Islam is the redpill religion: >Women are kept in their place, resulting in high birth rates >Faggotry is not tolerated >Drug and alcohol free >Group cohesion causes fear in their enemies >Sharia Law
Why are we not converting in droves? Islam has everything we're looking for.
Women kept as strict breeding material ensures the believers of the faith will continue to expand and outbreed any competition. This however results in women losing all of their freedoms and being an exclusive support class to men. This is contradictory to egalitarianism and makes it clear you are pushing for pro slavery ideologies. Go fuck yourself for being pro-slavery and just trying to rebrand it
Isaac Campbell
>egalitarianism >redpilled Pick one
Jeremiah Roberts
WTF shill?
Islam is cancer.
Sharia is absolutely incompatible with western constitutional democracies & republics.
This is most definitely a war for western civilization .
western democracy has failed to protect us from degeneracy
Daniel Brooks
I pick both. Why are you trying to fracture my reality? Why do you need women to lose all their freedoms in order to be able to breed is a better question for you? If you are not able to compete with them in a level playing field maybe you are a mediocre man. How about you improve yourself rather than unfairly give yourself unfair advantages (handicap bonus). Do you need a handicap bonus? What is your handicap?
Samuel Taylor
me too, it has its faults but maybe its whats best for us at this point, especially in our situation here in Europe