
>Three MPs quit Tory party to join breakaway group
>Seven MPs leave Labour Party in protest at Jeremy Corbyn's leadership

__Primary topic of discussion__
>two-party system on the verge of collapse.
>brexit day looming
>muh honda

>(((The London Question))): Britain's Second Empire & The Secret City
>Oswald Mosley - Europeans
>Information On Legally Owning Firearms In The UK

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Other urls found in this thread:

Big Brother is watching you


Pembrokeshire is on the telly.

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FPBP take the Ted pill

Tbh senpaitachi, read the Uncle Ted manifesto recently. What he said about revolution was good, among other things.

Now read Hoppe

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It's beautiful

Literally who county

How's that population replacement going on lads?

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Ted's main failing is that he can not be assured that after a reversion to a low-tech society, that humans just won't repeat the exact same cycle all over again. Might be a decade after, or 100 years - doesn't matter, the same impetus that brought us to where we are now will work again and bring us back to the same point, thus making the fight completely pointless.

I think humanity can't save itself. It's hopeless. The best we can hope for I think is that we birth self-replicating AI, that then murders us all. This way, we achieve immortality through our creation, while also putting an end to our destructive ways.

What's for dinner tonight ladies?

They all seem so chummy and at ease with each other. Almost like there was no ideological difference at all between them even though they've been in two different parties for over a decade that the media keeps telling us are poles apart, huh?

Post more English roses.

Anglo boomers love it for their holidays.

First for based Saj the Bangladeshi Bruiser

Save Polish kids from Paki groomers
Save Polish kids from Paki groomers
Save Polish kids from Paki groomers
Save Polish kids from Paki groomers
Save Polish kids from Paki groomers
Save Polish kids from Paki groomers
Save Polish kids from Paki groomers
Save Polish kids from Paki groomers
Save Polish kids from Paki groomers
Save Polish kids from Paki groomers

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Didn't you hear? They're leaving EU because it didn't let them have as many muslim refugees as they wanted. This way they can direct all Syrians and Somalis straight to London without having to share them with countries like German and France.

>implying we have to get rid of all technology
trannyhumanist retard

Now read Ellul

Sajid "Don't meet the criteria, you're staying in Syria" Javid

That's why I said low-tech you stupid Ancap scum :3

THIS. THIS. THIS. I am so fed up of the media and normie retards who claim how the parties are so different when it's just not true.

Are you the NATOposter who hates Russia?

Sultan Saj and his magical ruses that make you think he's a BASED PAKI but actually reveal themselves to be nothing more than cheap attempts to win around the grassroots so he can win the Conservative leadership election this spring. Bitch will be back in whatever London spawning pool she popped out of by next month.

No, but I do hate Russia.

They're all corporatist socialists

4% of the UK population
Does this mean 4% of native brits have been placed in the middle east?

Nah! Fuck 'em. Polish kids deserve to be diddled by Pakis too.

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I makes me laugh when people talk about "us" colonising the stars. In reality we might make robots, which then make more robots, etc etc, and theh they colonise the stars. Big deal, may as well not bother rather than flood the universe with our junk.

Can’t wait to see this new party utterly bomb

Why would we have to repeat the cycle when we can still improve technologically while not bothering with harmful technologies? dumb redddit faggot

>They're all corporatist socialists

Literally this is just political theatre. Nothing more. Just there to keep the proles distracted.

Best to launch genetic arks and seed other planets from orbit

He's making welsh cakes in a minute.
Top tier little cakes desu.

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I have been goaded about Pakistani rape gangs by Poles on here far too often for me to give a shit when it happens to them

>Can’t wait to see this new party utterly bomb

I don't think you will have to wait too long at all...

No they don't!
Email these pics to the Minister. Get this place shut down

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Then the conservatives will still be divided and fail even harder, nigels brexit party will bomb and UKIP will swoop in with labours numbers dwindling

Maybe you should read my post before jumping to conclusions as to who's side I am on.
Also, am I going completely crazy? Why is literally everyone in the media supporting this girl return to Britain from Syria? It's got so bad that even around me is agreeing because "the news guys said so".

>Why would we have to repeat the cycle when we can still improve technologically while not bothering with harmful technologies?
What does this even mean, exactly? If you're proposing renewable green tech, then you should read what Ted has to say about that in his recent writings. WHICH IS THE WHOLE POINT OF MY POST YOU KNOW, TALKING ABOUT TED K!

Wherever there are pakis there are rape gangs. So either they know about them and are covering it up, or they don’t know and are incompetent

Putting a Paki in charge of the Home Office might not actually be that bad an idea, no white Home Secretary would have the nerve to do this

>No they don't!


They really do deserve this shit. Also this

>bloody ell lad we gotta get them poolish scum out are cuntreh nevermind them pakis im not a racist or summin

I just read 'Sultan Saj' and thought you were kissing his ass

>A few centrist rats leave the Conservative party

Oh no?!

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Again, inflicting more of pic related on the cosmos seems like vandalism

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Read Ellul

>he's still stuck in the "eco vs polluter" paradigm
lmao at you
It's called conditioning/social engineering newfag

I'm now a radical independent.

* stop brexit
* stop racism
* stop antisemitism
* bomb iran
* more immigration
* legalise weed

Who's with me?

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>A few centrist rats leave the Conservative party

First time I've ever seen rats board a sinking ship.

