakes of different mystery schools to say the least!!
Are they the Anti-illuminati!?!?!
Is trump a good guy???

Think and seek truth...,,,...

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>Redpill me on US interventions in the Middle East
if Saddam decides he's going to uncut OPEC and sell oil to Russia at half OPEC price we send the marines and fuck him over

it's about price protectionism, oil isn't worth jack shit without price fixing, there is more than we need

Attached: ISRAEL DID 911.png (640x960, 599K)

great israel, look into it

>Redpill me on US interventions in the Middle East


It's simple, The USA is an Israeli colony and American Jews own the MSM, enabling them to keep pushing wars for Israel as out nation falls apart due to lack of maintenance, since we're spending half of our budget on defense.

The Israeli masterminded 9/11 False Flag kicked this into high gear.

Attached: 9.11.jpg (640x480, 63K)

Russia's influence.
Opium to flood Iran and weaken it.
Weaken every nation that is a treath to israel.

>wars for Israel
Israel is a slave state to Germany, a German woman sits on the throne of England, which is a slave state to Rome, who had a relationship with China before anyone else

No, we're happy to have it sold at the market price, and not even specifically to us. Here's the thing: the modern economy runs on oil. Without a stable and affordable flow, modern society ceases to exist. Crops fail, cars stop, people starve. If the saudis were to say "Fuck it, we're turning the pumps off", it would cause a global economic meltdown of an unprecedented scale. The reason we don't care if they kill journalists is because they have a button that they could press and probably kill tens of millions of people and shave 50% of global GDP in a week or two.

Probably, I'm not as familiar with pharma as I am with oil

It wasn't as important to the US itself (we always had a decent chunk of our oil coming out of texas and alaska), but it was important to europe and asia, and hence global stability, which makes it important to the US. However, nowadays we are the largest oil & natural gas producer in the world thanks to shale, so the middle east is losing much of its strategic relevance. We still want them to keep pumping, but if they did stop, it would hurt the rest of the world much, much, much worse than it would hurt us.

>4 & 4.1
The US financed those groups to fight the soviets during their invasion of afghanistan. Similar to what we do with the kurds today. After the soviet union collapsed, US kinda dumped them like sack of bricks, which pissed them off. So now you've got a whole bunch of military aged, bloodied warriors with a grudge against the US.

read this book's secret war

>half of the budget on defense
This is a meme. It is half of discretionary at best, and only 12% of total federal government expenditures.

Brits, Russians, many an empire has failed to occupy Afghanistan or Iraq. We need to adopt a hunnic strategy of tribute or decimation

it was an excuse to print money. gadaffi was going to fuvk the worl with gold backed and the pettodollar was being dumped as a controll currency. its still is

“...oil from Afghanistan...”. Ask me how I know you’re retarded.

>Because I only trust Jow Forums?

Imagine being this retarded