Redpill me on single mothers.
What is causing them? Besides the jew obviously.
What effects does it have on the kids raised by them? I fully believe kids need a mother and a father figure to develop properly but how does it negatively impact the kids?
Im trying to convince my sisters to stop being whores. It makes me sick.
Redpill me on single mothers
I fon kno all i kno dating them is BEETUHHH
Thankfully i've never heard this IRL. I pray I never do.
Women are clueless humans that have been given everything without ever having had to work for it.
Do you think they can teach anything useful to their children?
>I fully believe kids need a mother
Well, that's completely wrong. Women being around is bad for child development. Cunts are meant only to be incubators and milk dispensers.
Single mothers are great if you're a pedophile looking for a kid to molest. When we met my wife was a single mother, she had a one year old and a three year old(from two different men), I just had to have them hot little lolis. Being a step-daddy is great, they old cow gives me plenty of wuality time with them. I've gott hem trained good.
Fake as the mother would have asked for money upfront.
You get the rope pedo.
For children to properly develop psychopathologically they need both a father and mother figure. Without one or the other you get "mommy issues" or "daddy issues" which are the normie terms for the fucked up development due to lack of parental figures.
What about widows and women who where abandoned by their cheating slut of a husband?
I mean sure, kids need both parents but we can't always blame women. Let's hold everyone to the same standard