Why aren’t men committing to long term relationships anymore?

why aren’t men committing to long term relationships anymore?

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The same reasons that were posted yesterday and the day before that and the day before and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that...

Cause most women are thots and refuse to settle down until they've already had 3 kids with no father?

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I'd happily enter a LTR, but if I were in a room with John Merrick, he'd get picked every time.

>80 percent of women go after 20 percent of men
>Men can only Marry 1
>60 percent of women are shocked they get fucked and chucked by men too good for them
Sounds about right

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>all women are whores by choice
>some whores are butthurt that other whores are better at being whores than them

Muh career muh independence muh cock carousel muh sexual value past the age of 30 muh stronk woman doesn’t need a man

>>all women are whores by choice
Fathers should not allow their daughters to chose

>and refuse to settle down
How many women do you know that have refused a marriage proposal?

checked & fpbp

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Don't give up the pussy so fast, and you might get a ring. It's not that hard. Maybe you are just meeting guys who only want to fuck?

I'm not because an autistic, depressed mess with self esteem and trust issues. Women don't want me and it's easier to just give up and focus on my work than to try to become what they want. At least I'll have money.

>Pete Wentz
That gay faggot from Fall Out Boy?
He was married to Ashley Simpson.

>Don't give up the pussy so fast
Don't give it up until you're married.
An actual virgin has a huge advantage over other women.

then you finally get to the top of the tree and realize the apples at the top are just as rotten as the bottom ones

Imagine being in a long-term relationship with a public toilet.

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Because women are married to the state

>why aren’t men committing to long term relationships anymore?

With someone who puts out on the first date?

It's nice how betas aren't even men for them.

like 7 or 8. I didn't ask them, but I knew they were thots and roasties.
My exwife and I used to laugh at people for being childish, then she got into that crowd of people that "educated" her with drugs.

>I didn't ask them
But you know men who did?

I am on tinder and another similar app. I meet girls and talk to a dozen weekly. I am not a Chad or anything, but I'm not hideous either. Sometimes I meet a girl I like, sometimes they just annoy me. I can pick up on a person's personality within 3 hours, at least, the big lines (if you can't, you're autistic). Therefore, a 3 hours date is enough for me to know whether or not I should give it a shot with the girl, except one thing, I don't know how the sex will be. So yes, before I commit, I want to know if I'll have a fucking serial rapist that will make sure my nuts are empty every second of the day or a fucking conservative girl saving herself to have kids. Before one of you cunts tell me I'm a degenerate because I enjoy sex, go fuck yourself, you might like it.

>conservative girl

I don't expect to find one there. Conservative girls turn out to be the biggest sluts when they turn 35-40. I'd rather have a modest girl that had a few cocks but had fun and still choose to settle with me. As long as she's loyal and doesn't have kids, idgaf.

alimonies scare us off
probably they know we don't need too many people anymore
what they don't know is we don't need too many DUMB people anymore
or maybe they are more concerned about too many smart ones

>as she's loyal and doesn't have kids
then why would she be on tinder?

>tfw been with my gf for 9 years
>tfw I met her on craigslist
It's really not that difficult.

>PhD in Ladybrains
is that actual neuroscience or just a meme-field like X-studies?

Let's reverse this: why WOULD they? What advantages are left for men in a long term relationship? Even short term relationships aren't worth the effort unless you get sex.

If you want to change this, create incentives. That means rolling back feminism. But of course, the "Alt Right" would rather cuck to "mah whyte wahmen" than actually fucking change something.

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How fat and ugly is she?

Honestly. A lot, I mean, a lot of girls, at least in my area, are looking for something steady. When they write: "just looking to have fun", I swipe left. Sure, sometimes they don't write it and they turn out to be sluts, but it's easy to unmatch. Talking to a girl right now, nothing serious, we didn't even fuck, but she suspended her account because she wants to see where it takes us. Honestly, I am not defending tinder as a way to find a suitable mate, but it's the easiest way if you know how to weed out thots.

