Are we all just meant to get married and shit out kids...

Are we all just meant to get married and shit out kids? I've never had the desire to do so and felt like there's more to life than that. I mean, I've had sex before and have dated, but I've never had the desire to get married. It's just something that's never been appealing to me and I feel like people do it because "it's what you're supposed to do". The fact of seeing the same person everyday for the rest of your life is kinda scary to me. Like, I wanna experience life, travel, and explore things.

Is something wrong with me? Should I be feeling this way at 31?

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Feel how you feel. 28 and I don't want kids. Too much shit can go wrong nowadays with the internet.
Be what you are and own it or get owned

We all go through that phase when we're like old teenagers and early twenties like YEAH MAN I'M NEVER GONNA HAVE KIDS YOU CAN'T TIE ME DOWN I'M GONNA GO TO COACHELLA NEXT YEAR AND THEN TH-

>at 31

yeah at that age that's when your biological clock should be ticking loudly. I'm 33 and I'm not like hell-bent on making kids right away, but after being opposed to the idea for like 10+ years I'm not opposed to the idea anymore.

> Like, I wanna experience life, travel, and explore things.

Did you not do that in your 20s?

Nothing wrong with you. We are all different. Just keep on doing your thing. You might get bored of it one day, or not. Doesn't matter

But.. for a lot of people I know life looks something like this:

18-25 - Study + travel and party like maniacs.
25-30 - Settle down. Start working on a career and find a partner. Partying is old and boring, and most friends are in a LTR.
~30 - Biological clock is ticking and current life is starting to feel empty without children

It's just a progression.. people get bored of doing the same things.

Sounds like commitment issues. Do you actually want kids? You're making it sound like you have to be married to have one.

>Do you actually want kids?
Honestly? No.

I'm the opposite. I feel like most things that people find meaning in exist as nonviolent subjugation, a way to nudge you into making sacrifices for the collective.
Family and aggressive propagation are the only way you can give a bit of your metaphysical ass raping back to the collective. It's your due, the only thing of value it offers in return for your suffering.

Why not though?

>The fact of seeing the same person everyday for the rest of your life is kinda scary to me. Like, I wanna experience life, travel, and explore things.

You can do all of those things while still being married and/or with kids

I don't know, I'm kind of a private person. I like peace, quiet, and I like to keep to myself.

there are more than enough people on this planet, and it's fucked anyway because of global warming
Don't get children because it seems like everyone else has them, if you don't want them you just don't want them
the biological clock is a fucking meme and made up by people that don't know what to do with their life

Not OP but I have no idea why anyone would want to be born into this world. It just keeps getting worse.

>It just keeps getting worse.

It actually has been getting better and better. People aren't dying at the ripe old age of 34 from natural causes, only the shittiest of third world countries still have like mass graves and cannibalism, the last real world war was 70+ years ago, children don't have to work in coal mines and sweatshops (again unless you live in a really bad country).

The only thing that has made things worse didn't exist until 10 years ago and that's the age of 24 hour information overlead. Of course it seems bad if you just hang out on Jow Forums or twitter or whatever.

Great, live your life man. Do what makes you happy. Dont let others make you feel lesser because you didn't reproduce. Raising the next generation isnt for everybody.

I'm 30 and being married or having kids seems like a nightmare. I hate obligations with a passion. I need freedom. I don't want to need to work extra hours because I have to feed and take care of a kid or because my wife wants to constantly buy clothes and knicks-knacks because they're on sale. I don't want to get stressed and annoyed that when I want to go travel now the price of tickets increased by 300%.

I don't want to lose my only power in dating, which is walking out when I'm not happy. I want whoever I'm dating to be on their best behavior at all times and not get complacent at my expense. I also don't want to get buttraped if she decides to divorce me for whatever reason.

I've come to realize all sorts of stress that I have in life are due to other people and their never-ending expectations. I'm supposed to settle down, I'm supposed to do this, I'm supposed to do that. While I have no expectations from anyone (other than not to annoy me).

Other people want you to come along with their ride of suffering ("I didn't think I wanted kids until I had one!!!") because once they're in the deep of it, they have nothing else to talk about.

Well, if you don't mind growing old alone then it isn't a problem.
Consider the fact your friends will be married w kids and wont have time for hanging out much.
Less people do this perhaps because the thought of being alone is scarier than being with the same person the rest of your life

Ok so just to be clear :
Males don't have a "biological clock". They are fertile until they die and they don't have any "parental instinct".
Maybe you should look up to childfree communities (maybe on Facebook if you have one) and you'll see you're not alone.
You should not do something you don't want - especially if that thing is another human being that you'll fuck up for not wanting it in the first place.

>Males don't have a "biological clock". They are fertile until they die and they don't have any "parental instinct".

Not true.

>Study by a researcher at Oregon State University says that men can take on the role of being a mother
>Dr Saturn says that when a mother is absent the father assumes the role
>This is in addition to playing the role of father as well - they can do both
>But when a mother is present the father's brain is less active emotionally
Did you actually read it before you post it here?
It's not "men want children by nature", it's "father can care about children when mother is not around".

>They are fertile until they die
Male fertility and sperm quality decrease with age though, what are you on about?

We are programmed to make kids though
Modern propandaga and wealth has made us lazy and complacent.

>and they don't have any "parental instinct".

what did you mean by this

It's not the same severity as menopause.