I'd like them all gone, Pakis, Poles, you, everybody who can't trace their ancestry back to before 1066

Oh noooooo.....we really needed those MP's

Broken Britain oh nooooo help us EU we have been rendered all but useless in light of this travesty oh noooo

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I’m assuming that when we have the tech to seed other planets we have already fully embraced eugenics and are 12 feet tall 500 IQ superbeings

This literally Turning Point UK levels of thinking. Don't fall for it please m8. Javid has said previously that he sees leaving the EU as an opportunity to increase non-EU migration, which actually happened this year under his first year in office (500,000 non EU people entered the country, thanks to The BASED Saj!)

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Will he return to lead the Independent group to another landside?

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No but seriously has anyone actually figured out what this "TIG" party hopes to accomplish? Do they actually think they're going to get anywhere? The Lib Dems built a manifesto on trying to reverse the EU referendum and look what happened to them.

Heck yeah brother/sister/non binary person of agender, I dig this radical message! Free markets, free love and free drugs! This is the message those proud Indian, African and Jewish battalions fought for in WW2!

why are people buying yellow vests and yoga pants?

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Where even is Pembrokeshire? Is there anything to do there


So how are you handling brexit. Started feeling the dick up your ass Nigel?
this. That fucking book describes the BBC Studios in detail

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Don't worry, I know it's 100% about positioning himself for the leadership. I fully expect to see him eating a bacon sandwich any day now.

>christian anarchist
interesting cheers

Considering Hitchens is controlled opposition, a tool to demoralise right wingers by constant reminder about how bad things really are, he's probably as upset about this as Geordie Greig. Actual conservatives might start actually having hope again that the Conservative Party goes right wing! That might put Peter out of business!

Reminder that Hitchens keeps urging on twitter for Britain to remain in the EU under a Norway deal.

they want to destroy the two-party system

zionist plans are more complex than we first thought

I used to go camping in Maloes, I miss it dearly

There is a direct correlation with more MENA and Islamic immigration and everything else in British society getting worse.

>The Lib Dems built a manifesto on trying to reverse the EU referendum and look what happened to them.

Not really. The Lib Dems were crucified because of their contamination during the Tory/LibDem coalition of 2010-2015 along with Peak SNP.

The TIGgers are as much a threat to the LibDems as they are to Labour and the Tories...

>implying anyone outside of UKIP is free market
fuck off commie poofter

>So how are you handling brexit. Started feeling the dick up your ass Nigel?
Have you mainlanders actually been told the date we're leaving? We've been consistent and told you from the get go that it's March 29th.

I hope you're ready for an increase in the amount of shekels you pay for Tusk to have more make up and botox.

Champagne socialists.

>I fully expect to see him eating a bacon sandwich any day now.
That's more politically risky than it seems

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Never heard of it

>Hitchens keeps urging on twitter for Britain to remain in the EU under a Norway deal
This is sheer contrarianism, he can't cope with being on the winning side. He was happy for about a day after the referendum and then the Eeyore act started again. That cunt Eddie did the same, voted Leave but then changed his mind when they won just so he can pick arguments on here.

That plays a role I'll agree but most people don't want to reverse the ref result.

TIG's are retards, they are not a threat to Tories or Labour, Tories as it stands are the only threat to the Conservative party, they need to be less cucky. They have been gifted with Corbyn and they're acting shitty.

It's stillborn

>"I want to see more English Muslims!"
>*thunderous boomer applause*

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Rise up fellow university students.


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brexit isnt happening LUL

I'm actually gender fluid but ok, at least you aren't racist? Let's not forget the gender queer NHS battalions who basically took Berlin singlehandedly? They were outnumbered 100:1 by Nazis but fascists always lose?

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lets cheer up a bit

>liberty is a function of the state!
That guy is a smug retard cunt

Piss off Isaac Butterfield you bearded cock sucker.

Who wasted paper printing these books lol

>Have you mainlanders actually been told the date we're leaving? We've been consistent and told you from the get go that it's March 29th.

There's a website with full details of everything you need to know here...

Hitchens is a demoraliser. He wanted to destroy the nation as a Trot, now as a "conservative" he wants to let the people he "left" continue winning and get even more power, and telling anyone who wishes to stop them to either give up or leave (he doesn't say where to because that's not the point).

The westernmost part of Wales.
Lovely coastline, and it has the smallest city in the UK and the resting place of St. David.

Attached: wales-pembrokeshire-coast-national-park.jpg (730x482, 107K)

>tuned in to the radio to see what's going on
>"joined by Queer Eye star Tan France"
>they were talking about the everyday sexism website and how hard women have it in today's society
>now they've moved on to the channel 4 documentary 100 Vaginas
>just described how unfair it is that men learn about wet dreams in sex-ed but periods are taboo

I've had enough of this organisation

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Who cares!

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I never learned about wet dreams in school and infact we learned about periods. They're delusional

Even the names of the authors sound like (((LGBTQ2))) rainbow retard names.

They seem to think we're against Brexit? Were they not here on Ref night or even just before?


>I'm actually gender fluid but ok
Oh my deity of personal choice! I am SO sorry about this! Let me issue a full and frank apology and prostrate myself before you! If I gave ANY hint that I wasn't inclusive and tolerant as muh Bri'ish values demands of me, I am DREADFULLY sorry!