America's openly gay German ambassador will lead Trump's global campaign against 71 countries where gay sex is a crime...

>America's openly gay German ambassador will lead Trump's global campaign against 71 countries where gay sex is a crime as the president finds new ways to pressure Iran over human rights

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Full auto gay weed, soooooon

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So fucking stupid. This isn't what Trump promised in his campaign, and it isn't what I voted for.

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I enjoyed the two years or so in which America was straight again, even if only it was for a little while.

Truly Jow Forums's president

>>America's openly gay German ambassador
I've always wondered what his problem was, he seems so autistic
it all makes sense now

>trying to attack someone thru the levers and pulleys superimposed over grossly degenerate social behavior

this is where you wane on your class and honor. the end does not justify the means, for you'll have despoiled multiple unrelated societies with this pressure bullshit

>The White House launches a worldwide campaign to confirm traps are not gay.

Madman hes going to troll the shit out of muzzies

I hope he gets all the peaceful refugees chimpout while promoting homos in Deutschland

And you wonder why Muslims hate you.

You and your satanic kike infested nation

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so far he's gone after Christians in South America and Eastern Europe
MIGA fellow pede

how will liberals try to twist this?

If you checked the box that said "Donald J. Trump" Then it's exactly what you voted for. 4D chess, remember? Played you retards like a fiddle.

I bet he doesn't pressure Saudi Arabia.



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it is to go after iran you dumbfuck, why are people too dumb for politics?


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>pushes gay rights on other sovereign nations
>Supporters insist he isnt a crypto kike
Pushing gay rights on sovereign nations is the very definition of kikery. pls someone nuke us



Maybe you can spend another $38bn promoting faggotry too? As long as you don't build that wall too fast, 4d chess remember?

Rainbow MAGA hats when?

Will unironically buy, just to troll LGBTQ++ retards.

fuck autogay luxury commuinsm.

autogay luxury weed sounds so much better.

Wow 38 bil to Israel and spreading globalhomo to every corner of the earth
Truly based

Are you a filthy phoneposter or did you just have an aneurysm while writing that?

leftists will somehow spin this into something bad.

Trumps a billionaire from New York . He couldnt care less about homosexuals. They surround the rich wives of billionaires. Just part of the scenery.

Nuke yourself you self hating retard.

They already have

You goys needa gassing.

cu cker carlson gets called out of being a jew puppet.

tries to extend an olive branch before he gets exposed and loses his shit.

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>video has nothing to do with topic
>post it anyways
whatever they are paying you, you definitely aren't worth it

So what has the left said about this? How will they spin orange man bad?

And people say Trump is not zog, kek. Tge gay virus is a method of destabilization and erosion of nations through faggot behaviour.

I don't get paid. This shit needs to be exposed.

The Christian inability to accept what has always been a permanent undercurrent of faggotry is exactly what the Jews used to cause you to deny Christ.

These countries are based.

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You're a shill trying to disprove a shill narrative, noone cares about taxes. What we care about is getting the shitskins out, comprende?

Faggotry is a symptom of this societal disease, faggot

Nah take your pozzed ass outta here. Billionaires rule the US

We need Hillary!

>OP cricizes Trump for supporting faggotry
>Quick Chaim, make a shitty meme telling everyone who agrees to come to faggot discord
>There, now everyone will believe Trump is based again and everyone who criticizes that is a faggot from discord
Not so fast, try again.

By saying hes a racist, sexist, fascist pig who promotes hate and division

Jewish billionaires?

No one cares about race.

You obviously didn't pay attention during the campaign. He has always been Pro-LGBT. It is Pence that shocks all the gays.

I would assume so, among the others

Nah its just a way for the Zionist Nazis to invade Iran. Trump is only pro-gay when in reference to his supporters, or marks, as Kushner refers to them

All the Pence fag zappin memes were psyops to hide the fact he's a zionist puppet who tried with Kushner to both coup Trump but also to remove all the populists from his cabinet

Would it matter to you if most of them are jewish or is that just being racist?

>Zionist nazis
user.... are you retarded?

Kill yourself you fucking faggot

I think it would matter whoever is the majority is going to represent and support their tribe more so than other tribes.

What should you call ethnic nationalists whose religion declares them ethnically supreme? Who spend 7 trillion US tax dollars on fake wars of aggression, in order to murder 2 million of their neighbors on illegal false pretexts? The Zionist Carebears? All zionists burn in hell with their children. All zionist supporters burn in hell.

