Parents General

>been here since new
>parent of 3 boys
>anxiety everyday about their future
>how to ensure they find women
>how to ensure they have children
>how to ensure their future

How do we do this?
Make them religious?
Matchmaking with other red pill parents?

This needs to be discussed.

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Other urls found in this thread: Schedule English.pdf

i cant be the only parent on pol

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The more kids you have, the better chance at least one of them turns out good. It must feel bad to put all your eggs in one basket and have your only child grow up to be a nihilist vape addict zoomer

thats a very r selected way of looking at it.

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Arrange marriages


Agreed I think about this a lot, we need a network for red pilled parents to arrange their kids marriages.

Indians(dot not feather) have a website for arranging marriages

How about you just make them strong and let them figure out what you can not teach?

>get them excited to join a sport or martial art
>teach them social skills

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well as a parent dont you owe it to them to teach them and guide them all you can? Its zogged mindset to let them just figure things out on their own

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Social change is being pushed so fast that might not be realistic anymore....

well as a parent on pol you can keep up with the social change and counter it as soon as it pops up.. or just red pill your kids so they see it on their own.

My oldest son sees it himself without me even having to show him anymore.. He is 16 though.

I wish you luck. I'm one of three brothers and we all ended up as kissless incels. Hope your children are attractive. I think that's all there is to it, honestly.

>only attracted matters
Yes this worries me, which is why I am thinking I should be making them orthodox or extremely trad catholic.

The local catholic church has some very trad famalies that only home school their kids.. The problem is my family is not religious at it is semitic garbage. However according to surveys high religiosity = more children

I have 3 boys as well. They're still young but I still worry. I plan on having many more in case some are fuckups.

I have a 5 month old. Unfortunately the mother split a month ago, so I am very worried about the few days a week hes subjected to a single mother. Its disheartening, but I think the best we can do is teach them good values and hope for the best.

I've been on Jow Forums since just after zero hour father of one, and I'm uninvolved, but i pay my child support and provide health insurance, so I'm not a total scumbag.

t. White attorney in New York City.

You fucking cuck. Good job fucking up that kids life. Smh user

Okay memeflaggot, my genes will live on, while yours will die just as quickly as the confederacy. The new woman I have been seeing has already expressed interest in having children within a year or two. I will have as many white children with as many white women as I'd like and theres nothing you can do about it.

you have to atleast have grandkids to ensure your genes live on user. atleast within your power to do so

Do silicone doll parents count?

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I have 3 blue eyed sons and their mother is still here. Try again user.

Go get your bitch back before she takes too much of tyrones dick. Your family is salvagable.

No anyone that fucks their kids doesn't count user

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Shes become morbidly obese and she lived free in the home I bought, while I worked 60 hours a week and she did a shit job of tending to the child. I threw her ass out and shes not coming back.

3 boys 1 girl here, have same fears for the boys

Marrying off the girl to a red pilled high t chad should be easy compared to finding the boys appropriate Wives

Thinking of having at least two more kids once finances settle

Why are you uninvolved

Are you even white

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>implying the hole is big enough on these things
It's like trying to stick your dick inside a cheerio

This. Not an issue here.

His mom will turn him into a tranny for social media upvotes, and you will be forced by law to pay for it.

Roosh was talking about arranged marriages on his latest rooshour.

Red pilled people in the west really need to figure out how to do this and fast.

You are like little baby. Try having a daughter.

pray the trap discord cult doesnt get them

If that happens I would simply hope someone murders her. He would do well with either set of grandparents if both of us became indisposed.

I get you user. Also I just read that you have another gf. I wish u and ur kid the best of luck. I hope next time keep the mom around even if she gets fat. Nothing wrong with kids having a big mama.

Thank you, I mean she wasnt skinny to begin with dont get me wrong, but to stay home and neglect the child while simultaneously destroying my home, I couldn't do it.

It was a 2 month relationship from meeting to end, i Told her to abort, she declined, i offered to pay her to abort, she declined.

I never had intentions of having kids, I'm a shitty person but we all got our shit going on. If it would get me out of paying and was legal id abort the kid right now with my bare hands in front of his 2nd grade class.

Yes I'm white, but my soul is blacker than space

I would hope OP doesn't know this feel

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You don't need to micro-manage your kids. Let them explore, fail and learn from mistakes. All you have to do is to make sure those mistakes don't have serious permanent consequences. You only need to teach the big stuff, such as ''girls like strong and masculine boys'' or ''always stand up to yourself''. Be a punching bag for them to train on if needed.

I don't even have kids, why would you take advice from me you dummie?

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This. My 3rd grader knows about the ills of society and is logical, for now, thanks to me being a 4channer of 13~ years. It's unfortunate, but I've had to show him tranny ops, abortions and nigger threads. I still let him be a kid and he seems normal enough, keeps his mouth shut about these things, but we have conversations all the time about social and political woes. The other day without prompting he asked what communism is. I have a toddler now too, a girl, so this'll be a tad more difficult since males tend to follow logic and strength, sheltering tend defending the weak. My daughter, though, should follow in my footsteps as a homemaker and mother, but also follow logic. I hope I can keep them from college and steer my son into a trade, maybe even become self sufficient enough to go in a woods and build a life for him (and hopefully family) out there. Even if our daughter never married, as long as she stays with us and doesn't into feminism, that's alright by us, though not ideal.

blue pilled as fuck

why not move to a village made up of redpilled friends/ regular redpilled rural and suburban retards
that's what i'm thinking about doing

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I live in a relatively rural area in a rural white state. people are still extremely blue pilled however.