Marriage and virginity was invented by shit priests in old times to prevent deadly illnesses to spread.
It's a fucking miracle that this shit lasted till this day.
It's ok user. Animals mate for life but they don't need to get married to do so.
And we don't need more people on this planet so nature gave us homos and the feeling of not wanting children.

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It doesn't mean you should try making kids when you're 86 years old and your cum looks like hot glue and smells like 1930s hair pomade. Your kids gonna come out even more autistic than you

If you expect my children to pay the taxes that the government will spend upon your care when you are old you had better make a significant contribution to the value of your country. Otherwise if a global financial disaster occurs my children might decide not to contribute to your upkeep in you dotage.

It’s still pretty severe. As the father’s age increases, there’s
>lower chance of conception
>greater chance of miscarriage
>greater risk of autism

we are not programmed to sit in a dirty basement and stare at a computer screen in the dark either and yet here we are

That's not what he said though. What are you on about?

Don't be silly. No one's more autistic than me.

Your meant to build a strong family and hand down something to the next generation so that humanity can advance one day. It's about building a strong foundation for your children so they don't end up as drug addicted losers.
>There is more to life than that
Like what? World travel? Everywhere is pretty much the same these days if it's not a war torn shithole.
Banging random chicks your whole life? What does that get you? Loneliness and heartache that's what.
Experimenting with drugs? You should know what happens to people who do that, they all die miserable.
Pursuing knowledge and building skills? Sure that one is good for you, but you are going to die eventually and all of your knowledge and skills die with you if you don't pass them on to your children.
There is nothing more important in life than family. Don't listen to the Yolo live fast die young crowd, they are mentally ill and massively depressed.

Except the longer we keep people alive the more it costs. And people still drop out of the workforce at that 55-70 sweet spot so we still pay out for them. We disguise it as altruistic and good but in truth, it just causes a lot more imbalance
I'll grant you that the potential quality goes up, but 'better than ever' isn't a great way to put things. There's a ton of issues, it's just that they're all very very ugly issues by nature and addressing them objectively, head-on is immensely difficult.

Frankly, though, I'm just fucked up and have been since youth and firmly decided that I'd just disa-fucking-ppoint any kid I had. I already bum the literal entire rest of my family out-- I don't need to have a kid to turn 20 and realize I'm just fucked in the head, I talk like a fag and my shit's all retarded.

Again, this is less a disagreement and more a statement that there's a bigger discussion than I've given credit to, but this isn't really the place.
The answer I'd like to focus on is that kids are a personal choice and should be in no way a result of anything but self-imposition. Feeling pressured to do it externally seems wrong somehow, like it might crop up later in the relationship or the kid's life. It's also important that both partners are on the same page about kids.

But there aren't women worth building a family with, unless you get them at a young age and train them to be a loyal wife.

Well that's a problem for another thread.

I'd say the first step in finding a women worth building a family with would be see them as more than dogs to be trained

every women can shit out a baby, what's so special about it?

I'm 32 and I just want to find a woman to be with until I die, but not have kids. I feel like that might be difficult. I don't want to sleep around and I'm a virgin.

Lately the concept of having kids is still horrifying, but less so than it used to be.

We gave women their freedom and it has led to the destruction of traditional families.

Is the desire to get married a cultural/religious thing?

Raised a Catholic, and end goal of a relationship is marriage.

yeah it is to some degree. some cultures are bigger on family values than others.

>I feel like people do it because "it's what you're supposed to do"
Most people reach a point where their biological urges makes them want to procreate if they haven't already done so accidentally.

But not everyone's the same. Do what the fuck you want.

If you don't know the difference between building a strong family and 'shitting out babies' then I can't help you.

Imagine actually removing yourself from genepool just because you belive in slut brainwash.

Top kek

>Did you not do that in your 20s?

Not everyone in their 20s is privileged or financially loaded

Having kids is probably the most out of body experience you can have. Who you are and who you think you are suddenly becomes mostly irrelevant and everything is no longer just about you, but all the people that came before you, and now this person who is coming after you.

You need a supportive family or to at least have a person who will be fully dedicated to helping raise the child. If you’re not totally opposed, look at it as an endless opportunity for new experience. Raising a child will test you but you will find experiences you never thought you’d find joy in.

Got the same feeling. Sort of. I mean I'm kinda living alright, I've now just moved to the 5th country I've ever lived in (thanks science carreer), but I'm 34, friends and famliy are thousands of miles away. And even though I have little desire having kids or being in a relationship, the thought of being alone in my 40s and end up dying alone crosses my mind more and more these days.

This shit hits you when you realise I'd be great to have someone. A few months ago I had a bad case of pneumonia, and having to deal with this shit on your own is depressing. And things don't tend to go easier with age.

check, 23
>+ travel and party like maniacs
uh oh ummm how do I get into this?

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>how do I get into this?
Some people never really party hard.
I never liked to do that. Getting shitfaced isn't fun to me.
Just do you.

It's immoral to bring more people into existence at this point of time, anyway. You're doing the right thing, user.

You are literally my greatest fear.

I will do everything in my power to not become you and fall for the reproduction meme.

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know that its not uncommon to fail.

t. guy who currently hates the thought of 'having' women and children

>Pursuing knowledge and building skills? Sure that one is good for you, but you are going to die eventually and all of your knowledge and skills die with you if you don't pass them on to your children.

alternatively you can just attempt to publish something, and then a potentially ever-lasting legacy has been built.

It might even get to sit on a library shelf somewhere, alongside all the other boring and highly specific books that no one wants to read.