Not nazis. If spent anytime on this board you would know that national socialism is based and the nazis were the good guys.
Linking Zionism and national socialism is retarded. Now kindly lurk more.

Fuck off kike. I'm so sick of kikes like you logging onto Jow Forums trying to prove how "based" you are by posting pics of starving Palestinians while a kike eats BBQ that was purchased with my tax money in front of him. Omg epic based ftw! All you sand niggers fuck off or else.

You clearly never come here. Jow Forums hates Nazi trash, we are CONSERVATIVE

Who gives a fuck about fags in ANOTHER FUCKING COUNTRY

gd damnit

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Kindly fuck off faggot. Lurk more, then you will understand that the nazis were the good guys and how linking them with Zionism is disgusting.
Maybe you will understand if I put it like this. Would you link American nationalism with Zionism? No you wouldn't. So dont do it with national socialism.

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>Look at me I'm a maga faggot
fuck off faggot
>Jokes on them I was only trolling haha

>leftists will somehow spin this into something bad
It is something bad

I'm not a commie leaf, if that's what you mean.

That's exactly what makes it an amazing troll.


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>Post Gadsen
>Get called a communist
Aneurysm it is.

Gosh it's almost like Trump is trying to do what the majority of the people want. Sorry fags but most people don't want gays beheaded, they just want their dorky feminine nephews to grow out of it and find good girlfriends.

Trump is a literally the enforcer of globo homo

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Hey fagets,
“Impeach Trump and Die”. (2019)

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>Sorry fags but most people don't want gays beheaded
Speak for yourself butt pirate

Oooh so close, you should have called him Magat. Like maggot. Too late, now MAGAfags own their own slur. You can't nigger us now, crackers.

>Leaftardation actually surpasses all that is documentable.

Shut up and do it for the God Emperor.

Thanks America,fucking idiots.

I don't have to retard, think about it for five seconds. You think the people around you want gays decapitated or threatened? What are you, feral cartel niggers? No. You just want your gay family to realize they've been jewed and grow out of it.

Big surprise that kekistani's support getting a fat nigger cock in their boipussies...

based trump

they've sent a gay ambassador here too. gotta love the butthurt this administration is inducing

one good thing out of his presidency, best romance in bromance

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> KeK mine is first .

You are a good goy. Keep pretending that they will grow out of it as the propaganda is pushed more and more. Trump endorsing homosexuality and vowing to have it decriminalized around the world is totally not a bad thing.

Oh great now we have another excuse to die in sandnigger countries for the chosen tribe.

No bitch i don't want effeminate men working side by side with me that think about "human rights" and shit.
And still needing straight couples so they can adopt.

>muh Russian interference
>proceeds to force their values on foreign countries
>w-why are you guys so obsessed with US politics????

America is still the best hope for the future of the Western civilization. But you need to something about the infilitration of your society with jews, communists, arabs and the rest of it.

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Magatards who are already fanatical supporters of israel, endless foreign entanglements, soaring budget deficits and ironically, legalized open borders are now supporting pic related!

I hope the record number of brown and yellow barbarians your dear leader has brought in massacre you SUB NIGGER fucks first.

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Our country is DUMB. Be it sjws or Christcucks no one here questions the chosen tribe and now the news is spinning that the yellow vests are antisemitic, so if your nations try to violently defend yourselves us good golems will come in and crush it. People aren't aware or don't care here, they're too addicted to vapid consumerism to give a shit, and the Mexicans give less of a shit. It's disgusting

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oh no muh starving palestinians

You can’t pass judgement on anyone let alone America with that flag, you faggot.

You lost the holy war with the Muslims. Get off the computer and take your country back.

Is that supposed to be some sort of excuse?

Wtf I love having an Israeli occupied government and giving them billions now

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>oh no muh starving palestinians
Call them by their proper name: Native Israelis

lets see what the bong police have to say about that

You get it.

It's a slow steady way to justify American golems to die in more kosher wars

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fight with memes die by memes lmao

if Trump fucks up Iran in the name of gay rights its gonna be the most 4D political move I have witnessed in my 30 years of life

Oh fuck off you silly delusional nerd. Assuming you're white of American founding stock and not some mystery-meat monstrosity you are personally witnessing the final stages of the looting and destruction of your homeland and your petmanent dispossession - wtf you doing about that Snake fucking Plisskin?

Here's a little secret, your country was created in an act of rebellion which you should still be fighting today whereas the UK has NEVER been free. The British people have always lived under foreign tyrants, inbred aristos, kike bankers and corrupt totalitarians.

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