So I found out a dude whose girlfriend cheated on him with me has been slandering me behind my back for a while now

So I found out a dude whose girlfriend cheated on him with me has been slandering me behind my back for a while now.
I've been told not to be petty and that he has already lost, however I have an intense desire for revenge.
I need advice on how to fuck with him more, how to turn the public opinion against him while restoring mine.
Or is rising above pettyness and proving him wrong truly the better course of action?

Attached: gossip-pop-art-men[1].jpg (1200x800, 391K)

>I contributed to someone's shitty behavior and there's consequences! WAAAAAAHHHH HEEELP MEEEE

>I did something questionable therefore I should lay down and take it

>So I found out a dude whose girlfriend cheated on him with me has been slandering me
What exactly is he saying about you? Seems like he has a right to be mad though

I mean...yeah, unironically. Grow up, dude.

It's not slander if it's true.

>fuckboy acts like a fuckboy and gets mad everyone is calling him a fuckboy
Stay buttblasted, fuckboy

no no no you're not pandering to my teenage whims user reeeee this is not what I made this thread for it was a simple humblebrag!!!!!

Stay where you are if you know what's good for you boy

I wouldn't be mad if he just told people about that, but saying stuff like I'm a pompous arrogant douchebag and stuff is not acceptable to me and I want to shut him up.

Back to my original statement: It's not slander if it's true.

But you ARE a PAD.

Um, you sound like kind of a selfish dick, OP.

You contributed to someone else's bad behaviour. Yeah, that girl shouldn't have done that, but you aren't innocent either. He's hurt and hurt people say and do stupid things.

I think you should stop talking to these people. Maybe learn to be a better person.

>I need advice on how to fuck with him more, how to turn the public opinion against him while restoring mine

>I need advice on how to fuck with him more

>how to turn the public opinion against him while restoring mine

>restoring mine

I mean - not only are you going to come off like some slimeball with questionable morals but you're going to come off either as passive aggressive, or violent (though I guess this seems more like you're a passive aggressive pussy than anything else)

The only way you can make people think better of you is to act like the better person and let the thing blow over

Trying to "fuck with him some more" is going to make you come off even more like a piece of shit; and rightfully so.

dude his gf went with you... he is going to hate your guts and there is no changing that

>I'm a pompous arrogant douchebag and stuff
You have to be a pompous arrogant douchebag to cheat though.

>pompous arrogant douchebag
let's dissect that
>pompous and arrogant
Not that it fits the description perfectly, but you ARE sitting here plotting how to screw with a man for slandering you after you cucked him, a more reasonable man would just figure "yes, those are the consequences of my actions".
While I'm of the opinion that in a cheating scenario it's the cheater who bares 100% of the fault, fucking a taken person is an absolute dick move a decent human being wouldn't take part in, so you've earned the title of douchebag fair and square.

To summarize, fucking a taken broad means you've earned the title of dick, and the fact you want to further crush the man you cucked because he vocally resents you makes you just a bit of a sociopath.

Sure his rage is justified, I just don't want my reputation worsened further

being associated with a petty revenge sceme is worse than being associated with sleeping with some randoms girlfriend.

You have everything to lose and little to gain.
And it's wrong.

Nothing makes these men seethe like last-wording them with a good mic drop
Just drop something like, "Maybe if you were good enough you wouldn't have to talk shit in hindsight either. Then again if you were good enough, we wouldn't be here."

fucking his girlfriend is acceptable, but him calling you a douchebag isn't? fuck off, go be a nigger somewhere else

You deserve it and you deserve for people to think poorly of you