Is it that wrong to have an affair with a coworker?

I’m engaged and the woman just got married a few months ago. We clicked immediately once she started working here earlier this year. Things started out innocently enough but they’ve gradually escalated. A month ago we confessed to each other that we were attracted to each other, and now we just fooled around after a work Christmas party once everyone else had left. I don’t want to stop because she makes me happy and I’m very attracted to her. I don’t expect her to leave her husband though. She says she enjoyed it, but it can’t/won’t happen again. I don’t really believe her. What should I do?

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Gee I wonder
But you're probably a cuck or a poly who gets off to the idea of a bull man reaming out his wife's pussy.
So go get em, cuck-sport

I don’t want anyone having sex with my fiancé, but I want to keep cheating on my fiancé with my married coworker because she’s awesome

You're literally just a pig who doesn't care about controlling himself. You should either accept this or change.

What does that make the woman who’s cheating on her husband? She’s never done something like this before. They’ve been together for nine years, but only married for a few months.

It's bait.
Checks all them boxes. He went with stock photography instead of a pepe. And of course, he's gonna backpedal and damage control with every single post he makes.

Make like a hippie and, just, like, peace, dude, s'for the greater.

Not baiting or trolling. I want to have this affair because it will make me happy

You're fucking garbage putting your partner and her partner through that. I suggest you break up with your fiance before she finds out and dumps your ass. Also if she won't leave her husband? Chances are she'll destroy your relationship and leave you with fucking nothing. Good job cheating, cheater.

Get the fuck out of your relationship you asshole. Yes, let's tear apart our partner by starting an affair! Let's fuck around on our fiance because we don't love them and would rather cheat instead of leaving because I want my cake and I want to eat it too.

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I don’t want her to leave her husband for me

>Is it that wrong to have an affair with a coworker?
>I’m engaged

Report her to HR for sexual harassment and deny any further infolvement before you get metooed dumbass. Seriously what the fuck were you thinking are you retarded?

People are going to find out. Have fun.

Shit tier display of baiting ability.

Just fuck her man, your fiance will never know. Gotta get pussy wherever you can.

It may make you happy for a little while, but it can only lead to disaster and misery in the future. I feel nothing but pity for the four of you.

C’mon user, you know you’re engaging in very risky behaviour - verging on self destructive. You’re probably the sort of guy who got engaged to the first woman who showed interest in you, and now you’re choosing to jeopardise it because deep down you know you that it was a mistake and you think you could do better. All I can say is you’re setting yourself up for a real pain in the ass - if you’re really that sure of yourself, be a man, choose your own destiny and dump your fiancé. But you wouldn’t have posted here if you were going to do that.

just do whatever makes you happy, love's not real it's just fuck chemicals.

Fuck her

I appreciate all of the different takes on this. I just can’t resist this woman. We have a legitimate connection.

Everyone thinks they're slick and the spouse will never find out. They do. I don't think you even want advice, you just want the knighted legion of sexist neckbeards to pat your ass and tell you that you're a helpless baby that shouldn't be expected to control yourself. Be honest for once in your life and delete this.

How will she find out if I am covering my tracks and so is the other woman? We both have a lot to lose so it’s not like one of us is single and will try to fuck the other person over. We have talked about all this already.

A whore. Infidelity is unacceptable unless your partner is threatening your well-being if you leave them.

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Epicurus once said that a man who has committed an act that has been agreed upon as forbidden, will never have peace of mind because they will never be certain if they will be caught.

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"Whore" applies to OP as well. It makes her and him both human.

>I want to fuck up my home life and my work life at the same time! Is this a bad idea?


One thing that’s nice is that I mostly work from home. Our team comes into the office downtown once a week, so that’s the only time when we absolutely have to be together. We have been seeing each other outside of our team day though, but we would just stop that if we had to.

The problem is that you're only thinking about your happiness. Do you have any idea what would happen to your fiance if she found out? You'd break her heart and make her develop trust issues for the rest of her life. I've been on her end and trust me, it's not fun.

Do the right thing and break up with her. If you still want her, then that decision should be left in her hands once she knows the truth. Don't expect anything to happen with this workmate either, because relationships are built on trust and you guys started yours by betraying the trust of others.

You should also tell her husband. You may not like it but this is the right thing to do. In the long run, it will cause minimal suffering for everyone involved and you might just find a shot at redemption in time. Don't wait until someone finds out because then you will have none.

the fuck kind of work do all you degenerates do? every day there's at least 5 threads how people are trying to fuck their co-workers
is this an american thing or?