There's no "Alt Right".
The "Alt Right" is the sane left.

>sane left

The state has fully removed an incentive to settle down.

Arguably you are putting yourself at risk financially and even legally to marry a woman in the modern age.

When you disincentivize an activity people will stop doing it

>When you disincentivize an activity people will stop doing it
Exactly. But white nationalists don't do anything and would rather blame the migrants (for actually having a culture that subjugates women to men and implementing sharia law in their own ghettos), society at large won't do anything because women vote and both groups prefer shaming men instead.

You can find decent women on tinder/bumble but you need to trudge through a LOT of garbage women.

It’s kind of stupid but especially once you are in your mid twenties the online apps are a more effective way to meet people.

Other than that you have friends, work and a possible random meeting.

It’s no different than a matchmaker but down via a phone app, and matchmakers have been around for thousands of years

>the slow realisation
monogamy is a social construct, social contructs happen for a reason.

Probably a reddit-tier title.
She has a point, though. Everyone was brainwashed into believing having sex was like eating, when before promiscuity was seen as bad.

>tfw getting married this year

how do you tell apart the girls that won't hookup with anybody on the app from the girls that won't hookup with you but may give you a chance to date?

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Why are you posting links to reddit you faggot fucking nigger go back

I'm twenty five years old. Maybe a 6/10 in my own estimation, so a 3/10 to women. I'm shy and awkward, with low self esteem. Why shouldn't I just avoid relationships and devote myself to my work?

>climb to the top of the tree
Because you can't reach it. Also
>Ashlee Simpson

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Most women in my age group 30-40 are terrible. All the good ones married up years ago. Now all that's left are the cunts and single moms. Thank God for girls in their 20's.

>I only want bad boy chad and won't give the nice guy the time of day. Why do guys only pump and dump me?
Women truly are retarded. There's tons of nice guy beta types that would treat a woman like a queen... But that's boring to them


Thicc, but has a pretty face. Remember to moisturize to retain a youthful appearance.

cute faggot


Fucking degenerate

Godspeed, user. May you have lots of children and nieces and nephews. Dont stray far from your relatives.

because girls are soft

There are simply not enough chads around, so women would rather hold out for the most part instead of settle with what they could realistically get. Also at 25+, they start looking for guys that are not only tall and handsome but have a good career as well, which narrows their search even more. Seriously any white american girl that is 6/10 or higher thinks she will end up with a 6'2 polo model lawyer or doctor, and when this doesn't manifest into reality they get very bitter.

This. Also, it's not like I rely only on these apps, I actually go around, try to date girls, if it doesn't work, get them to match me with their friend, etc.
Ask them. Like I said, 3 hours is my golden rule. Within 3 hours you should be able to establish a baseline of trust and be able to detect when the other person is bullshitting you. If she thinks you're interesting, she won't lie to you in fear you'll see it and just lose interest. If she lies to you, it's because she doesn't care about you in the first place, so who gives a shit. But it really boils down to social skills, which you don't need much, I am fucking autistic.

>hurr durr conservative modest girls are bigger sluts than sluts

this is such a stupid fucking meme, only retards actually believe this.

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i believe you can tell many things about a person's character in 3 hours, but not if they sleep around a lot, women are too good at lying about body-counts, they probably even lie to themselves, so lying to you about it doesn't even register as a lie

maybe you are great at reading people but i'm skeptic, there are many girls that have an innocent character but still fuck around a lot, this is possible for them because they play a passive role, so they get to tell themselves that "it just happened" and it's hard to read if they do that just from their character

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After 2 months you are exhausted and want to run away from her or commit sudoku.

Might be your approach, really. I'm a sarcastic piece of shit, so with a correct set-up and asked a semi-joke, they often answer truthfully. If you ask your date, out of the blue:
>Hey, by the way, are you a slut?
She'll say no.
What's wrong with trying to spread my seed?
I wish you a happy life with your church girl. Truly, I hope for your sake I am wrong, but when she cheats on you, don't come on here crying.

