Should I stop pleasuring my bf to make him understand how it feels to not to receive pleasure?

Should I stop pleasuring my bf to make him understand how it feels to not to receive pleasure?
He never made me orgasm so I just wonder if he'll finally start doing something for me if I won't pleasure him anymore.
Would that even motivate any of you guys?

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Talk to him instead of expecting his retard brain to kick in and realise girls need attention in sex too. He'll never, ever, independently make the connection himself. So you need to tell him that he better start working on his orgasm game or he's not getting any back.

Talked to him but he still doesn't get it really. He just says that sex isn't the most important thing and the next day he expects me to get him off. It's been a cycle since 9 months of talking.

I relate so much to you. Yeah sex is not important, sure, that's what he says too (and he'll say you just think about sex too much). He cums almost everyday and he expects it from me without complaining. If I refuse to do it he gets upset. If I ask him to make me cum he complains because he is either tired or it's not the right moment, there is always an excuse. If he does it he won't even be passionate about it anyway so it'll be pretty mediocre.

I haven't asked him to do it for months because I am fucking tired of it. It's easier to masturbate.

Fuck you, seriously.

Tbh thought about asking him if I can try having sex with some stranger just to check if I'm even able to have an orgasm.
Maybe after that he'll fucking get it.
Not planning to cheat though. Just to get to his fucking retard mind.

He'll say you're a slut or something like that. If you start having fantasies or doing something on your own (like masturbating to BBC porn or whatever) then even more slutty... It's like we don't have our fucking needs, of course not.

Fuck it let's go full fucking homo and become lesbians.
And I always wondered how a woman after many years of being hetero can end up with a girl...
That's the fucking answer apparently.

Wow fucking whores kys... and they say men are the ones who obsess over sex

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Right my dude, fucking whores lmao

Talk to him instead, dummy.
Don't play games and expect him to understand what the fuck you're getting at, you're just going to make things complicated and dysfunctional.
Have a discussion about your sex life and ask him to do things you want him to do.
Don't accuse him of never finishing you off, but ask him if he can do [thing that works for you] longer, or better yet, guide him in doing it the way you like and be vocal when he's doing the right thing, we need feedback to know what we should do more and what to do less.

Okay, I guess I should have read further. Jesus christ.
No way for me to really talk around that one, they sound like dickheads, but giving them the benefit of the doubt, the times I've noped out of my responsibilities to my girl is times where I've been convinced there's a high chance of failure, like there's such a risk I won't manage to get her off, that it makes me want to just finish up quickly.

Definitely don't do this, that's just asking for drama. I get that it's probably frustrating as fuck, but this is not going to fix anything and it'll trigger the beginning of the end of the relationship to even suggest.

When you talk to him about your sex life and needs, what do you say? How does the conversation actually go?

You know, maybe because they are egotistical and egocentrical as fuck? Yeah sorry the world doesn't revolve around your dick. That would make any girl homo at some point. I have met so many women with the same problem and it just annoys me so much. Then men complain when their girlfriends don't like sex. It. Just. Fucking. Sucks. Why would I bother doing something so boring if I am not going to cum anyway.

I am also bi so it doesn't help that much either.

The secret to having gf is apparently be selfish in bed
It worked 2 for 2
I was doing it wrong

All of this happens because there's the understanding that guys are just meant to be good at it but you're not allowed to ask what the individual girl likes, you're not allowed to have clinical discussion about it, you're just meant to fucking know and I think the pressure, and like I say, the high chance of failure, makes a lot of guys disengage and downplay the importance of succeeding in pleasing her.
I'm biased here, naturally, but a dick has to be about the easiest instrument in the world to operate successfully. You basically can't do it wrong, but some people still do and it's because we don't talk about it, we're just supposed to know how it works.

Stop watching porn. Barely related, but important, just fucking quit it.

Men like this never learn. You'll have to find someone sexually compatible with you

Not OP but the other girl.

I have talked about this with him, so many times. I have tried to be gentle, to ask nicely, to get him in the mood to do it. I am not kidding, I have tried everything.

He saysI just need to ask him, he just doesn't know when I want him to do it everytime. Okay, fair point.
Whenever I ask, he does complain. Every, single, time.
He will never enjoy it unless I am touching him too. It feels so good to see your bf completely silent and bored while he is fingering you.
He will say it's not the right moment. Fuck that bullshit, he'll ask me for blowjobs even when I am sick.
He'll say he is tired. As I said, I've done it for him even sick.
He'll roll his eyes and just react like I told him to do the bed. So sexy, right? Feels good.

