Vaccine shilling

First we have a huge tidal wave of memes and news this week against anti-vax and now this comes out. This can't be a coincidence.

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this is how zombies start

There are nanodrones in vaccines. Theyre using this to build a national grid connected by 5g. They will be able to fry your organs from anywhere

>this is how zombies start
T-virus user. Although in this timeline it's made in Israel and not Raccoon City

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That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard

Its never a cohencidence.

Daily reminder it is whites who support kikes and protect israel and Israelis. It is whites who send billions to israel and routinely send their sons to fight and die in jewish wars of aggression. It's whites that are pushing vaccines that are weaponized and causing autism, autoimmune diseases, and cancer to rise. Whites work alongside kikes more than any other group of people. Wake up people before it too late.

Israel is raccoon city. Raccoons are trash robbing thieves and so are heebs.

I have never had the flu, and I've never seen anyone in person who has measles or polio or any other disease we get perma-vaxxed for, so am I really a tinfoil hat for thinking it's unnecessary to get my kids vaccinated?

>That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard
You haven't heard Bernie is running for president? That just might be more retard user

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>Raccoons are trash robbing thieves and so are heebs.
Agreed, but I usually think of the parasitic kikes as rats

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No but you should probably do so anyways if you haven't figured it out that vaccines are a slow kill silent weapon deployed on low IQ people not fit for the new world you arent likely to make the cut in the first place. So I'd say let the long noses shoot your kid up and stop reproducing.

Rats arent all that bad though, if you know anything about them they are a lot like humans. Raccoons have an anal parasite that will destroy your brain if it gets in you. NOW THAT is a kike tactic if I ever saw one. Lab rats are bro tier animals really. Check out the john b Calhoun rat utopia experiments and see just how similar rats are to people.

>Check out the john b Calhoun rat utopia experiments and see just how similar rats are to people.

Only if you want to blackpill yourself.

>and I've never seen anyone in person who has measles or polio or any other disease we get perma-vaxxed for

You're right, also make sure your kids hang out with kids of like minded parents. Wouldn't want them to catch autism from vaccinated kids.

Just read the insert they provide with the vaccines and if you have any reading comprehension you will never let that needle touch your child.

It's only a blackpill if you dont follow up on what he discovered. Everyone stops at the cultural sink, john b continued his experiments and found that he could reverse the trends by lowering the number of interactions per individual and building smaller more individual based communities where over population and densely packed cities are designed to eliminate the problems of overcrowding. The jew stops at the cultural sink because that's where they live.

>Raccoons have an anal parasite that will destroy your brain
Interesting, I had to look that one up. Well my boxer-mix hound continuously kills the cunts for me anyway, (thanks to my faggot neighbor bitching I can't shoot them anymore), but it's almost more satisfying to see my dog break their necks . I guess the term coon can apply to niggers and jews then.
But also remember rats did spread the Black Death

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how much can i sue for when i get sick after taking this?

You should educate yourself.
Nano tech and 5G are their goals for total grid domination.

Nothing is a coincidence on the internet.
Why do you think Fuckerburg and Cuckbook want to bring the internet to every corner of the planet?

It IS the massive brainwashing media for the normies.

You cant sue them they have private court houses to settle claims.

I think you mean Americans

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alex jones

>Meme flaggot
Long nose detector is going off
Cool good doggo, and technically fleas were the major vector of spreading the black death, and rats just became carriers on who's ships did they spread though? (((Merchant))) ships. Also I think that was a bio weapon unleashed on Europe to cull the population much like vaccines today but they are far more controlled because only retards that sign up to get the shot get the "cure".

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leddit was ok with dead babies joke, now I understand why.

How is it stupid? This about the raw power. Got some political dissidents? Fry them. Is your country being invaded? FRY THEM. FRY THEM ALL!

Nigger dont even it was your cucked nation that subverted american during the second European holocaust on behalf of the kikes and the Balfour agreement. Suck a dick with that shit. Sure america has its share of the guilt but it starts with European whites protecting and serving the kike. The only man who tried stopping it tou faggots all rallied up and worked together to destroy him and rewrite history. I cant wait for you bongs to be out bred and destroyed.

>everything is a conspiracy

>Balfour agreement
Out of the pan and into the fire, they would of been wiped out by now if it wasn't for America.
>worked together to destroy him
UK was all for dialogue, the only politician for war was Churchill, backed by you know who.
>I cant wait for you bongs to be out bred and destroyed.
You first Mr 56%

You have to dredge up 80 years ago for us
For the past 70 years it is your country that has been their shield.

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There is NO conspiracy in vaccines its openly admitted that they are weapons. Only mouth breathing retards that do no homework to read up on what is in them how they work and if they have ever even isolated the virus supposedly being cured. The only people who think it's some type of conspiracy are the type that need to be culled

Too bad all of the good medical discoveries are only shared with the elite. Friendly reminder that Goldman Sachs has gone on record saying that cures are bad for business. Sean Parker also likes to brag about how wealth disparity is going to create a "class of overlords" that he'll be apart of.

