She fag of Oregon thinks a bunch of retarded teenagers will swing elections. This better get shot down
What the fuck
I would agree with this if it was made to be half a vote or less, because while teens should be able to voice their wishes for their future they are still idiots
>blue state trying to make itself more blue while red states worry about conservative principles
nothing new here,user.
Retards of USA aren't capable to vote when they are 50 years old, let along 16. Protect their future? LOL, what's that future? Mutt niggers crime and corruption trannies eating shit GMO crap working for Juden printed money out of Jewish ass?
The age should go up if anything
Using that logic, why don't they lower the voting age to 0?
Also this can easily backfire. All it would take is the next flavor of the month memelord youtuber supporting a right wing candidate, causing him to win the election because kids are gay for trends. And they'll instantly declare all youtube memelords russian operatives.
I think 18 is suitable enough as is right now, I think voting rights in general is a wonky topic, because while I do believe everyone should have their say I also believe that most people are pretty dumb
>give 16 year olds the right to protect their future
>Some e-celeb ends up getting 7 electoral votes
Reminder: the lower voting age campaign is solely intended to increase the political power of whoever controls the curriculum of public education (i.e. whoever is already in power). Don't let anyone tell you different. There's no reason why children should be allowed to vote before having any actual experience of what the real world is like. They just want to make sure there are as many voters as possible who haven't had any time to reconsider their indoctrination.
not like 16 any different from 25 y.o just more pubes