Fetishes are the most important thing to a woman. It doesn't matter if you're 6+/10 with a good career if you don't have a dad bod, long hair, into water sports or any other thing they've randomly latched on to.

Jesus you are stupid

> Those kids' names

Fucking white people.

Prove me wrong

>pro-tip: he can’t

actually true. long hair and a lil belly does me in sempai

>get turned down by girl when we were 18 because she wanted to “find herself” at university
>7 years later she gets in touch with me asking to settle down and have kids

>I’m already married and had 3 sons
>she gets pissed when I tell her she had her chance, she didn’t want me then, I don’t want her now

> she expects the world for not being promiscious

im pretty sure she considers her vagina gold and expects the world for it

the whore seems preferential to the female version of the Jow Forums asspie, no thanks

because these bitches ain't got nothing in them worth keeping around a while

> meme flag
> degenerate
Not surprising.

This is the most retarded thing I've read in awhile.

You speak like a 15 year old faggot and it's bothersome.
You're part of the problem that you're supposedly against.

>Feminism and womens liberation has devalued the only value women had
Imagine that.

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The only place to meet decent girls is church. A good church. Protestant, reformed theology, Calvinist.

>What's wrong with trying to spread my seed?
>implying you're not using birth control
>implying these whores you fuck wouldn't just have abortions
>implying you're not an incel LARPing
What's wrong with ruining girls? Gee I don't know. How do you think sluts are made? By moronic apes like you that only think with their little dicks.

not politics
extremely stale b8
apply yourself, user

How old are you? What the fuck

I can tell just by reading this that you've never actually gone on a date with a girl, let alone had sex.

Change "women" in the first sentence to "men" and the rest falls into place. This entire post is literal projection from females who will fuck multiple partners simultaneously even on a first date if their "status" is high enough.

Yes. Commit Sudoku.

Because most woman are shit in relationships.

did this happen in real life or in your head?

Remove nonwhites to the sample and let's see again
In the meantime, go eat bugs you fucking canadian cuck go get cucked by jews by not being able to afford FUCKING FOOD and ask for more circumcised dick up your fucking ass faggot

I do like how the pic implies roastie behavior is a male problem.

isnt that how it works in sweden? i hear they fuck first before even considering going on a date

Hecking check'd

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There's no longer any incentive for men to commit to one relationship long-term.
>Don't cook
>Don't clean
>Don't suck dick
>Expect to not pay for anything ever again
>High probability of cheating
>Get in the way of long established friendships and routines
If I wanted to do all the cooking, cleaning, purchasing, go absent a sucked dick, and ruin my friendships I'll just become an even bigger weeb and buy a sex doll that looks like my waifu

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Refuse? A couple. Literally two.

Now, how many that got divorced because they don't feel magic anymore? Countless.

White female here. I can't get a bf because I don't do hookups. The only accessible places you can meet people to date (i.e. Tinder, schools, etc) are crawling with males who expect hookups.

>People hate muslims because of the way they treat woman
>Not because the 1,000 other shitty things about them as a group
Fuck off akhmed.

oops, girls are starting to notice this decades long Jow Forums campaign tom make pussy free in the name of feminism
should we come clear and tell them it was just Jow Forums trolling?

Fuck you fox poster

Get out there and shill against feminism.

who’s fault is this?

I've given up on them. When I think back on all of my relationships and try not to wear nostalgia goggles about them, they really just were not worth the investment of time and money and emotion. Maybe if modern women weren't so insufferable on every goddamn level..

80/20 rule

She is talking about Chad. The vast majority of men want long term monogamous relationships but are fucked off by average women who chase Chad.

Yes you can, just go on dates and don't make out after

I work, play video games, and sleep. It's an empty, lonely life, but it's mine. At least I have money.

This is truth

foid standards are too damn high

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t. Toastie roastie