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>Trump is not a dicta-
Aaron Richardson
Daniel Torres
What's the problem, he's right
Ryan Turner
whats the problem?
Chase Wood
Trump is right.
Gabriel Ortiz
Wish he was a dictator
Xavier Richardson
He is 100% correct
Henry Gray
He's not. He's just a whiny bitch on twitter who's too afraid to actually do anything.
Julian Walker
i wish the holocaust really did happen, also OP isa fag
Justin Diaz
Levi Martinez
Did you cut your dick off yet?
Xavier Ward
Criticizing the press /= dictatorship.
Austin Jackson
Daniel Gonzalez
He’s right faggot
Christopher White
Criticizing the press doesn't make you a dictator. Banning them does, which he hasn't done.
Sebastian Sullivan
How much of the deepstate have been thrown in prison?
Ian Garcia
Technically it would take more than banning the press to make a dictator, but it would certainly be a first step.
Daniel Bennett
I can type out NYT is the enemy of the people on Twitter too, does that make me a dictator too, Greg?
Carson Rodriguez
Since when did expressing opinions make you a dictator?
Evan Martin
no, because you're a piece of shit pariah that has no power.
David Perry
>dude wtf wikileaks isn't a source
Isaac Garcia
Most media is propaganda at this point. Look at Colbert or Oliver. It’s basically a syndicated program meant to re-educate and re-enforce the political narrative presented. It uses comedy mixed with rhetoric to target your subconscious in a way to not only give you less time to think about what is being said but unconsciously strengthen the belief being presented. The crowds clapping to what people like Colbert are saying give you an impression that the rhetoric is the majority opinion.
Isaiah Nelson
Since when did countering lies and spreading truth make someone a dictator? I am pretty sure you don't know what that word means.
Justin Butler
Colbert and Oliver are comedians that peddle in political satire. If this is where someone gets their news, their opinion is null and void. Because they are obviously retarded
Adrian Jenkins
I wish he was, having a strong leader like Pinochet, Franco, or Adolf is about the only thing that could save us short of some dystopic world war/civil war.
Also, I wont be shocked if more shit like the maga mail bomber starts happening, the left would love to have some false flag shit to further their case against Trump and his supporters.
Isaiah Ross
Is he still a dictator if he is right?
Juan Mitchell
Hudson Morales
Sebastian Garcia
Goddamn dictators these days, giving their opinions and stuff
Sebastian Anderson
Yawn. Call me when the death squads are out in the streets.
Hudson Price
I can only imagine the amount of ass-blastery that would have been caused if Obama or Hillary said this about Fox News
Dominic Perry
For once, I wouldn't be opposed if Trump took a page from Lincoln's book and jailed reporters
But otherwise Fuck Lincoln.
Christian Flores
If MSM will actually stop lying for 5 seconds people might take this point seriously.
Michael Harris
im starting to hope he is so 80% of people on the world aren't complete hysterical idiots and I can just conform
Grayson Gonzalez
you could probably count a paper that has lied to the people for well over a century as an enemy of the people, true.
Nolan Hernandez
>points out lying kikery
Kys Chaim
Ayden Cook
Jonathan Nguyen
Benjamin Turner
Name a news source that doesn't lie. Just one.
Daniel Reed
So you don't have an issue with most MSM outlets working with one campaign over another, or reporting an agenda/narrative rather than the facts? Is your response to that "durr everyone does it"?
Lucas Brown
Where’s jew at? Or is it the deep state?
Andrew Phillips
Why are you asking this person though? They clearly agree with your rhetorical question, as do I.
Lucas Bell
Look at all those (((Journalists))) raging at this kid, what the hell he's just smiling ffs
Juan Rodriguez
For one day, I wish Trump is the evil dictator you motherfuckers act like he is. And I wish he would kill all of you
David Murphy
Daily Wire
Mason Jenkins
Only if that news source presents itself as fair and balanced. Trump's criticism of the MSM is correct, however it's dangerous given that he's POTUS.
You're missing my point. The right would flip the fuck out if a liberal president said this about a right-wing news outlet. You'd rant about free speech and freedom of the press, but oddly enough you don't do the same for NY Times. Lying to the public is part of the 1st amendment and Trump does it all the time too. Do you criticize him as the enemy of the people?
Isaiah Cooper
Trump made an understatement obv.
