Wife about to give birth to triplets within the month. Is homebirth the redpilled option...

Wife about to give birth to triplets within the month. Is homebirth the redpilled option? Don’t want to have Jew doctors put chemical cocktails in my children after he cuts their cocks off.

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squat birth


You’re low-T if birth doesn’t get you hard


I hope the child is born deceased. Your wife will cry but it will be her fault.


Homebirth is retarded. Great way to kill your kids because you're not close to a medical facility. Especially with triplets, that's a high-risk birth and they probably won't even let you do a home birth. But I know you're larping because if your wife was giving birth within a month there would already be a birth plan in place, especially since multiples are almost always born early. Just don't let them give her any pain meds, definitely NO epidural, and don't sign any circumcision consent papers. Congrats on your new herd of mulattos.

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You can tell them you are going on a staggered vaccination schedule with your main doctor (look up the right term) so that the vaccines are more effective. At least in USA they can't vaccinate without permission, same goes for circumcision. If you are worried about circumcision just tell them you are Jewish and you will be doing it at the bris, they should leave you alone.

I would not think ignoring all the good things you get by having a professional doctor on hand is worth the mild inconvenience of lieing to them. If there are complications and the baby or your wife has real problems you will regret not being at the hospital.

>home birth
Do it user. Post live updates when it happens.

This is prolly b8 but if it not, user she has a decent likelihood of dying if you don't take her to the hospital for this, I'm no expert but twins much less triplets can be complicated. Only real benefit to not giving birth in a hospital is that they wouldn't get assigned social security numbers, and would be pretty off the system paperwork wise, but I'd only consider that with a single birth and if you had medical experience. Its too risky for your wife user, I'm sorry but really stake her to a hospital when her water breaks.


Also OP definitely consider home birth but hire a midewife, she’s gonna have a hell of a time pushing out 3 white little aryans alone with you trying to jerk off in the corner onto the placenta

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Home birth should be the only option, hospitals are not necessary, and I don't think birthing centers exist anymore.

Kill yourself with that anti-vax shit my nigga. I wish boomers would leave

no u retard just don't allow them to be circumcised.

They ask whether you want your child circumcised or not. In fact, the only time a newborn won’t be around their parents at the hospital is when they take it to be circumcised. It’s very easy to avoid this - just don’t let the kid out of your sight and decline circumcision.

Iv'e seen that chicks porn before, can't remember name?


>our ancestors all gave birth fighting gravity giving birth almost vertically on a cheap hospital bed, after which every baby had its cock cut off and sold to skincare companies and then they were also injected with 100s of needles

Hello jew

I want to cum in the pussy of a pregnant white woman. Jizz all over her baby.

I'm just a passing through here, but I am genuinely curious: Why are you against anti-vax -- give me the argument in a few sentences if you could and I will promptly respond.

Why no epidural?

>t. Guy with retard kids

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>kelly hart
patrician taste

>after he cuts their cocks off.
You know you can tell them not to and then massively sue them if they do it anyways.

>what is infant mortality
>what is dying in childbirth
The hospital will let you squat on the bed or lean on a medicine ball if that makes your pussy feel better, sweetheart.

I agree with this. Triplets are already high risk. Don’t play games with your children’s lives OP. Just opt out of the dick chopping.

Get a load of this schmuck.
>home birth is retarded. Great way to kill your kids-
Plenty of people do homebirth you can hire a midwife. And if you think humans are so fragile how have we made it this far?
>they probably won't let you
You don't have to do anything a doctor tells you.

Because your retarded choices are putting other people at risk. And honestly since literally all of the scientific evidence is pro-vaccination the burden of proof is on you. By not choosing to vaccinate you are endangering the life of your child and the lives of others.

Congrats user. Be safe. Having our third any day now.

No dick chopping. No vaccines.

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What gender are your babies? Do you have any other kids?

You’re just angry because you payed 60K in hospital bills for your wife to take an overglorified sideways shit, dumb dumb

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Says the retard who is so selfish, that he chooses not to give his children the same biological protection he was afforded because he read a convincing Facebook post

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ummmm user... I hope you know your wife is leaking everywhere

if you're a trumpcuck, yes, i urge you to avoid hospitals for birth. doctors are evil, etc etc you are best off avoiding ALL MODERN MEDICINE, real american men handle the births TOTALLY ON THEIR OWN.

They test for retardation at like 14 weeks homie. Modern medecine is phenomenal - they check for hundreds of conditions before the baby reaches the first trimester. After it’s born, they screen for hundreds more. It’s incredible how thorough they are.

t. father of 2

Vaccines are directly linked to childhood Leukemia and other cancers which didn't exist prior to vaccination.

Do you have proof for anything stated in that image?

Hey there Faggot. You are a good goyim got pumping your kids so full of toxins and unknown compounds that surely the kikes will favor you.

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just go to a hospital and tell them not to circumcise them, people (wife or child) can actually die during childbirth you know (google "breech birth")
not doing what has the highest chance of success is irresponsible when people's lives are at stake

Can you provide proof of this direct link?

The epidural renders the pain chemicals in the brain ineffective, blocks the neurochemical communication between the brain and the abdomen, not allowing for enough power to push the baby out. The drug, pitocin effects the baby's heart rate, making it drop and then spike up extremley high. The baby can only take so much of this before Dr. Shekelberg tells your wife she needs an """emergency c-section"""". Cescarians are huge moneymakers for the hospital. Happens ALL the time.
>Aren't you lucky we were here to save your baby's life, goy?
And after a c-section they will try to stop her at every turn from ever having a natural birth in the future. The doctors told my wife she had less than a 20% chance of a natural birth after her c-section but she said fuck you and did it anyways. Taking no drugs made all the difference. Second baby was 2.5 lbs bigger too. Recovery from surgery takes months and natural birth it takes a couple weeks.

do what you wan't.
Only benefit for doing it at a hospital is in case of complications.
>chemical cocktails
yea, and look out for glow niggers if you decide to drive there

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So there's something called the internet now that is really useful for looking up really simple shit. Try it newfag.

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