Anglo American empire, round table groups and the council on foreign relations are all you cucked doing, I dont expect a subject to be educated on actual history given your education system. But facts are facts most American whites are Germanic stock the worst parts of the whites are from the anglosphere. You cucks are the root of the problem it starts with the cucked empire of the crown and you can lie to yourself all day long it doesn't change the facts bong. Your country will be Muslim within a few decades. America has always been a mutt nation of mixed stock so acting as if thats new or that the 56% meme matters is a joke just like your country, we will eventually rid ourselves of the heeb disease.

Don’t be stupid, autism has no Provable link with Vaccines, it just happens to show its symptoms around the time children are Vaccinated. Let’s say for arguments sake, would you rather have your child be on the spectrum or die an absolutely terrible and painful death to something that could of easily been prevented... obviously a real parent will love there child no matter what.

>Anglo American empire, round table groups and the council on foreign relations are all you cucked doing
>most American whites are Germanic stock
Just think how much of your family you were happy to kill
>You cucks are the root of the problem it starts with the cucked empire of the crown
You have a proper cuck fetish, starting to believe those pornhub stats. All royalty is related, it's like saying Sweeden and Russia are to blame
>Your country will be Muslim within a few decades
>America has always been a mutt nation of mixed stock so acting as if thats new or that the 56% meme matters is a joke just like your country, we will eventually rid ourselves of the heeb disease.
90% white 70 years ago mr 56%

Toddle on, I think your late for holocaust class

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>autism has no Provable link with Vaccines

>After Dr. Brian Hooker’s requests through the Freedom of Information Act for original MMR study documentation, a CDC Immunization Safety Researcher, Dr. William Thompson has buckled under the pressure of his conscience, and come forth as a whistleblower.
>These documents demonstrated a 3.4 fold increase in the incidence of autism in African American boys, expunged from the final study results in a violent act of scientific fraud. Dr. Thompson has since corroborated the CDC’s retroactive alteration of the data to eliminate the signal of harm.
>In light of a 2004 letter confirming CDC awareness and suppression of these findings, CDC head, Dr. Julie Gerberding committed perjury before moving onto her position at Merck in the Vaccine Division.
>Dr. Hooker has published the unadulterated finding

Hookers study is bogus.


In the meantime, are these 14 studies also bogus?

Fair enough

Yes Nigel, there’s always cranks in any field of science. That’s why we rely on consensus. You can’t just cherry pick studies by literal whos.

>My studies are rights, yours are wrong
>Is so because I say so
Ok Goldstein, nice proofs

Unironically this, the only European country, and from the last two World War countries that doesn't deserve to suffer is Germany

>That’s why we rely on consensus
>science relies on consensus
Congrats you posted the most fucking stupid post of the day. Science is all about questioning everything constantly you fucking kike.

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I don't see anything untoward but this is deliberate propaganda. I suspect there are people in the government who are overlooking where these epidemics are really coming from because they cut off the threat processing part of their brain when it comes to migrants so the only other possible reason there could be an epidemic is because of anti-vaxxers in their minds. This is pretty neutral as far as propaganda goes.

>That’s why we rely on consensus. You can’t just cherry pick studies by literal whos.
No you retard. We rely on experimental data and reasoning. There is no authority in science.

pro-vaxxers are authoritarians, they believe what they are told to believe.

Yeah, i'm not taking that vaccine. I watched I Am Legend. You can't fool me.

Too many connection for me not to be anti-vax or at least suspicious of them

Remember how Harvey Weinstein and Dinero got blasted by MSM recently? No it wasn’t because “me too”, literally everyone in Hollywood has done fucked up shit and that dirt is held over there heads ready to be dumped the moment they step out of line.

Well it has come to my attention that Harvey and Dinero were trying to make an Anti-Vax film and I believe they were denied showing it at some film fest. Shortly after the allegation started coming out. Dinero commented once saying, “I don’t like to talk about it (anti-vax film) bad things happen when I talk about it”

Their willingness to do this to one of their own over some “boomer conspiracy” is interesting to say the least

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Thanks user. I'll look into that.

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Helga, you can just google the man and read all the issues with his fake study. He didn't even study medicine.

What could possibly go wrong?

>science relies on popularity, not objective results.
Imagine being this fucking stupid. Sounds like someone's only interaction with "science" is through psychology or global warming.

What do you guys think about pregnant woman getting the flu shot? I'm pretty skeptical about vaccinations, but moms breast milk can pass on the flu antibodies after baby is born and the risk of aluminum, other adjuvants, or other harmful things are spread through an adult woman's body instead of that of an infant. Thoughts?

the shilling is painfully obvious. go check out le ddit
its literally everywhere