Coping with the redpill

How does user cope with the redpill irl? Since we can all agree on the fact, that it can be very dangerous to publicly express your political stance, depending on where you live, I think it would be interesting to share your experiences. Maybe develop strategies on how to cut on "delicate" topics without getting scrutinized.

Are you silent in public? Do you drop subtle redpills? Are you able to talk with your friends about it? Or maybe are you're just an ironic shitposter like I used to be and you don't really give a shit about all of this?
I've already made a thread where I explained my situation, but it was poorly executed. (I've made it look like some kind of gay blogpost so one of the vols rightfully bumplocked it) But it really fits the theme so I'm going to post it here again. Not looking for great solutions, mostly just interested if any of you are in a familiar situation and how you deal with it.

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>be an average guy

>early twenties

>average intelligence, average appearance, average height but a decently sezied cock

>you know how to hide your powerlevel, so you have no trouble socializing

>have mostly shitskins and mongrels as friends because you grew up in a multicultural hellhole

>you always feel like something is off, but you can't pinpoint it

>get into an accident one day

>get hospitalized for half a year

>start getting into imgboards to beat time

>start ironically shitposting on Jow Forums

>eventually recover from your accident, but keep up the shitposting for years

>eventually get redpilled from spending to much time on Jow Forums

>get into your late twenties

>the redpills you've swallowed are starting to make you sick

>you try talking to people about it irl

>people eventually get pissed because you "always be, like, all political n'shit yo"

>"are you ebil nazehh?"

>realize you're surrounded by npcs

>realize your friends are all indoctrinated brainlets

>realize if you ever talk about politics with your close ones, the'll reject you

>realize your living a lie

How does an honorary Aryan handle the situation? Keep in mind, that giving a fuck about the optics may possibly result in endangering your social status and harm you badly career wise.

I let my opinions out now. Used to hide it, don't care anymore. I hide my power level at work and that's it. You may be surprised how many people agree with you, if you add a little charisma and timing to your conversational skills. Conservation is a lost art, have fun with it. What's the worst that will happen? They call you a racist and stop talking to you? Fuck them then.

Additionally, a good strategy is drawing them into a conversation about affirmative action as an example and stating logically why it's an unfair practice for blacks as it is textbook bigotry of low expectations. To change someone's opinion or invite conversation on controversial topics, you have to make logical sense while also showing willingness to see their views. Even if it's fake, they should believe you're on the same team before they'll be open to hearing "unpopular" opinions. Again, I've been surprised by how many of my family, friends and friends of friends agree after a few drinks and friendly discussion about politics.

I went beyond this. I've tried redpilling friends and they end up agreeing with me, but there is next problem. What do you do with info? Info already exists, many people high up know this, but what do YOU do about it? Do you obsess over it for the rest of your life without doing anything?

If you want to change something you have to create meaning yourself, people will agree with you, but won't know what to do. I was thinking about anti-technological education workshop, where we teach dangers of social media and, how to manage internet addiction.

What are YOU going to do with your knowledge, will you use it to shape your direction in life or end up obsessing about it only to freeze in place?

I tell niggers and spics to their faces all day what the Democrats really are.
They don't do shit.

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>begin learning Hebrew
>begin learning Qabalah
>become top-tier shabbosgoyim like lil donnie

Being REDPILLED has ruined my life:

- I am UNABLE to talk to coworkers about anything that happens outside the workplace

- I CANNOT find any enjoyment in Movies, Sports, Television.... can't watch any of it, too depressing

- I see enemies around every corner, even going to WalMart at 8 o'clock in the morning and see a few Spics hanging around the store is enough to ruin my day

- Driving by fast-food places, seeing cars lined up so adults can get their daily dose of Chemicals, Saturated Fats, Carcinogens... it depresses me

- My only enjoyment in life at this point in time is spending free-time in my bedroom, listening to 80s music, wishing it was the 1980s again

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Grow some balls and join an organization/grou/movement/party. Speak up.

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