How can a female achieve 'hotness'? Is it possible or just something you are born with?

How can a female achieve 'hotness'? Is it possible or just something you are born with?

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another op who can't be bothered to google "beauty and fashion tips"

Fitness is like 90% of it

What? You can do those and end up cute or pretty, but not hot.

Post pic, let's see. You can be born a hottie but you can also get there with a nice body and make up.

I'm not comfortable posting a pic. I get called cute and the occasional beautiful, but never hot. Not once

Why do you want to be hot? For a guy to pump and dump you? Cute and beautiful are admirable compliments.

You'll never be as hot as Dua so don't even try, bitch.

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you sound painfully shallow

I think "hot" might be considered a little bit disrespectful to say to someone's face by some people, so that might be why.

Well it seems you're insecure about yourself, fix that first instead of trying to be hot. A lot of guys like cute and pretty girls instead

Hotness is what you wear, how you wear it, how your hair is, and how you present yourself.

As long as you are within a healthy body weight, anyone who is not hideous can be hot as long as they try to look after their appearance.

Why does he look like Dua Lipa

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Yes it is something you are born with. A properly developed maxilla and good bone structure is what makes a person "hot".

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I find the woman on the left more attractive - all she needs is a stronger jaw and she'd be very gorgeous.

I bet you look like the woman on the left, fucking roastie

I'm a guy.


Lemme break it down for you

So attractive that she frightens and induces adoration in men with her glory.

Similar to beautiful, but to an attainable degree. Guys wanna marry pretty girls and be happy. Induces protective manly feelings.


Attractive in a visceral slutty way. Like “good looking enough and seems like she’ll actually put out quickly”. They can often be “handsome” women as well. You look at her and pop a boner in anticipation of a wet dick.

Baring major physical deformities everyone has a dollar amount between them and an increased level of attractiveness. For the most part it takes time and money to look better.
However you naturally have a certain kind of attractiveness that you need to play up. For example maybe I love the blonde waif look but I'm thick as hell. So I can play up my assets and look more like a Kardashian but I'll never look like Gwyneth Paltrow.
The free stuff: Confidence, humor, posture
The cheap easy stuff: Make up (learn to contour!), clothing, hair dye/cut, teeth whitening, contacts or stylish frames
Middle range/long term: Gym membership, dental work, healthy diet, minor cosmetic procedures (botox, dermal abrasion etc)
Expensive: Plastic surgery (breast enhancement, rhinoplasty, liposuction, etc)
Most people go with the free/cheap stuff and it's enough to look "hot". You will look even better if you do the stuff that takes a longer time commitment like getting a gym membership and consistently eating healthy.
If there's something that's always bothered you like a big bumpy nose get it corrected. Do you need to? Absolutely not. You can work a bad feature and still look smokin'. But if it's something you hate there's no reason you have to bear it like a cross in these modern times.

Everybody spot the thirsty redditor

I don't browse Reddit, but I have been trying to quit Jow Forums.

Hotness is an attitude. You see yourself as ugly so you seem ugly to others.

Yeah bro just beeee urself

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You have to first be cute or beautiful to be hot... but hotness is 100% mental.

Cringe and bluepilled

>For example maybe I love the blonde waif look but I'm thick as hell. So I can play up my assets and look more like a Kardashian but I'll never look like Gwyneth Paltrow.
So many people go through their lives miserable because they do no understand this well enough.
They see something they're never gonna look like and dismay and cry and get bitter and jealous and hate themselves, they hate everybody else, and all they had to do was to fundamentally like the way they were born enough to pick a look more closely linked to what they were given.

You must be new here.

Pay attention to the threads where someone gets all fit at them gym but are still an incel at heart. They fail at dating.

I guess lifting heavy shit doesn't actually develop your social skills.

Because the face is all that matters.

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guys with a 4/10 face who are strong and confident in the way they carry themselves aren't simply 4s forever. That's convenient defeatist thinking that lets you do nothing to try changing your situation, because why bother, right?

