How does it feel to be hated zoomer white boys?

How does it feel to grow up in a generation where most other people hate you. Non whites hate you definitely, most white women hate you because they’ve lapped that feminism stuff up like milk. Oh and a lot of your fellow white male zoomers also hate you funnily enough. So how does it feel hated? How does it feel to know that they’re gonna have power over you soon enough and they’re gonna make you pay for the sins of your ancestors? What do you think of that? :)

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Now Lets see the face of your father

90's millenial here. Feels pretty good leaving all these (((lies))) behind desu. Feeling pride in my race, Shmuley. Which you'll never have.

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>mfw this faggot memeflag posts this thread every day
when you an hero, and you will, think of me famalam
>in all fields

Gonna talk and hang out with zoomer lads and initiate them back into the ancestral struggle. :)

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I don't get it, he still looks like a nigger. Please see all of the examples of famous black face done by Jewish celebrities over the years then try again.

Jews owned slaves. Black people sold black slaves. You think we forgive you for enslaving the whites 1000's of year ago? You owe us reparations, motherfucker. Die.

i'm still white and he's still a sub human
feels good man

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Tick tock, merchant. Thanks for the motivation and adversity.

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Why this thread everyday? I don't get it.

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And generation z is the most conservative generation since WW2. Is that why this is posted everyday? Is someone afraid of something?

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He ashy

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Jews needed "bailouts" as business failures despite being the richest group, Niggers/Spics/etc. need "handouts" non-stop, all from whites. What are all of you failure groups going to do for a living when you wipe out us whites you hate so much? If we got rid of any of your groups, our lives would improve immensely, if any of you succeed, you'll be turning to cannibalism and facing the worst of all situations --- having to live with your own.

Those blessed digits tho. The age of merchants is over. The time of fashy overmen has come!

Haha, literally who?

A Jew wouldn't.

jealousy of whitey never gets old


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It's tough sometimes, but at least I'm not a nigger.


Hated online by a bunch of people I will never meet. It doesn't matter

All women want to hate fuck white alphas.

At least I'm not black, bullet literally dodged.

I was at university today and we were sitting in the mock court room when the lecturer asked one of us to volunteer to be the judge. No one said shit out of 30 people for a solid 30 seconds until one white dude volunteered. Before this I was chatting to to girl next to me. I said something along the lines of just getting up there and looking pretty. The white dude who volunteered got up there and jokingly pretended to look important. I commented to the girl "He looks good up there. He looks important" without blinking this chick, who was white, who had the chance to do the job her self, said "of course, its a white male.". I almost caught my self saying, there is nothing wrong with being a white male. Lads, its a fucked world when I, as a light skin Arab, feel obligated to defend whites. Why the fuck do they hate you so much?

That nigger is pretty good that that!

Attempted demoralization, makes up about half the threads here at any one time. Jow Forums is the "enemy" to certain folks who come here to "strike a blow" but just end up looking like scared desperate fags.

Kek that's sad. Even more sad if they do it for free

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Post you nigger faces guys

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Keep that in mind every time you see a thread addressing Jow Forums as "you", and sage if you absolutely must reply.

Hating Israel has become common place here more than any other time before. People are smarter and they don’t see individuals as the enemy anymore. The BDS movement has helped unify people against irrational hatred.

conditioning! its the same in 1917 Russia.

White americans are hated for the wrong reasons. Niggers are hated for the right reasons. Such as that stupid pic.

I mean we know you’re a shill so why bother

This is my nigger face

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Feel greats.
No guilt for lynching niggers who hate me.

lol you’ve got that so wrong. The only places where white hate is okay is in large cities.
You drive 15 miles outside of the city and things are very different.
The cities keep getting poorer, and the people out in the country stay just the same.

>they hate us coz the ain't us
it;s really that simple. Thanks for the feel good post user.

Many enemies much honour

More a like”my Leslie jones face” fucking ugly baboon and shut the fuck up op, you’re a giant fucking faggot too

That's reverse racism, I would call you a nigger now because it would be reverse-reverse racism if I was white.

Thanks Gotcha. I haven't even been here that long but these shills everybody talks about are so painfully obvious that there's no way somebody is actually paying them. Waste of money if they are

everybody hates niggers,even niggers themselves.

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They're just assholes who heard about this board being an "alt-right hangout" and since they're conditioned to hate what they perceive as the alt-right, they come here to "strike back" after their defeat in 2016.
They're angry, bitter, and filled with both hate and statistically cum.


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I don't. Until the age of the merchant they were never a problem.

>accusing jews of real or imagined wrongdoing.
In other words, they are untouchable

Yeah that’s your typical white girl these days

You guys are gonna snap and kill or exile every darkie in the US aren't you.....

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You tell me nigger

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Never in your country either, memeflag.

i hate my enemies. would it not be rational for them to hate me? if faggots niggers jews and commies hate me, i know i am on the right path.

How does it feel to be a nigger, hated by every other race?

Protected class.

A problem for themselves, perhaps.
Not the nigger's fault that Shmuley brought them to the west.

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>How does it feel to know that they're gonna have power over you
who? the cucks or the commie-niggers?

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Nothing will happen user

are u sure they hate us or want to be us aaayyyyyyyyyyy lmfao

No one wants to be you.

In time White Boy

feels good not being a nigger


>You answer
>Other niggers answer
>I don't get it
