My best friend's two year old son think it's funny to call his grandfather "peepee" instead of "papa...

My best friend's two year old son think it's funny to call his grandfather "peepee" instead of "papa." The little shit knows what he's doing because he always giggles afterwards. His parents lightly scold him sometimes, but for the most part they (along with the grandfather) think it's cute and funny.

I almost lost my friendship with the guy altogether because I bluntly told him "make your bratty ass kid show some manners. Disrespecting your grandfather is not cute, it's not funny, and the very first time he said that you should have spanked his ass so hard he couldn't walk for a week."

Fucking christ this is making me mad.

Attached: 1534053843043.jpg (443x332, 24K)

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It's a two year old kid, quit being such a prick user. My nephew keeps saying cock instead of clock cause clear enunciation takes time to develop. Don't be a dumbass.

This isn't an innocent, honest mistake. He can say papa correctly. He's actively disrespecting him by saying "peepee" instead.

He’s two years old, and not even your kid. Why not mind your own business. Even if he was a snot nose brat who shat on the counter it’s not your kid so why would you say anything.

I’d beat the shit out of anyone who talked about my kid like that, even if it was my best friend.

He's 2 for fuck's sake. If the grandpa isn't deathbed age and even finds it funny too there's no problem with it. 2 year olds aren't even self aware yet. If it was 4+ it'd be good to be upset but did you really sperg at your friend for something so light? He probably barely even grasps the concept of peepee and is probably going to forget he even did it in a week. It's hilarious because you can't even give the "WELL BACK WHEN I WAS YOUNG I DIDNT DISRESPECT MY ELDERS LIKE THAT REEE" because he's a fucking 2 year old and you don't know what the fuck you did at 2 kek. Don't tell your friends how to parent you little faggot.

Don't care if it's my kid or not, user. Being rude to your grandfather is not cool.

He’s two years old. You seriously think he has a concept of that at two. He thinks it’s funny that’s as far as he thinks. You’re seriously messed up in the head to get mad about that. Either that or just understand nothing about kids at all.

He's 63 and in amazing health, for whatever difference that makes.

I dunno, I'm just not a fan of excusing bad behavior on account of age. I got onto him a lot whenever we opened presents yesterday. Sometimes he'd play more with the box rather than with the toys contained inside, and a lot of the time he was too distracted to say 'thank you' to whoever got him the gift. I understand that he's a kid and kids want to have fun, but it's important to ingrain manners at the same time.

Nice trips.

I get that too, but there’s also certain ages that you shouldn’t scold a kid. You can’t scold a one year old for not talking. You can’t scold a 6 year old for not knowing how to cross multiply. He’s 2 years old, he doesn’t have a concept of respect or what it even means.

While I think 2 is a good age to start teaching him about respect and manners so he can grow into it. I wouldn’t ever get mad over a lack of it though. He’s only been alive for two years you can’t expect too much.

2 year olds say dumb shit that they think is funny regardless of connotation and will even randomly blurt out poop to their parents. They don't spank them for it because "it's disrespectful" because that's retarded and would probably confuse them because it's not even a curse word (which is probably one of the only vocabulary concepts they understand right now). This says nothing about the level of respect that the kid will have when it can even SLIGHTLY grasp such a concept.
Scolding a kid for not thanking someone and spanking the shit out of a kid for calling someone peepee a few times are completely different. If someone sanks their kid, it should be reserved for doing actual bad shit like throwing a plate on a floor, calling your mom a nigger faggot, physically hurting something on purpose, etc.

I dont feel as strongly as you about it but even if I did your words were WAAAAAY outta line. You sound like a child on a temper tantrum yourself.

Is he being disrespectful? Uh, sure, if that's what you want to call it... doesn't give you the right to call his don a bratty ass kid or whatever though, that's just stupid and literally asking for trouble

Maybe I'm too strict sometimes. Last year another friend of mine got mad with me because I confiscated their 10 year old's cell phone during a Christmas party. I told him "You're with your family, go talk to them. You can have your phone back once the party's over." The friend didn't learn that happened until the party was over and told me I was overstepping my bounds, since he himself didn't mind his son spending time playing on the phone since there was nobody else his age there. *shrugs*

Get the fuck over it, everyone's okay with this and it doesn't impact you in any way. And shit, the kid's ability to pun shows a hell of a lot more intellectual development than simply being able to remember what things are called, it's good that they're encouraging him.

You're the one being rude by imposing your views on a family who don't want a bar of it.

desu if the kid's only 2 he probably doesn't know what the hell he's saying. He probably said 'peepee' once by mistake and the adults laughed, so he keeps doing it since it gets a good response and mirrors their laughter. 2 year olds barely understand words, let alone plays on words.

So you think what the kid did is disrespectful but see nothing wrong with the shit you said to your friend about his fucking 2 year old? Do you realize how stupid you are?