Most people are in the range of what, 3 to 7? Most of the time when you see people who are objectively ugly it's because they have an average or lacking face and then let their body, hair or hygiene go to shit as well because why bother?
If you have a 3/10 face, but don't act like it, you can live a fine above-average life, but people buy into it because it's actually really easy to live with being ugly. Much easier than putting in the effort to wiggle out of it.

Not really, you can tell if a fat girl would be hotter if she was thinner from her face already.

Face matters within limits.

Female attraction is fundamentally different to male attraction. For most women all you really need to have is a passable face, and then to take care of basic hygiene matters (some girls don't even care that much about that).

To put it in real terms: Which of these men gets more pussy?
>Guy with a male model face who can't approach girls due to fear of rejection and is unable to capitalize on any signs of attraction girls give him
>Guy with an average face but who approaches girls regularly, doesn't worry about how he looks, makes girls feel comfortable around him and then escalates

Incorporate words such as "desu" and "onii-chan" into your daily interactions. Cook well and often and learn to do cute blowjobs and laugh at his jokes.

1/8th inch of makeup.


t. Jow Forums incel

unironically the model. girls will approach HIM and do everything they can do to carry the relationship along, whilst subhuman will be rejected by at least 80% of the population. maybe if the subhuman spends his entire time chasing women, the he can make up the gap or even exceed it slightly, but chad gets all that for nothing and has plenty of time for other things (career, socialising, etc.)

>Guy with a male model face who can't approach girls due to fear of rejection and is unable to capitalize on any signs of attraction girls give him
The irony.

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Cringe and bluepilled

t. delusional s o ycuck

Going on Tinder and asking girls to take your virginity is still approaching

Real guys with an actual fear of rejection could not muster the courage to be as bold as this

>Average face = subhuman

Ah, I see the Jow Forums lookism brigade are truly here in full force now

>Moving the goalposts

i mean every study has shown women rate 80% of men as not attractive enough for them. thats a fact, no morality about it

An approach is an approach. If you head to the local bar and proposition every girl in that manner - "I am a virgin, please fuck me" - then you are still approaching them. The problem is that guys with a fear of rejection cannot even do this. And yes, there are very attractive men with a fear of rejection. You don't see them because you're probably too busy crying into your pillow about them being "Chads" stealing your imaginary women.

And yet over 80% of adult men are having sex and courting women as normal, as has happened throughout all of human history. You're too insecure to go and join them? Too insecure to actually try and approach a woman? That's okay, that's your problem.

>male hotness

Who tf cares what men look like. How do I become hot as a female? Is it really all body? I'm thin but not fit.

Be a normal weight. That's literally all it takes as privileged female trash.

No you're ugly as fuck bitch just give up

um actually sweetie, only 20% of all men through history mated successfully (shown through Y line genetic analysis). additionally, there are no insecure chads. also, i have no problem approaching women, but just because you believe you will be successful ('confidence') has no bearing on the outcome. ultimately, looks are all that matter

How to cute blowjob? A-asking for a friend...

>An approach is an approach in real life
Kek, what a retard. That means this guy was also "approaching" yet he got rekt and got posted on r*ddit.
>The problem is that guys with a fear of rejection cannot even do this
Because those who are attractive have girls approaching them instead, you coping spergfart.
>You don't see them because you're probably too busy crying into your pillow about them being "Chads" stealing your imaginary women
Which is ironic because judging from your delusional posts, I can tell you're not getting laid either.

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>only 20% of all men through history mated successfully

Oh, what a meme. Yes, user, there have been millions of incels wandering about the earth's landscape since the dawn of time. That's totally plausible.

>there are no insecure chads

There are likely statistically less physically attractive men who are insecure than non-physically attractive men. But there is nothing biologically preventing conventionally attractive men from having conditions like social anxiety, autism, depression etc, which are prime causes of insecurity.

>ultimately, looks are all that matter

Again, this does not explain why the vast majority of men in today's world are having at least some sex and dating at least some women with no problem.

Either your approaching strategy is all wrong, or you have no ability to regulate your own standards and are thus approaching women far out of your own league.