I am a whore for voicing my needs but I am tired and I have had so much patience with him.

Why are you wasting your time with these losers?

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Well the talk looks something like this

>tell him that sex isn't enjoyable for me because I never had an orgasm
>he tells me it's ok that he understands my point and that sex isn't the most important thing
>tell him that I would like to have an orgasm just once and what he is doing doesn't feel that good
>he asks me what I want
>we do so but he gets bored after 2 min of foreplay so we end up doing it like always
>or sometimes he just acts like he forgot what we were doing and ask me to do something for him
>he tells me that "he tried" and there is nothing he can do about it

OP, are you the gf of the guy from the "gf not cumming" thread?

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Yeah, you know what, fair enough. If everything you've said there is true, the guy's a twat and you should probably break up lmao
I came in here giving them the benefit of the doubt because I'm the opposite and prefer to give in my relationship because I see it as building a line of credit, but sometimes I nope out because nothing I'm doing is working (times where she sounds like she's hovering around 80% of the way there for about 15 minutes and my wrist or jaw fucking hurts), so I assumed that's what these guys were doing too.

Yeah fuck it lol, sounds like you need new boyfriends, I can't defend that.


I am not even asking for oral. I am aware it's not an easy thing to do. Last time I had oral was years ago. All I am asking for is to be fingered.

No but I hope he was my bf because his gf had an orgasm at least once from what I have read and he was capable to pleasure her just not as often as she wanted to.

You are both still with them though.
Doesn't your sticking around mean not trying is a preferred strategy?

*fingers respectfully in your direction*

Don't listen to this faggot he is trying to get laid.

Then why he even bother to be in this relationship?
Kinda dick move to plan a future with a girl you find ugly. And you guys say women are the only whores in here...

Over the internet?
With a question?

>Ugly men: pls date me I know I'm ugly but please I'll love you forever
>Ugly women: omfg why would you date me I don't want to date through a lie

This just in: relationships based solely on physical appearance.
At 10: social justice ineffective at being social, or just. "Warriors" anything but. Tom reporting this evening...

keke feeling real lucky right now. my boyfriend sometimes fucks me until he's literally dripping sweat all over his body because he loves to watch me cum over and over. And then by the end of it he's too tired to cum himself, doesn't want me to even try (I give him his due later on, of course).
raise your standards ladies, holy fuck. you don't need someone who has an apparent fetish for giving orgasms, but how do you even stay interested in someone who gives zero fucks about being genuinely intimate with you? is being alone really so undesirable that you'd rather put up with being used as a human fleshlight? that's not sex, that's assisted masturbation.
go ahead and pretend like their complete disinterest in your needs is confined to the bedroom and isn't reflected in the rest of your relationship.

Although this user is baiting and projecting so hard they should be charging imax entry fees, they're completely right and assuming the women in here are telling the absolute truth, they've no business staying in such shitty relationships.
God love you, after a certain point, it's your fault, ladettes.

You see thing is the girl that is dating an ugly guy will let him know that she doesn't love him for his looks but rather for his personality.
A guy that is dating an ugly woman will tell her that she is beautiful every time.

Why won't he just tell me that I'm plain ugly then? I know I'm ugly but every time I admit it he denies it. What's the point of that?

Because it's not an objective thing, you mongoloid.
He might genuinely think you are beautiful, he might think you are nice looking and love making you feel like you're beautiful.
He might think you are as ugly as you do, but that doesn't seem possible.
Love yourself like he does, you boot, we're only on this planet so long.

It would motivate him to dump you.

If he does then I won't have to do that so it's a win win situation at this point.

Why haven't you?
I've asked several times now and you ignore it.
Why are you with him?

Well I love him. And we fit perfectly with our personalities. He gives me lots of emotional support that I need. Besides that we are best friends.

Ok so there is something there worth saving.
I think your idea from the OP might work.
Test it out for a week

If he doesn't give a shit about your sexual needs now he probably never will. Really consider ending things with bf. The difference between being with someone who satisfies you and someone who doesn't is night and day. He can tell you there's more important things in the relationship to quiet you but he's getting his but if he wasn't sex would be an issue. Quit getting used.

>And we fit perfectly with our personalities. He gives me lots of emotional support that I need. Besides that we are best friends.
This just doesn't follow when he's stubbornly uninterested in your sexual satisfaction. Sex doesn't exist in a vacuum, this issue says something about who he is and how much he values you. You're blinded by sentiment.

