What do you see here?

Attached: NewVibrantLogo.jpg (273x243, 19K)


Attached: 20190220_095909.jpg (250x222, 15K)

A boat?! What are you getting at, user?

A monk praying

I honestly want to know if someone of you made this, or shitposting here got to my head.

Oh shit. I must leave this place.

It's a shifty eye... and a boat.


A J?

a spinning dog

Viking ship

If nobody sees it, then it's just me. But until this day I didn't realize the subconscious effect this board could have.

>What do you see here?

I know what you're talking about and yeah, we got brainwashed.

Just tell us the answer you want and stop shitting up the board.


Do merchants not come on boats?

Wutang clan?

A piece of paper.

looks like a stylised horn to me
Are you trying to open up a shop for brass instruments op?

Attached: French_horn.jpg (800x552, 109K)

Two bears high fiving

Some Islamic logo?

Jew-Tang Clan

Q predicted this

kek noice

That's clearly a swastika.

Jew nose and hands.

What do you see here?

Attached: 1491891467303.png (301x341, 1K)

Attached: Whatdoyouseenow.jpg (273x243, 31K)

I need some time off to clean my mind. This place is dangerous af.

Now it's a trap looking to get fugged.

Definitely some kind of viking ship or sailboat.
What did OP mean by this?

Attached: 1548895816553.jpg (680x521, 63K)

A Viking ship

kikes swiping my money

He sees a merchant, you retard.

What do you see in this pic?

Attached: 1528568864240.png (600x400, 439K)

>mfw Jow Forums is more innocent than me
Stop it anons, let this thread die, please.

Attached: Fml.jpg (3400x2923, 3.24M)

a dove flying leftward

