Why Can't The Left Meme?

Seriously. Is there something wrong with their brains?

Attached: theleftcantmemelol-reparations.jpg (1588x2056, 1M)

Look at all those words

my family came here 30 years after the civil war ended

Because they are ruled by emotion, humourless and dishonest.

>the fragile chimp designed as a stoic frustrated handsome nigger

Why did you make a fucking thread about this you subhuman? You're not gaining any knowledge except Hurr durr this comic is bad! Fucking kill yourself so you never post again

>Ohhhh is your thready weady not getting bumpy bumpied?
I got like, 3 responses in under a minute, lol

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Yes. Ones ability to meme is directly related to how autistic and mentally retarded they are.

Because I need to get to the BOTTOM of this mystery

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Could it also be linked to their tendency to be obese?
Why are liberals so fucking fat?

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Gee I'm glad the right never does anything like that. Holy fuck, buddy.

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>Is there something wrong with their brains?

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i wish we can make /rg/ again to bring all those posts there.

Hitler was poor.

Every welfare system has specific rules in favor of people of color. Is that not reparations?

I don't know who's trolling who anymore.

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Yes. An education based on lies and partial truth, in service of a brain obeying emotions instead of logic.
The result is a mess. Basically, schizo children with the bodies of adults.

This one has been modified slightly but it also highlights the general insanity of leftshits

Attached: stupid-antiwhite-cartoon.jpg (1157x1122, 290K)

>nigger is clean and nicely dressed
>hair clean and impeccable
>clean shaved, looks affluent
>the guy on the right is filthy, uneducated trailer trash
>looks diseased
>smells bad and is wearing rags that aren't even proper clothing
>he should give money to the black
This is a perfect example to WHY reparations are fucking stupid. The guy on the right is clearly poor, uneducated, and underprivileged, however people want to take the little he has and give it to a much more privileged african whose ancestors probably weren't even slaves, the whites ancestors not owning slaves

Why are the "white" people jewish?

do we still make /rg/?

>reee why does whitey arrest us for killing people

Because they have poor discipline, what makes them feel good is good.
Also because most are lazy as hell.
Also because the nervous system is the biggest consumer of energy in the body. And within, the brain is the biggest too.
Ever met a obese genius ?
Maybe the one with a genetic condition.
Lazy stupid people with poor discipline become blobs. Biology is a bitch and doesnt care about opinions.

Even niggers don't have the nerve to tell people to give them free money and to then ask them to stop fussing about it.
My money is on ____stein.

I know it's difficult to understand because of your extremely severe disability, but I'm actually insulting you right now.

Because he hates Jews but merely considers them a facet of whitey.

Attached: mrasheed exploitable jew.png (477x426, 223K)

Sometimes it's up late at night. It usually has a lot of activity.
I've noticed that Liberals fall into this bad habit regularly of calling White right wingers uneducated, poor trailer trash immediately after complaining about the alleged power, privilege and wealth.

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>why cant the left meme
>Jow Forumsja literally using a Facebookfrog for4 years now that was Tumblrs favorite meme in 2015

so we still make /rg/? can we do it friday afternoon please? i want to meet NSD and RM again.

I know, but I just decided to passive-aggressively use your post as a platform to draw attention to the fatness of liberals.

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There's no pleasing them. I'm actually starting to look forward to the crash so that the violence can start.

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Yeah, it's up regularly around bedtime/autismnightmode time

Even though what you said doesn't make any sense within the context of what I said?

>this doesn't contradict the notion that the left can't meme
Why can't the left think correctly?

Pic related is an icon of the "anti racist" left.

What is wrong with your BRAIN

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Your mom doesn't make sense.

You've been getting meme'd since the 30's, brainlets.

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when was the last /rg/ then? a link? i fucking hope RM came up with his server already.

I like the Che more.

>Executed fags for being fags
>Proud racist
>Burning rage for Jewry, even if he never name it

>Is there something wrong with their brains?
The short answer is yes.

What does his sign mean? Are the reparations the 40 acres and a mule... or the dollar value of 40 acres and a mule, adjusted for inflation from 1619 onward?

Moral without facts is a neverending struggle which forbid all kind of irony.

The left can't meme because a) they can't hurt any one special groups feelings even if it's for comedy-sake b) they have no real sense of humor and c) every "meme" they try is nothing but a paragraph long lecture whereas real memes are supposed to be short, easily digestible and not just an entire copy-pasted page from some sjw college textbook. In short, they're retards.

Does this count?

Remember: the guy on the right is actually a jew

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This "hilarious" left wing meme ends with a member of the working class getting murdered for not agreeing.


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NSD was there? he used to make /rg/ threads till they got ruined by Hungarian shitposters and traitors, and that thread got ruined too.

are we doing a new one on Friday if you can? hope RM who proposed a new group, to be there too.

>Anarcho feudalism
He had it coming.

I'm not involved in the creation of them but yeah, if you stick around at night they often appear.

alright, i will check our whenever i can, hope you can come too, i am still waiting for that server.

Beyond sad. Beyond pathetic. What do you call it?

I call it your mom

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This is mocking commies and anars. Just saying.
I am not sure but I think the author don't know it.

We'll call it "as autistic as humanly possible" or AAAHP for short. Well done, I haven't seen this kind of behavior in months.

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This image is pretty anti Semitic.

>I think I'll make a comic
>draws two things, and writes more dialogue than imagery
Why even make it a comic if you don't want to employ the medium?

Quality memes involve subtlety and require the consumer to have some knowledge of the topic in order to find it humerous. There are leftists that are elitist enough to make quality memes, but they're all in Hebrew and don't get passed around on the internet, just at temple.

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>Posts a picture of someone getting punched in the face
Wow, that sure disproved the notion that you are a violent aggressive retard.

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You genuinely disgust me. I regret being in the same species as you. Congrats, you've won.

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Why would Asheed even be so concerned of wipeepo trying to steal black women?
It's really an incredibly uncommon pairing White men generally don't want black women and black women generally don't want white men.


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All that text like I said. They don't know how to meme they just know how to regurgitate endless propaganda. Why wouldn't I just read a book instead of some shit-drawn lecture from an idiot?

This guy is obviously not into women at all.

Cry harder fag

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kek this is unironically based

No this is not mocking commies this is exactly how commies think and behave

Does anyone have the edit, where at the end they just tell her not to break the law?

You are part of the reason pol is fucked.

They behave like the guy with a shovel because violence is the only argument they have or they behave like the excuse maker who get shoveled?