Polands public TV just published official documents proving that father of Itzhak Shamir - Shlomo Jeziernicki - was a...

Polands public TV just published official documents proving that father of Itzhak Shamir - Shlomo Jeziernicki - was a high official of Judenrat sending Jews to death in death camps, not an "innocent victim of Polish antisemitism" as Shamir always presented him.


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Looking from the outside. Enjoying what we see.

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It was the kikes who began to attack Poland. We are only defending ourselves. They should have thought ten times before doing this. Maybe zionists really went insane and they think that we are like any other European country they can attack and defame without any consequences

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Now we should make exhumations in Jedwabne

It should be done already in 2001 when postcommunist traitor Kwaśniewski apologized for it in our name.

Good exposing those zyde rats

Keep up the good fight. Im radicalizeing poles za granice

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why are those idiots going even further. Do they really think that the global public cares about some Judenrats? Judenrats or whatever existed is a tiny thing compared to jewish suffering, so the global public will see this as some petty attack against the Jews. I think I should really train myself to eat just potatoes and onions, because under this stupid government and this stupid tv, this shit country will really become isolated

there is a saying, that if your opponent is making mistakes, then you shouldn't interrupt them. With bringing up meaningless details of history like these, these fucking idiots from the government and tv are only giving new pretexts to attacks on Poland

And this talk of "jewish collaboration" will immediately be discredited as dishonest, simply because jews were living in different conditions under occupation than non-jews. Polacks are really stupid idiots and are only preparing the ground for future foreign occupation, which will be launched to limit polish xenophobia and antisemitism, but I won't oppose it, because stupid polacks will deserve it

Jews collaborated not only with Germans against other Poles and their own kind. They collaborated even more with Russian soviets and up to 1 mln of Poles were killed in result of this Jewish-soviet collaboration in Eastern part of Poland occupied by Soviet Union

According to Julian Barnes, "though many Jews might have been relieved by the first arrival of the Soviets in 1939, which freed them from anti-Semitic Nazis who had invaded earlier in the year, the new arrivals brought their own (Russian and atheistic) anti-Semitism".[22] According to Anna Bikont, the Soviets brought in Russian and atheistic anti-religious policies: Poland's Hebrew schools were shut by the Soviets, who banned holy days that Poland had recognized, such as Yom Kippur, and appropriated shops and businesses, which were mostly Jewish.[23] Some Jews ("opaskowcy") formed militias and helped the NKVD compile lists of Poles to be sent to Siberia.[24] Bikont writes that Meir Grajewski (later Ronen), a native of Jedwabne, identified five Jewish “louts” who "lorded over" the town, denouncing Poles and, sometimes, fellow Jews.[25] [26] A total of 22,353 Poles (entire families) were deported from the vicinity.[27][28][29] Red Army troops requisitioned food and other goods, depriving the local populace of resources.[9] The Soviet secret police (NKVD) accompanying the Red Army routinely arrested and deported Polish citizens, both gentiles and Jews, and spread terror throughout the region.[7][30] Waves of arrests, expulsions, and prison executions continued until 20–21 June 1941, the very eve of the German Operation Barbarossa invasion of the Soviet Union.[9]


Now THIS is some kvetching

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>Jews collaborated not only with Germans
This isn't true, because they were closed in the ghettos. It's not the same collaboration as in the case of non-jews

>hey collaborated even more with Russian soviets and up to 1 mln of Poles were killed in result of this
This is some bullshit speculation, nobody can realistically count this

do you vote for ruch narodowy?

>his isn't true, because they were closed in the ghettos.

They were closed in ghettos because of the Jewish collaboration: Judenrat

Didn't zionist Jews promote 'kibutz training camps' before the war. and during the war didn't zionists want to relocate the camps to Palestine?

And after the war didn't zionists bomb and kill Jews fleeing on boats to America? Because it wasn't palestine?

Didn't they blow up cinemas in Egypt later on and blow up hotels where British people stayed in palestine?

And 9/11?

shalom fellow Pole

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>They were closed in ghettos because of the Jewish collaboration: Judenrat
they were closed in the ghettos because it was easy to round them up in cities, not because of collaboration

do you vote for ruch narodowy?

hi ruch narodowy voter

Fuck off, Shlomo Judenrat. Get the fuck off to your promised land and never come back.


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stay mad. ruch narodowy is for low-quality people with buzzcuts xD

You have to go back, mordechai

>When Pol Poles are going to Red Pill the World on Jews Hands in the Holocaust
Best Timeline


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