Best fucking christmas ever

>be me
>found kittens sleeping by the trash outside the school weeks ago
>one is blind, the other is deaf
>dad hates cats and is really abusive
>i still adopted them
>ffw today
>dad gets into a fight with mum
>he gets mad
>sees my cats and picks them up
>he throws one of them on the wall
>the other on the floor
>blood spilled everywhere
>repeated this til both are lifeless
>i was in a total shock
>he threw them outside the house
>i just realized what happened and cried
>mum blames it on me
>i got hit by both of them for keeping "abnormal" cats
>i buried them in the backyard
>mum was watching me
>dad was yelling at me for "wasting" my time
>in bed
>i can't sleep
>whenever i close my eyes, i remember what just happened earlier
>they were my first cats that are blind and deaf
>i miss them
what should i do?

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Why would someone make this up and post it?
If this ever does happen to anyone, the dad is clearly unstable or psycho for killing nearby animals in a rage.

If you're old enough, it's time to let go of them both.
If you're superstitious, that is as close to an omen as you are going to get. You're filled with love and peace, and it's locked up under their cruelty. The best Christmas gift you can give yourself is leaving.

call the police, that's animal abuse

Making shit up for attention is sad. Better luck on Reddit.

Its fucked up and unfair and probably fake... but such is life so man up and stop fappin.

You must call the police

Call the police as that is a crime in most of the civilized World.

Rational response: call the police, that’s animal abuse and abuse/assault on you

Irrational don’t give a fuck if you go to prison response: wait until your dad is asleep and beat him to death with a shovel


Go kill yourself

I want you gather you kittens in a box and call the police. Don't warn your parents either. The police will want to see the kittens. Make sure your packed and ready to go as soon as you are done talking to police when they get there. Go to a friends house, they will understand. As soon as you can give your kittens a good Christian burial and go prayer to st. Francis. He'll take care of them.

Kill him.

Not advisable though our emotions may compel use.

>prayer to st. Francis. He'll take care of them.

Nahhhh Mate, he’s on a sabbatical.

Some days I believe that too. It never hurts to try though.

workout until you can beat the living shit out of your dad, or better give me your location so i can fuck him up my self.

Guy kills complete nonthreats, at best he can be an organ incubator.
Gonna wait for the wife to bring over a baby just for him to bust open that defenseless creature too?
He forfeited his role in society. OP needs to grow up and remove the problem before it escalates.
Logically let's look at the options. He goes to court. Either a fine, jail, or nothing. Nothing will not change any behavior, prison would just enforce and breed his behavior, and fine will have the extra part of jail where he will fester hate towards OP.
Just for a moment, suspend the idea where "oh you're so edgy" disregards murder. If OP doesn't take matters into his own hands, passes it off to police, how does OP come through this? Honestly, childish "everything will be okay!" is just as foolish as "burn them all", no?

a man like this can't be bargained with, is an asshole for life you need to work out a way to get far away from your parents, and have your own life life without them.

disappear from their life forever and NEVER LOOK BACK.

Your asking op to take the life of his father and mother into his own hands and dash them against the stones like those kittens.

If he commits to the murder of his parents, he not only damning himself to a life in prison but his soul to turmoil.

I agree with you that people like ops parents should not have the opportunity to be an issue. But the best thing op can do is go to the police unless you want to put the soul in the position where he has to claim self defense.

He needs to do what he can realistically do best to make sure this doesn't happen again and give the souls of those poor kittens justice.

Murder is rarely a rational or realistic solution.

No word of a lie I'd beat your dad to within an inch of his life

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I don't have any idea about what to do with the mother.
>he not only damning himself to a life in prison
Only if he gets caught. And his soul is already tormented, if OP is to be believed.
>He needs to do what he can realistically do best to make sure this doesn't happen again and give the souls of those poor kittens justice.
>Murder is rarely a rational or realistic solution.
Take away your false belief murder is inherently unjust. So far the argument against murder is OP might get in trouble. Is being in jail worth risking for justice for the kittens? Ultimately that's not something you can answer as that's more for OP.

Have you killed someone or something before?

Yes, but I'm not really seeing where this is going as I'm not OP? Naturally it makes me less opposed to the idea, are you arguing it would be too hard the first time and he'll get caught too easily?


Fake n gay 0/10

Calling the police on your parents while you're still living with them doesn't seem all that smart. Knowing how your parents felt about cats, these kittens should have gone to the shelter, not to your home.

Consider this a motivational moment towards finding your own place to live.

I know you're not op.

He will get caught if kills them. He would have never done this before so he will miss something that will lead the cops to him regardless. Besides they always suspect family first.

The only way he gets away with it is how he frames it and self-defense is the way to go. He should not be going around and putting himself in that position because it could end up with him dead or maimed.

He might not have the stomach for murder. Most people recoil at the idea. If he chokes, that puts him in even more danger.

Realistically the best option is the police and cutting ties with them.

Murder is a game op will lose if he tries.

Nah op should stab both parents in the throat

You're a shit person for adopting them knowing your father is abusive. You should've called animal control or something. I hope your father throws you onto a wall fucking bitch.

Sounds like quality American family bonding to me.
Why didn’t you havr a go at the kitty toss?

Give me your address so i can beat the living shit out if your "father".

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>they were my first cats that are blind and deaf

So you're retarded, right?