Why would minorities vote for Crazy Bernie when they already get free shit?

Why would minorities vote for Crazy Bernie when they already get free shit?

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Bernie Sanders is a tyrant who will siphon political and economic power to a foreign entity. Every single policy Bernie has ever proposed increases your taxation and DRAMATICALLY decreases your representation. Bernie Sanders will be destroyed.
Drop your memeflag.

Europeans are minorities. Mestizos are the largest demographic in the US since 1990.

Israel already is that power and Zion Don already gave them more than Bernie ever wishes he could.

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So vote for this cuck to send the rest of the power to Israel? Donate to this cuck so he may siphon your donations to the DNC establishment candidate?
Checkm8 in 4 moves, Shitstein.
Tick Tock.

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No, I’m gonna vote for Trumpenstein so he can do it because if I don’t shill for the most openly pro Jewish president in American history, I’m a jewish shill, aren’t I?

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Bernie Sanders is anti Israel and is hated by his Jewish peers because he threatens their money, whom Donnie helps significantly with his massive billionaire tax cuts.
You're on the wrong side.

You're right fellow Jow Forumsacks. Trump is a kike. I'm a bernie bro now. I just donated 27 dollars. Who is matching me?

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Thanks for proving my point, JIDF.

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Top Boompost

>Bernie Sanders is anti Israel
Lmao. At least be creative you fucking shill

>I’m a jewish shill, aren’t I?


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>Bernie Sanders is anti Israel and is hated by his Jewish peers

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>shills endlessly sperging out over being called shills for the past couple of weeks


Sanders voted no on the bill to give Israel $38,000,000,000 which is more than Zion Don did by signing it into law. Keep shilling, JIDF. The goyim don’t know. We’re all MIGApedes here, r-right fellow pedes?

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What does any of that mean? Don’t schizo post. Explain yourself.

Wait... These are the "super pro-israel" people... What else is in that bill?

Sure thing, JIDF.
>I shill for the most openly pro Jewish president in American history and anybody that doesn’t get on their knees right now to suck jewish cock is a Jewish shill
Explain the mental gymnastics you perform everyday to continue believing that.

You can never have enough free shit

Why would minorities vote for Lazy Donnie when his supporters go out of their way to constantly call them subhumans and make them feel unwelcome?

Minorities dont vote by and large.
Democrats establish a theoretical motive to establish to vote.
Democrats then stuff the ballot box, voting on the minorities behalf because they care and know best for them.

Its a logic and extension of the slavery era. Remember slaves were 3/5 human so for every 5 a slave owner would get 3 votes to cast in an election.

Minorities are still the slaves of democrat owners. Democrats just need to maintain the illusion of them chosing their party.

Look it up. I don’t remember off the top of my head so I can’t say with certainty.

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MIGApedes are the biggest niggerlovers on the planet. LARP harder.

No thank you. We're smarter than you are. The schizo posting is for the fellow schizos with whom I coordinate.
You will never understand the nature of our attack. .

>Sanders voted no on the bill to give Israel $38,000,000,000
Nigger, there are more important immediate issues we need to deal with
no. We just need to fix our own country first before worrying about external things. This goofy kikes taxes would just kill off what's left of the middle class

>Not giving him the moniker Bernie Bonkers
Trump is low energy now

>Da Demonrats R Da Reel Racists!1!1
Thank you for your very intelligent input, MIGApede.

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Is Donald Trump a Mason??
>an honest and thorough look
He definetly is versed in handshakes of different mystery schools to say the least!!
Are they the Anti-illuminati!?!?!
Is trump a good guy???

Think and seek truth......


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For more free shit.

Just watch, In 2020 there will a targeted entrapment of this fact. Voting sites known for ballot stuffing are going to be filmed. A headcount of people entering the site will be compared to the final vote tallies for those precincts.

Its not enough to catch a few odds and ends. The conspiracy and cabal will be revealed.
There will be military tribunals

Whites are not taxed at 100% yet!

This is cope posting. Your handlers will be so jealous when we can openly coordinate on the boards. Like I said when this started. My organization is more efficient by design.

>Let’s worry about treating the symptoms of he disease instead of the disease itself
>Please, let’s just worry about anything but jews.
One thing I will say is that I love how desperately and openly you live to serve Israel and God’s Chosen People. I mean, it’s why you believe their God’s Chosen People in the first place but it’s still fucking hilarious to this day, MIGApede.

>taxing the rich will kill the middle class

I'm no longer, JIDF. I'm a bernie bro now. You convinced me to turn on Trump.