So you should find a wife for them that they don't like and the wives don't like? Good luck, broseph. Maybe in a religious nutter community could you pull that off.

Did you vaxxinate

yes, we did the delayed Japanese schedule

This as well. When the whole yolo shit started I had a talk with my son about it, explaining you don't only live once; you live ever day and have 1 chance at life and if you follow yolo teachings then you could ruin your future for a smidge of what would seem fun or cool in the moment. You die once. I don't get too religious with him, but I do also talk to him about God and Jesus and how he will be bombarded with evolution, and that they're using dinosaurs and children's fascination with them as a foundation to their lies. Once he starts learning more about DNA and creation I will go more in depth with him about how information doesn't come from nothing. I already have used the analogy of vehicles and how they wouldn't run with 1 part missing, simple stuff.l, since I've shown him the inner working of a vehicle.


maybe get in contact with those pool parties the trs lads are doing
might me worth a shot Schedule English.pdf

Granted it might have changed since my last kid but I trust the japs much more than any western doctors on this.

you're bluepilled for listing "niggers are lower lifeforms than apes" as one of the big stuff

for not listing rather

Just wait for artificial womb technology to get advanced enough. Artificial wombs will make women obsolete for reproduction purposes.

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Hey Goy just wait for
>something that may never come
>something that may never be legal
>something that you may not be able to afford

There's an user with two daughters yet he seems very optimistic about their future.

It's not going to happen, in America at least. We have a difficult time with the fight over stem cells.

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Make them more religious. Individuals with higher spiritual values often turns out to be morally good and traditionalists.

Advice for finding that special someone to settle down and raise a big family with?

my advice would be dated, I met my wife more than 20 years ago when I was 18.

one thing I could suggest if you are avg looking.. go after a tall girl. Tall girls are insecure about their height and do not get hit on very much as guys dont find tall girls attractive.

you mgtow cucks need to leave
just because women are being turned into perverted dykes with penis envy doesn't mean that i'd rather have a flesh light and a child over a trad wife

I'm afraid it might sour them on it. I could probably find a middle ground though. I myself need to delve into it anyway, I may just be lacking when trying to convey things concisely. Thank you, though, I may just do that. My mother didn't force it on us and 2 of us ended up decent enough, but still disappointed our parents at some turns. We all have strong families though, but are lacking religiousity.

not sure how one does this if you do not have the proclivity for religion but you are correct.

how could you possibly make this meme any more forced or unorganic

the jews fear the honk pilled

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Mostly you can initiate more affinity towards your religion by pilgrimage. Pilgrimages to holy sites often act as a trigger point for numerous cases for some mysterious reasons. If you are a christian, try taking your kids to christian holy sites or where some of your major historical wars/events occured. Kids love it and they naturally develop more interest towards theology after that.

All in favor of matchmaking. We need our own bubbie/yenta types. If it's good enough for our Closest Friend And Ally, it's good enough for us goyim.

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>gay marriage
>collapse soon i p-promise!
>tranny demons
>it's right around the corner g-guys!
>state enforced homosex
>it's almost h-here l-lads trust me!
>le 10% land
>white people are gonna awaken really s-soon!!

there will be no mass waking up.. the people that are awake need to consolidate and speciate

its time to focus on our survival

>le 0% white 80IQ country
>consolidation literally t-tomorrow i p-promise!

>how to ensure they find women
Don't vaccinate them. Arrange play dates and make sure they're socially active. Don't let them play vidya, unless it's with friends
>how to ensure they have children
Teach them how to date, usually a neighbor with their own kids would help, because quid pro quo. You should have nieces that can help too.
>how to ensure their future
Let them learn on their own. Lawn mower parents destroy the independent potential of their children.
Take them on a field trip to the ghettos too. Show them how it's not the result of oppression, but the future they, the niggers, chose


I didn’t know western Bulgaria had its own flag, that’s kinda cool.

please use the official name :^)
i'm a stickler for pedantry lad

You’re right, my apologies. I didn’t know northernmost Greek province has its own flag.

that's not the official one :^)

*sweats* uhhhh...southern Serbia?

nu uh sweetie :^)

What's to stop this chad getting hooked on porn / vidya / degeneracy and/or leaving her? At least the boys are in control of their own destiny. I am more concerned about my daughter's chances.


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1. Get rid of the TV.
2. Put them in the company of similarly aged females regularly.
3. Don't tell them having children sucks, ffs.
4. Don't mollycoddle. Only they can ensure their future, and they have to be prepared.

Wife and I are half jokingly half seriously thinking about how to get our soon to be born daughter into an arranged marriage to ensure white grandchildren and nondegenerate relationships for her.

Digits demand that you are now seriously thinking about it.

every parent who is aware should be thinking about this