The "incel" condition is a modern phenomenon. Generations before us did not produce such masses of utterly pathetic men who sit around worrying about "lookism" and fretting over whether they are "Chads" or not. Do you think your grandfathers gave a shit about their jaw lines or how tall they were? No, they went out and courted women regardless.

>Yes, user, there have been millions of incels wandering about the earth's landscape since the dawn of time
Except the difference is that they were killed, you IDIOT
>There are likely statistically less physically attractive men who are insecure than non-physically attractive men.
Thanks for proving that looks matters.
>conventionally attractive men from having conditions like social anxiety, autism, depression etc, which are prime causes of insecurity.
And yet they still get laid more than the average male.
>the vast majority of men in today's world are having at least some sex and dating at least some women with no problem.
Most of those men are paired up with subhuman women through means of marriage. Now that marriage is slowly dying, we're going back to the default.
>Either your approaching strategy is all wrong, or you have no ability to regulate your own standards and are thus approaching women far out of your own league.
Lmfao kid, are you still stuck in 2007? PUA is dead.

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Show skin, smile, reciprocate.

> genetic research has shown x to be the case
> "haha, you dont really believe that do you user?"
i bet you dont believe in evolution, spherical earth or climate change either

insecurity is a learned response from traumatic social incidents. chad does not suffer these (rejection, neglect, derision) so the insecurity entailed by exposure cannot be conceived

incorrect. most men (third worlders) still live in arranged marriages with no kind of courtship or choice on either party (apart from their parents). no approach involved

i thought leagues arent real and the only thing that matters is confidence, being yourself and good hygiene?

and they were rejected similar or still living in the same prearranged system as modern third worlders do. i apporached about 100 women this year in real life alone, and i dont mean random drunks at the club, i mean properly. i know chads in the same spheres who did nothing, and girls flocked to them. it doesnt matter what you do, only what you look like

If you want to live in this self-constructed prison that's fine by me, user.

I hope one day you get better and stop sabotaging your own life.

>My viewpoint based on facts and evidence is a self-constructed prison
Gee, man. I guess physicists also live in a self-constructed prison too.

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It's very complicated. If he smiles at all while you blow him, you're probably doing it already.
It basically boils down to both of you being very comfortable, having a satisfying relationship, not overdoing it by trying to look like a pornstar, making it as personal and intimate as possible, and eventually calling him onii-chan as he starts cumming.

Kek my body is the same as this guy. I feel like he's right and wrong though. With muscles your beautiful face pops out even more.

Butterfaces are still hot plus make up exists. Also, face gains are a real thing. If all else fails there's always surgery. You can do anything with enough effort.

Are you actually retarded or Just trolling?

A year is a long ass time without sex. A month and I start getting crazy.

I've never had sex. I guess fapping is the way to go, sucks to be me. Fuck normies forever.

It will be if you keep on being this bitter

Those are better than being hot


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No woman ever seems to want to hear this but hotness is entirely subjective.

Some people like long-legged blondes, some like aggressive girls with attitude, some like shy nerds.

You have to play to your strengths. Cute, sexy, beautiful... Whatever word they call you, it all means the same thing: attractive.

Don't have tits? Someone's into that. Socially anxious? Someone's into that too. Full lips and heavy make-up? There are people who are NOT into that... and there are people who are. Same to the previous things. These aren't what make or break you.

If you want to know what's not attractive, it's a lack of confidence and bad hygiene.

Actually hot is easy. You stick your tits out, show off your ass, and boom, you're hot. Truly attractive people are born that way. You can't make yourself beautiful if you aren't. But hot is just a matter of getting guys dicks to respond, and that's not difficult.

I like shy agressive nerdy girls with attitude.
I'm not even joking; this pretty much exactly describes the girl I have a crush on.

cute & pretty > hot
Hot is attractive in a "I'd smash" kinda way, pretty is attractive in a "I'd take out to dinner, and be happy to wake up next to" kind of way. Hot is cheaper and easier to do.