>you're jidf because you don't want to vote for the literal jew!
you shills are blatantly retarded. Also, we aren't in any shape to fight the source. This country is ready to tear its self apart, we need to get back on our feet before taking on the biggest evil in the world. Nigger

Yes. You dumb fucking nigger. Every time they talk about "muh rich not paying their fair share" it results in tax increases on middle class people

He wants to disarm us and promote degeneracy (trannies etc...)


>Haha dude look how funny I am? Aren’t us Israelis truly your greatest ally? That’s why you should vote for Trumpenstein! He understands that too!
>This country is ready to tear itself apart.
>That’s a bad thing
Fucking jewish cocksucker. That’s a good thing. This country has to collapse for anything to be done so whites can build something out of its ashes. You’re a fucking moron. We always get fucked by every side in this shitty political system of (((Democracy))) and all you do is bootlick harder and harder hoping something will change. No more. Accelerationism 2020. Fuck MIGApedes. Fuck jews. And fuck shitskin subhumans.

>He wants to disarm us

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Because they are told to

Same reason they voted for a man who has another countries best interests in mind? They're stupid?

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You didn’t address the point la creatura and are deflecting. “Zion shill errrrr yur li’ we’re actually gonna vote a Jew into powr li’ that will show Trumpenstein”

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>Fuck jews.
>so let's elect a jew who will try to take our guns and make genital mutilation a free government service!
unironically kill yourself. Whether you are actually this stupid, or just a kike shill, kill yourself

You know not everyone on pol is a caved in head one issue voter like you right?


So I should vote for the most openly Pro Jewish president in American history because if I don’t, I’m a jewish shill? That’s genius.

It's cute how you just mock others instead of countering their point. Why don't you run along and let the adults talk?

Like I said you stupid mutt you didn’t even address the point nor the part where he prompts lgtq degeneracy, mass immigration and expects companies to pay $15 min wage when they can use illegals, he is a literal Jew.

Fuck of Las Ogre

You're right fellow Jow Forumsack, Let's elect a literal jew now.

>You know not everyone on pol is a caved in head one issue voter like you right?

That’s one of the reasons why I want him or any non white Democrat. They’ll be openly and extremely anti white and they’ll radicalize whites along with collapsing and destroying this wretched “country.” If they do ever try and gun grab, it will radicalize gun owners, who are primarily white, to do something instead of just putting up with it like they have been for decades even up till today with Trumpenstein’s bump stock ban. Pic related is what will ensue.

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>Bernie Sanders is a tyrant who will siphon political and economic power to a foreign entity.
oh you mean like the way trump is attempting to hand nuclear weapons to saudi arabia?

>This country has to collapse for anything to be done so whites can build something out of its ashes.
No, I don't mean that way at all. I mean in a brand new way, under the guise of ((( Democratic Socialism ))) which siphons ALL of your community's decision making to a group of 15 yids in Brussels.

Get a load of this clueless yokel retard lmfao. Sounds like a total chicken shit, too.

>Y-You stupid shill. H-how dare you point out the faults of my favorite jewish puppet!1!1 You’re only supposed to shout about muh Hillary and mock those damn libtards and rek them epic style with facts and logic like BASED Ben Shapiro taught us!1!1
Nope. I’m going to continue, niggerloving boomer.
You’re literally hiding behind a memeflag and bringing up jews. You’re sabatoging your own argument. If you want to be taken seriously by anyone, take off the memeflag unless you love being called JIDF.

>Failing to reply to the right post
>Being this much of a newfag straight from r/The_Donald and thinking you have any say in anything that goes on here

>defending your strawman

>never once refuting a central point
>resorts to semantics
Imagine the smell.

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>Don’t point out my faults. Only worry about Hillary and muh libtards. My epic GOD EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE is above criticism.

Most openly pro jew, ever heard of LBJ and GWB

Stay mad you Mexican tranny

You didn’t even reply to my original post. Until you do so, I don’t know what you’re referring to. Learn to reply properly if you want to actual responses. I’m not a psychic. I’m not going to read your mind to undertand what you’re trying to say.

In other words you have no argument you Mexican tranny

Because white people are still better off than they are, even with gibs. So they want greater compensation for the sake of “equality.”

Are you fucking mad that someone better than you ghosted your gay little pilpul? Get fucked, commie.

I forgot that anybody else’s gave $38,000,000,000 and personally married their daughter off to em.
That’s not very MIGA of you. Trannies are a-okay as long as they’re BASED, wear MIGA hats like me, and vote Republican.