Yeah, butt out of your friends' parenting, you fucking nosy faggot. You're not too strict in this situation, you just have 0 self-awareness


>I confiscated their 10 year old's cell phone
Stay the FUCK out of other people's business, you sociopathic cunt, holy shit. I'd knock your teeth out if you were my 'friend'.

If this is the case, then I indeed overreacted. He's a very sweet boy otherwise, I just didn't want him to grow up to become an asshole because overindulgent parents encouraged him to insult people.

>Maybe I'm too strict sometimes.
How strict you are has absolutely zero relevance to anyone who is not your fucking child. YOU ARE NOT THEIR PARENT.

OP is Asian isn't he

Are you actually autistic OP, or just a regular sperglord? This is not in any way serious enough for you to get mad like that. Firstly its their damn business what they allow their kid to do. I'd somewhat understand if he was saying it to you, but you'd be a sperg anyway because of the next thing. Secondly, it's fucking nothing. Being so harsh because a little kid is being silly makes no sense. If he were calling his grandpa a cocksucker then fine, but then the parents' reaction would obviously be more serious too.

Tldr you may want to do the right thing but your reaction is way fucking overblown

Someone has to do the proper thing if nobody else will.

OP probably had ultra strict parents that forbid any kind of fun an pushed him to be perfect in things he didn't care about so now he thinks everyone should do the same.

You know it really devalues the word when you throw it around like that.

You overplayed your hand, I'm not going anywhere near that bait. Even if I wanted to, 2000 characters is insufficient to explain the stupidity of what you just said.

No they don't. If you want to instill your values on someone else's kid, the only way without being an absolute cunt is to become their role model. Even then if they gain habits the parents look down upon you're basically an ass.

Imagine you had a kid and your friend encourages your kid to throw stones at wild animals, because he views it as harmless fun. How would you feel then?

kek wow, k'know I don't even remember typing that, I just saw red for a second there and smushed together two random negative words. In my defence I'm full of christmas booze and feeling very warm and protective towards my family and community and OP is pissing me off. That's my cue to turn in, merry christmas everybody!

Grandpa can fight for himself faggot. He's got lips and a brain. If he didn't like it, he'd tell the kids himself.

Get over yourself, before you create the next school shooter

He's a child. I called my grandfather 'fatass' until I was about seven and realized it was mean and I was being a bully. It's not your job to parent other peoples' kids. The thing with the cell phone was WAY over the line.

Save the backseat parenting for when you see a kid beating a dog, torturing another kid, saying the N-word, or doing something truly evil. Your values are batshit insane and most parents aren't going to agree with them because this isn't the stone age.

>comparing beating a dog to saying nigger
This has to be bait.

You sound like an obnoxious cunt. Is it your kid? Is it your grandfather? Does this behavior affect you in any way? No?

Shut the fuck up.

If you took it upon yourself to parent my kid without my asking you'd not only be asked to leave the party but you'd likely be out of my life.

I would have slapped you across the face if you called my 2 year old son a "bratty ass kid". You sound like an insufferable faggot, and I'm surprised you have friends in the first place. The grandfather is probably just happy that he lived to see his own grand children, meanwhile you're throwing an autistic fit for no reason.

Attached: Sad amy.png (246x236, 105K)

>Being rude
Who the fuck are you to judge what is rude? You understand that "rude" is subjective in most cases, yes? The Grandfather clearly doesn't think it's rude. Get tested for autism man, seriously.

Man, your friends wife is probably trying so hard to get him to drop you.

I would be livid if you did that to my kid, what the fuck is wrong with you?

>Reading comprehension
He never said saying nigger is equivalent to beating a dog. However, they both fall under the spectrum of actions that should be corrected, within the context of society.

Saying nigger doesn't really belong in that group regardless. There's a sense of immediacy to the other three examples he uses that necessitates stepping in. Using offensive language is a matter for the actual parents.

Your attitude is what is peepee

Depends on the perspective user. I'm black and I can assure you my parents would have lost their shit if some random kid called me a nigger. Now if you're white then it's different.

You're only strict because thats an excuse to get let your anger out on people way smaller, less intelligent and weaker than you are. Were your parents like this to you? Did you have maybe an older brother like this? Be honest with yourself is acting like this really helping anyone?


Do all your friends with kids avoid you like the plague by any chance?

>In 2007, an article in the American Psychologist found "no evidence for the presence of 38 witnesses, or that witnesses observed the murder, or that witnesses remained inactive".[8] In 2016, The New York Times called its own reporting "flawed", stating that the original story "grossly exaggerated the number of witnesses and what they had perceived".[9]

You didn't even read this shit before you decided to use it in your bait did you?

If the kid shat on the counter I would fucking slap-shot it out the front fucking door. His parents better give chase because for bringing in something that SHIT ON THE COUNTER, they would be next up for slap-shot.

If you won't discipline your kid, the world will. It's important to remember because these kids will get fired, fail, or get jumped and it will fucking ruin their entire world (which, until that point, has just been sucking their dick/clit).

You're never too young to behave.