Should I try to get into video games for the benefit of my hypothetical future bf? I don't care about vidya at all...

Should I try to get into video games for the benefit of my hypothetical future bf? I don't care about vidya at all, but the guy I like is into them. And I hear men like gamer girls.

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No. The only things you should focus on are avoiding degenerate behavior and remaining debt free.

I'm debt free and as mild as one can be (no casual sex, no drinking, no smoking, no drugs). I sometimes cuss when I'm mad, but otherwise I'm painfully boring and don't have any interests or characteristics or gamer people in general would perceive as interesting.

>And I hear men like gamer girls.
Eh, that's kind of a meme. Though it's good to have common interests. Just give them a shot and if you hate it, stop.

It sounds like you’re already on the right track. I’m an ex-gamer, recovered alcoholic, ex-smoker, recovering drug abuser. Pretty much the opposite of you. You deserve better than someone who caves to these addictive behaviors, don’t you think?

1. An even better reason to get into vidya is for your future children. Imagine being that bitchin' ass mom who has a good taste for games and doesn't just buy all the mainstream garbage that is advertised for kids, like COWADOODY and FORTNUTT. You could even share in the fun with your kids and that shit could apply to any age, if you're cool enough, cause games are usually a lifetime hobby. Imagine being the parent who's never completely out of the loop during the teenage years. It's not the only way, but it IS one way to do it.

2. Get into games to have fun. And in MY opinion, stay away from any dude who is playing vidya for a sense of accomplishment. Even I, as a dude, don't hang with people like that. They're the fucking worst, and there's a LOT of them. People who feel like they got shit to prove, when the whole medium's supposed to be a fun hobby.

look for someone who is like you. I'm like you, but I've got a gf 5 months ago. We use to play Coop games like. (terraria, borderlands or diablo), which i showed her how to play them. You don't have to be a pro or even into vidya to understand such games at all

If he suggests playing coop games because he's really into them then you could make the effort but no guys are going to turn down a girl because she doesn't play video games. Although having hobbies of your own that isn't just netflix and spotify can be good.

>Should I try to get into video games for the benefit of my hypothetical future bf?
learn to peel a banana using only your mouth (no teeth) and you will make your future bf the happiest man alive

I have some lame hobbies but nothing that would interest the guy I want.

I can do it easily but I can see how forceful tongue movements would make him happy.

What are your hobbies?

Do people unironically get into new hobbies just to impress their potential partners? Lame. Sure, you can try it out, maybe you'll discover that you actually like video games, but don't expect that men will want you because of it.

Just have a hobby, trust me it doesn't have to be gaming

No. Doing shit you don't enjoy in a hope of being liked by others i recipe for a wasted life.

You shouldn't get into them just because your hypothetical future bf may like them. First off, he may not be into video games; secondly, you don't want to be creating a fake version of yourself. Get into some stuff for your own sake; it would be healthy to develop some interests and have hobbies. Make it video games if you want. But don't just do it for hypothetical bf.

> And I hear men like gamer girls.
This varies a lot. I think the only safe bet is that guys are attracted mildly athletic thin girls with a cute face. I like the alt-girl look that is often associated with gamer girls but a girl who plays games as her only hobby comes off as a bit shallow to me. If you really must know, I think a girl who's into weird or classical music, or literature, or something with art from painting to classic avant-garde movies, is much more interesting than a gamer girl.

My girlfriend doesn't play games at all and everything is fine. We have other hobbies we do together like binge watching movies and shows or our mutual food addiction. To be honest the only thing she ever does when I am playing games is take off her clothes and distract me. It was cute at first but after dealing with it for years you just wanna play games.

Nearly every woman I've known is a boring piece of shit underneath it all. They like getting drunk in a basic party sense instead of a deep philosophical existential anguish. They like travelling, having fun, meeting fun people. Gaming like match three tablet shit. Cars like expensive new ones. Cooking like whatever is straightforward and popular. Just have hobbies and interests and you'll be ahead of 99.9% of women already. My gf doesn't cook, doesn't clean, doesn't garden, doesn't work on her car, doesn't play an instrument, doesn't make bread or yoghurt or beer or wine, doesn't do DIY. She basically just sits and occasionally gets pissed off.

Pretty much exactly what I was going to say. Give a few different genres a try and quit if you hate them. Ones you find interesting maybe give a second chance just in case learning the controls is being a big chore.
Don't try to get into games just try to see if you like any now. No need to try to become a person you don't want to be.
But ask yourself, how much does the d00d like games? Enough to actually pay attention to you? Or is it the only thing he can talk about - if this then you probably don't want to date them.

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why do you even date her, she sounds awful...

It's not mandatory to have the same hobbies as your partner. The important part is that you both accept each other's hobbies and like to do them together. For example, you like to bowl but your partner doesnt bowl, but he likes to bowl with you because he likes to spend time and have fun with you. I dated a girl who never wanted to do anything I wanted to do, all she wanted to do was watch movies (she always chose the movies)

Honestly yes gamer chicks are extremely hot but don't let it consume ur life or keep u from. Being productive in society, that is the part that most people miss. For real even better than someone with the same interests is someone who's got their. Shit together

I wish I could tell you that this is a bad idea, but honestly I've gotten into almost all of my hobbies because of other people. Even if I'm not in touch with them anymore.

Just do it. You might learn something about yourself that you never knew.

Games are a lot like music or movies though. There's the shit which the majority of people play/watch/listen to (I'd compare Call of Duty to the Fast and the Furious or Bruno Mars) and then there's different levels of niche. Just saying not to give up if the first thing you try is a little shallow.

You're completely fine. You sound like an ideal girl in my mind.
Many men will appreciate how clean you are from degeneracy

>I am not x.
>I hear guys like x.
>should I pretend to be x?
If you like lying to people.

Sure. Get a dick while you are at it too, you know, so you can fit in.

>1. An even better reason to get into vidya is for your future children. Imagine being that bitchin' ass mom who has a good taste for games and doesn't just buy all the mainstream garbage that is advertised for kids, like COWADOODY and FORTNUTT.

Also, this. Video game preference is an important part of every person's development and is a valid point of pride.

Introduce your children to Planescape: Torment, Deus Ex, and no Pico to be a well-rounded human being.

Ensure that they spend their time forming a refined taste of the best day-time TV, video games, and fast food restaurants.

No. Games are for manchildren. Fuck them.

You should just be yourself and talk to him. You don't have to be a clone of him to get his interest. Don't listen to these retards on here, they're just thirsty for you.

>And in MY opinion, stay away from any dude who is playing vidya for a sense of accomplishment.
You just admitted you're casual garbage

t. user who's won over 8 grand in csgo open leagues and doesn't regret a thing

8 grand isn't very impressive.

No. I play games and if i found out you were just playing them to appease me, that would make me lose respect for you.

I work a real job and earn way more than that. Gaming, even competitively where it does pay livable wages, is shitty. You sacrifice so much of your life and social interactions to get good.

Yes, but mostly the ones with a lot of good female designs
The gamer's dream of is not another gamer, it's a cosplayer. I didn't even know what it did to my dick until a little elf came in to work this Halloween

Shared interests are a meme, just be genuinely pleasant to be around and a guy will be into you

That's a big fat lie

>no Pico
Smooth move dog.

Play some video games just to enjoy them. If you have the disk space just download a few romsets and play them in your spare time.