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You've convinced me, I'm a bernie bro now.

Why am I a communist now? When did you “ghost my gay little pilpul?” You didn’t even reply to my original post. Maybe if you weren’t a newfag, you would’ve been able to.

>Let me repeat myself like a broken record. That’ll show those filthy anti semites!

Oh the irony

Actually hold on a sec hold on a sec, im runnin hot. Gotta take a break from meme war.

Alright im better. You know, you could have searched in page for what i greentexted. I usually do this kinda stuff when a thread gets hot, anons can misclick. To connect the contexts for you...

not >This country has to collapse for anything to be done so whites can build something out of its ashes.

It's okay to be new, user. It's not okay to be rude.

Perhaps you'll finally understand what scissors strategy means. Some of us were warning about Trump since 16, but many were too eager to think
>now it's different! He isn't like other republicans!

Checked. Alright there we go, you got the right post now. What would you like to say about that post?

donated 27 dollars. match me.

Right-wingers will once again prove their superiority and intellect when they don't throw a fit when Bernie is elected like how the left did when Trump won.

I fucking hate the fact he gave money to Israel, further more I hate trannies.
But with Bernie he is openly pro Israel, pro Tranny, pro mass immigration (expects companies to pay natives $15 min. When they can pay $7.50 to some nigger/bean Immigrant), and anti gun.

Also sanders is a lazy jew

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>Actually hold on a sec hold on a sec, im runnin hot. Gotta take a break from meme war.

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only traitors work for the collapse of the country and this whole 'white identity' meme has been debunked here for a long time. Every single post by R/AVIYG0 is an attempt to consensus crack a conservative stronghold. This is from a VERY old playbook and it's super embarrassing to watch...Please.
You'll be much better off not shilling on Jow Forums. I'm gathering support with everyone of your posts.

Why are you posting this in every thread critical of Trump? According to your kind's logic, I might as well accuse you of being one of Jared's crew, just like you call anyone who criticizes muh god emperor a discord tranny, but I find it more likely that you're just yet another magapede dumb as a sack of rocks

>Why would minorities vote for Crazy Bernie when they already get free shit?
They won't. It's primarily delusional white people that support Bernie.

>this whole 'white identity' meme has been debunked here for a long time. Every single post by R/AVIYG0 is an attempt to consensus crack a conservative stronghold
I know your ilk very well, it became extremely common in a small BR chan which used to be more antisemitic than Jow Forums. Then, during our last election cycle, suddenly came a bunch of zionists calling anyone who called out the jew a shill.
Get fucked worthless neocon, back to t_D

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White identity DEBUNKED!?!?

Mean while niggers and spics that flood into the country screech death to America and wave their shit-their flag but in the same breath stroke cry that they are proud Americans when they are being deported.


When did I ever accuse anyone of being a discord tranny? I'm just joining my fellow bernie bros in creating the bernie revolution. I just donated. Will you match me?

That’s a good thing. Why do you want to slow boil whites alive? Are you jewish? You want whites to sit tight and accept their fate as a shrinking minority in this country all while accepting their fate as a shrinking minority. You want us whites to be able to say “Hey, we don’t need to radicalize. We just need to vote Republican harder to “Make America Great Again.” All the meanwhile both sides of government fuck us to death. Democrats and Republicans both agree that white European Americans should be eradicated. They just disagree on how to achieve that. Democrats want to play it fast and hard by wanting unrestricted non white immigration while also being openly and extremely anti white and anti gun. Republicans want to accomplish it slower while also not being openly anti white and anti gun so as to give whites a sense of calm thinking that they’ll be fine as long as they vote Republican all the while Republicans are slow boiling whites alive with shitskin subhuman immigration as well. Well, no longer. Fuck it. If the entire system is corrupt, then the system must be destroyed. America has to go. That’s why I’m going to vote for whoever is the most openly and extremely anti white and anti gun so they can radicalize whites into action while also destroying the country in the process. That way whites can build something out of the ashes once we’re through.

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BASED minorities, amirite fellow pede?

You responded to the wrong post...how new are you?

Stop being dumb nigger and just donate to Bernie so he can help real dumb niggers. Why do you have to make this so hard?

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>If you don’t love my favorite jewish puppet you love this other jew. There’s always only two options!1!1


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He responded to the correct post. You're the one here for work, R/AVIYG0. Maybe you should ask bossman for a piss break so you can get your head together.