Thoughts on Noam Chomsky?

Thoughts on Noam Chomsky?

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Good at diagnosing problems, horrible at offering solutions.

Don't know why everyone treats him as some sort political analyst when he's a linguist.

I can't chose


You can have both!

Oh so I guess you'd agree Jordan Peterson is clueless too.

Name a good political analyst.

does he have to? chomsky cherry picks problems where wasps act against jewish interests, typically militarily. his implicit solution is whitey cant handle power and we should create anarchic societies, national communes.

chomsky is trying to relive his youth, when he went to israel as a fanatic zionist and he lived in communes and had a bunch of crazy sex.

My names Noam. I have asymmetrical legs

He's like a doctor that is incredibly talented and knowledgeable at figuring out what's wrong with you. But once he figures it out, he offers you a "cure" that fucks you up and you die.

So yeah, that's Chomsky. He sees what's wrong with neoliberalism, accurately describes everything that's happening around the world, trashes American imperialism and Israel, etc. and then offers a solution: Communism.

Yeah, no, that won't work. OK, maybe he's not talking about actual communism, he says he's an anarchist, an anarcho-syndicalist, libertarian socialist, whatever, but those are basically just different flavors of communism. So no thanks.

>political analyst when he's a linguist.
Is that women studies for men?

Unironically smarter than all of Jow Forums and his opinions will have a longer lasting and farther reaching impact on real world policy and thinking than the aggregate mewling of all the unlovable retarded pig-children that frequent this board to engage in conspiracy theory trading and reposting stale memes. And that's with him being dead wrong about Noam Chimpsky.

Hes anti israel isnt he? How exactly does he serve the Jewish conspiracy, please enlighten me.

Do you know what anarchist syndicalism is? Crazy commune sex?

So no elaboration... just fear of "communism"

>He's like a doctor that is incredibly talented and knowledgeable
What's the link with Chomsky ?

WTF I thought this guy died in 2009 is this some Mandela effect?

I like his contributions to formal language theory. Outside of that meh.

It's not fear. It just doesn't work. Does not account for human nature. It will never work. That's why it's not a solution, and that's why Chomsky is wrong.


yeah bro, congrats you figured that out.

neither your just were just mistaken.

its anarcho syndicalism, and yes ive read about 20 chomsky books. he is not anti-israeli, he's a jew.

if anything he argues it's crazy american christians who are forcing the jews to misbehave in israel.

Yeah buddy Im sure you've read the first thing about his "formal language theory"

It's for people who majored in English, realized they were too stupid for law and too lazy to teach high school kids so they took up up a Masters Degree in Linguistics in the hopes of becoming a professor who teaches basic research classes to college freshmen

t. english major

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Oh yeah I forgot about greed. Also Capitalism doens't account for greed too buddy, unless the perfect system is a world of monopoly or duopolies.

its fear buddy, these arguments are the 12 year old's idea of the world.

I never read but what I know is all the worst retards I have met loved it.

Jew who out Jewed himself by pointing out the Jewishness of others

Which 20 of his books buddy, in which one does he reveal his appreciation of israel.

He just did a thing on Democracy now endorsing palestine completely. your point?

ok actually you are right.

Its funny because every single one of those retards is likely smarter than you.

its in the first fucking minute of the video holy shit. grow a brain.

The most dangerous Jews are always those who speak half-truths.

thats a video not a book.

you've read 20 so you could name one right.

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'Hitler was right about almost everything - I mean, he had the right idea, simply the wrong execution' Stanley Kubrick

the video addresses the topic at hand, he is a supporter of israel.

he has written over a hundred books, ive read some of his linguistics work as part of my phd preparation namely his work in the 50s, then i later looked at his position on the middle east across the 5 decades he has written on it.

i've also read all the articles on his website.

he's a jew, proud of it, and always shits on christians and especially the south. at no point is any of his political stuff even vaguely fair or balanced, and he stopped producing relevant work for my field in the 60s so i can only read his political stuff with a skeptical eye since that's when he transitioned from professor to agitator, though he loves to say he was always the latter and only briefly the former. youtube loves chomsky, and hes given hundreds of speeches, it's much easier to pinpoint his positions in video than to go digging through my books you idiot, i have like 5000 books in this room, do you really expect me to go searching for the shit chomsky scribbled to prove your point? he's in the jew pile.

hey hey, it's not like communism killed 180 million people in the last 100 years or anything! wew lad, nothing to fear about communism, no no no! those weren't REAL communists, you seeeeeeee

I can't believe I used to admire this guy. He's seen as an intellectual heavyweight when he is really just a leftist activist who's read a lot of literature.

He said the republican party is the most dangerous organization in human history. That disqualifies him from having opinions.

You look retarded, see !

it's not like venezuela LITERALLY ATE ALL THEIR FUCKING ZOO ANIMALS LATELY hahahaha noooooo man those aren't reeeaall communists *sips capri sun juice box* hahaha wow all these people are so dumb my man give me a big juicy high five

lying through your teeth you naive loser,

Ive read all 100 of his books, and never does he endorse israel.


I thought it was 100 million, but actually Capitalism has killed 200 million people since 2000.

your point?

Yeah, he’s retarded when it comes to politics

mental illness ladies and gentlemen.

The continent of africa is capitalist. thats about 30 countries in crisis. not an argument.

he once bitchslapped bill buckley in a debate so hard that an exasperated buckley literally threatened to punch him.

adhominem to compensate for lack of argument.

also hes a communist right, so how can he support the idea of any relegion?

I wanna see this is that real?

I like that the only reasonable person in the thread is american.

What he says
>White people are dangerous
What he does
>Lives in a 100% White gated community
What he says
>Not paying full taxes is evil
What he does
>Has his property, copyrights, and such in trusts so he pays 0 taxes, ever
What he says
>America is bad and the American military is evil and you cannot support it
What he does
>Makes millions as a contractor helping the Army train soldiers and interrogate prisoners
The best [art?
Ask him and he proudly admits it all!
He charges univerisities $20K to fly him in first class and put him up in 5 star hotels to tell undergrads that money is bad.

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>Makes millions as a contractor helping the Army train soldiers and interrogate prisoners

u wot m8? Link?

His biography? Wikipedia? Literally *any* background on him?
During the Vietnam War he was making a fortune as a contractor to the Department of Defense!

kek this
Dude is the biggest captain hindsight and everyone thinks he's a genius

Have you read all of his books?

Gotta have something right to be both worshiped by the NPR crowd and censored by them

His intellectual body of actual work is semiotics. Its very much inline with memes at al.

His political discourse is mediocre trash.

>and he should move to haiti since he likes it that much

dirty corrupt enemy of America involved in the coup against Nixon

>Dude, the rich are trying to destroy the middle class and lower your wages
>Dude, let's let in all these poor, worthless, immigrants who will lower wages and benefit the big corporations that I fight against

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>Noam Chomsky
wasn't he the chief theoretician at the Institute of Policy Studies?

and as such should be hung for treason along with his pals Kissingerm Haig, Halperin, Ellsberg, Young, McCord and Joseph Califano

Where is he pro immigration?

It was a leap of genius to say that human anatomy only allowed a finite number of “syllables” and begin to catalog all of them from every human language. Everything he has done since is pure retardation. Think pig with truffle. One thing he’s good at.

If you are going to begin cataloging the ways liberals are retarded you are going to be busy for a long long time. Human phonemes may not be infinite but liberal retardation is.