Owen Russell
Breitbart, they have the lowest number of corrections or retractions of any US news source and have never lied about a story.
The only source of information better is Wikileaks which has never once had to post a correction or retraction.
Luis Barnes
The media
That was easy
Hunter Gray
>is correct, however it's dangerous
Well maybe they need to change so that he's not correct.
Jace Morales
Based Trump
Carson Hernandez
>Trump's criticism of the MSM is correct, however it's dangerous given that he's POTUS.
It's not dangerous at all, what's more dangerous it the Fake News media who has a specific agenda to remove him from office. Trump has not called all media Fake News, just outlets like >You're missing my point. The right would flip the fuck out if a liberal president said this about a right-wing news outlet.
Said what, that they're fake? Do you think Obama treated FOX news well?
>Do you criticize him as the enemy of the people?
I'd take Trump's 'lies' any day over the propagandists on your TV
Brody Adams
I don't like your attitude, Focker.
Cooper Baker
Obama criticized fox news and it viewers on a regular basis. Were you under a rock for the last 12 years?
Xavier Reyes
Fuck the media ,
They dish out attack after false attack and whimper when called out on it
Tyler Bennett
This, if congress & dem judges were not in the way he could unironically fix most of the problems of the western world, INCLUDING no longer protecting Israel that he has attempted to do twice now.
Mason Bell
Justin Harris
Wyatt Rivera
trump is pro censorship
Daniel Baker
>Trump is not a dicta-
You are correct he is not, he is expressing an opinion. I know that to feeble minded people this is tantamount to jailing them.
If he was truly a dictator he would have gone full on Castro, and closed the NYT down, and arrested all of the people working there. They would have become memory holed in prison, never a trial, and no one else covering it.
He also still has not pulled an Obama, and had the NSA hack into reporters computers, which apparently was fine with the media.
Ethan Hughes
Stop being a mindless Trump drone. You shouldn't accept lies from the MSM and especially not from fucking government officials like the president.
How the fuck is criticizing Fox News the same as calling them the "enemy of the people"? Was there an Obama inspired terror attack on conservatives?
>On Twitter, Cesar Sayoc Jr. lashed out at immigrants, gun control advocates, and prominent Democratic politicians. On Facebook, he misspelled a racial epithet, directing it at the likes of Oprah Winfrey and former President Barack Obama.
>With fury in his fingers, he shared inflammatory news stories from Breitbart, hard-edge videos from Fox News, and angry posts from pages like “Handcuffs for Hillary.” He tweeted a threat to former Vice President Joe Biden. And he posted photographs of himself wearing a red “Make America Great Again” hat at one of President Trump’s campaign rallies.
>After a frenzied nationwide search for the person who sent 13 makeshift bombs to some of Mr. Trump’s most prominent critics, >Mr. Sayoc, 56, was arrested Friday morning in Plantation, Fla., at an AutoZone car parts shop. Authorities released a photograph of a man with a buzz cut and a mouth that drooped toward a frown. They hauled away a white van plastered with bombastic stickers expressing support for Mr. Trump and animosity toward those who clashed with him.
>“Dishonest Media,” read one on the van’s back right window. “CNN Sucks.” Cross hairs appeared on a photograph of one of the liberal commentators at the network, which received more than one package from Mr. Sayoc at its offices in New York.
Jaxon Green
Fox news during the Obama time is absolutely no comparison to the one-sided, agenda driven media we're seeing today. If you think there's a comparison, you're blind and retarded
>look at this one guy!
>we need to lock up all conservatives now
Josiah Hughes
You can't be serious. Fox News is the most popular and sensationalist news outlet in the world. It's nonstop state propaganda and this point. It is a textbook definition of one-sided, agenda driven media. CNN and other outlets have their own biases too. If you can't admit this, then you and every other Trump fag are just being disingenuous.
Jayden Phillips
>Name a news source that doesn't lie. Just one.
Ones that run all of the airwaves none. They are all NWO indoctrination stations, that people willing buy into since most people want to be merely entertained. Ifr anything about the few places are independents online for now, until they are basically denied any access.