>Chad is using me for easily accessible sex, exploiting me like a fucktoy whenever he feels the urge and ignoring me otherwise
>but he loves me! I swear! He's just not aware of his mistake!

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>implying incels are untapped sex gods

He was an incel when I met him. Still a fucking nerd to this day.

I'm a fucking incel but the one time I ate pussy the girl told all her friends at school I was amazing at it. Your boyfriend sounds like a goddamn idiot.

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>Would that even motivate any of you guys?
But when I had a gf when we had sex I wasn't allowed to leave the bed/couch/wherever until she dismissed me or I had to go because of my schedule, so I had to find something to do. And I had to get good at it.
That was part of the deal because I was a virgin.
Anyway, dunno if you can set rules like this, but it works.

Answer this you dumb hoes.

Already answered

He's either not a very sexual guy (wants an orgasm, not sex) or he just doesn't find you that attractive.

When my ex of several years made an effort to be sexy (shaving pubic hair, talking dirty, teasing, setting the mood), I would ravish her in all kinds of positions. If she pushed the right buttons, I'd be pulling her hair or cumming multiple times.

I made that effort too because I appreciated her effort, but she didn't seem to notice most of the time. Then again, she couldn't get horny every day like I could. Usually only on certain days of the month.

But when she didn't make an effort (rambled on about her insecurities, wouldn't shave but expect me to go down on her, be too specific about how she wanted me to play with her), it was hard. I wouldn't enjoy it at all and just wanted it to be over. The thought of passionately forcing myself on her just wouldn't occur.

My advice would be to find out what he's into. Every guy is in to something. He almost certainly masturbated to something before you came long. Just don't feel insecure comparing yourself to other women because he must find you attractive in some way if he chose to stay with you. Be stubborn, make him say it.

>be too specific about how to play with her

If you think like this you really don't deserve that person or are mature enough to be in a relationship. If you love someone you're going to try to understand how to perfectly return the pleasure they give you. Asshole.

>Tbh thought about asking him if I can try having sex with some stranger just to check if I'm even able to have an orgasm.


Trust me, this wasn't like that. I'd have no freedom to experiment, no ability to inject a little of my love for her into my actions, it had to be an exact method or she'd snap at me if my tongue got a little dry or my breathing noises were too heavy.

It was too much of a chore. Nobody would have enjoyed it.

Your bf is a selfish prick, dump him and get someone who doesn't suck

Holy shit, how do you end up with someone like that? My fiance always makes me cum three or more times before he gets to cum. Just dump him. This is not just about you not getting an orgasm, this is about his constant refusal to pay attention to your needs. That's a red flag if I've ever seen one.

What you need to do is constantly get him to the point of orgasm and then stop and then do it again and you need to record this and send me the video and it's probably better if you use your tits for this

The OP is a whore because she wants to sleep around while being on a relationship. If he isn't even trying to satisfy your needs then yeah, he is in the wrong.
If you addressed this many times and he won't get the hint break up with him.

So I will tell you that he is hard into teasing. I can really tease him for hours because I know he enjoys being dominated.
On the other hand he gets bored after 2 minutes of foreplay and expects me to be ready after that which resulted in quite a lot of pain at the beginning.
He acts like a fucking pillow princess in the end.

>Should I stop pleasuring my bf to make him understand how it feels to not to receive pleasure?

I mean, you can try, but chances are he's just gonna be angry for a few days (not because he doesn't receive pleasure, but because you refuse to "perform") and then he's going to start jacking off to porn of women more attractive than you who do things you never would and that's only going to make you jealous and insecure.

Why the fuck can't women communicate with words? Why do you always need to do the most subtle shit expecting the guy to psychically know what you want?
Women are the reason 99% of relationships fail and this kind of behavior is exactly why.

Is him being this submissive a sexual role that you're comfortable with? If so, think about how you can use him to turn yourself on.

Being ready after 2 minutes can be difficult. Ever considered using lube?

Honestly, all of this is meaningless without communication. *He* needs to be telling you this, not a stranger on the internet.

You make him sound like a tried and true nerd, the kind into games and anime. If that's true, ever considered reading some dirty manga for ideas? Just saying tips from Cosmo doesn't work for everyone - he might not be into icecubes during blowjobs but he might like striped panties. Just throwing it out there.

Didn't you read that she has talked about this with him multiple times and it never worked?