Juan Watson
>Fox News is the most popular and sensationalist news outlet in the world
Ah I see I'm being epic troled, I knew someone couldn't be that retarded
Adam Ramirez
KEK Imagine defending Zognald Trumplestein this much in 2019
David Flores
>I can only imagine the amount of ass-blastery that would have been caused if Obama or Hillary said this about Fox News
They have for as long as I can remember. The left have always called them "Faux News" and disregard every article they run as lies bought and paid for by Republicans.
Henry White
wheres the lie you jewish homosexual?
Brody Wood
Imagine unironically siding with the MSM, hollywood, and Comey
Lincoln Allen
Dictaphone? Agree 100%.
Jeremiah Wilson
caps and exclamation mark makes it true
Camden Taylor
the shilling
Ayden Moore
This is the correct answer.
Austin Miller
but you are a useless nobody piece of shit pariah with no power.
stop dreaming dumbfuck
Luke Barnes
>The New York Times is not a ENEMY OF THE PE-
Ethan Hughes
What are you trying to say here, sven?
Adam Thomas
Nicholas Morgan
Jow Forums
Daniel Murphy
They are an enemy of the people
Parker Moore
Trump's not a dictator. Dictators have power over their subordinates.
Jacob Wright
Oy vey, fellow Jow Forumsacks. You've convinced me. Trump is a member of the jewish peoples. I am now voting bernie to stop him. Just donated 27 dollars. Who is matching me?
Luis Brooks
As opposed to what?
One guy does something the headlines Trump causes violence with his language.
Dems say harass Trump cabinet members, and Republicans where you see them, and then people get assaulted close to daily. The sound of that coverage is crickets.
The chief strategy in the communist playbook is to blame, and emphasize that the other side is doing what violence, and oppression when they are not, and you do that but say it is not happening, and is made up by your opponents.
The only problem for the left in this nation is they went for restricting guns, and people on the right said screw you, and their followers hate guns, and are scared by them. So when actual violence, and Civil War was to happen, they would be SOL. At least Lenin, and clowns actually armed people at first to over throw the Czar. Our leftist clown car riders have bike locks.
Camden Diaz
Jaxon Bennett
>I can only imagine the amount of ass-blastery that would have been caused if Obama or Hillary said this about Fox News
>They have for as long as I can remember. The left have always called them "Faux News" and disregard every article they run as lies bought and paid for by Republicans
Hell I call them Faux, and see them as pretty much the same as CommunistNN, Mentally Stupid NBC. The only thing I will catch on Faux is like Greg Guttfeld for some occasional funny moments, and Carlson for the same. People like Hannity, and then Rush on the radio are pure self indulgent blow hards. I truly want to punch both of them in the face, as I hate arrogant people.
Also the only people that got bent over them criticizing them were mindless retards, like those getting bent over Trump doing so. I will ad to my knowledge he has yet to have a single reports computers, or personal files hacked, unlike Obama.
Christian Watson
>Muh Communists
Why won't this meme die?
How many people have died America for to specifically left-wing violence inspired by Clinton or Obama? Zero. People yelling at politicans in restaurants or airports isn't anything new. In fact, it's their 1st amendment right or else those people would be in jail.
Eli Johnson
So you support the 1st amendment? What about the 2nd?
Caleb Long
I forgot at first but thanks to I remembered.
Remember to sage guys
John Moore
Obama drone killed civilians though, and everyone knows what happens when you mess with the Clintons...
Brayden Russell
>People with zero political power said mean things
Now this is a true snowflake video. Do you even know that the motive for that shooter was?
Wyatt Jones
>>People with zero political power
What did it mean by this?
Ryder Mitchell
Do you really care about drone strikes user? Or are you concern trolling? Please be completely honest.
Grayson Williams
Not in my America
Christopher Rivera
Sure, assuming you have laws to keep them from insane people.
James Roberts
>Obama drones massively
>ISIS still grows
>Trump drones massively
>ISIS defeated
It'd be good for you to learn the difference, silly leftist
Chase Reed
Are the right to trucks enshrined in the constitution?
Eli Edwards
>Assuming that I'm a Trumper
I'm just pointing out hypocrisy where I see it. Trumpers may be falling for (((the same sh!t))) that Obama-ers and Hillary-ers fall for, but at least they don't believe that Communism works, or that at least 65536 genders exist lmao
Zachary Gutierrez
> Trump's a dictator!
> Lets political dissidents live
Pick one.
Colton Powell
Michael Rivera
Eh, they constantly shit on Fox News.
Ayden James