Fox News is right wing propaganda that targets the elderly. Their spin is heavier, farther from the objective truth...

Fox News is right wing propaganda that targets the elderly. Their spin is heavier, farther from the objective truth, and more destructive to a majority of American voters than their opponent networks. Change my mind.

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Other urls found in this thread:

sorry to burst your bubble but fox is just another lefty media

Late night talks shows are the greatest sinner of doing this. They parade as news, can fall back on "it's just a joke" if they get called out, and millions of retarded young people take what they say as fact.

when six corporations own all of the media and they're allowed to lie there is no objective news source, period.

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>Change my mind.
actually WATCH it for 5 minutes. there.

What makes you say that? They foam at the mouth any time actual leftists like Bernie or AOC say something in public. Not to mention their programming seems slanted to slander Obama and Bill Clinton while praising Trump (and not mentioning W. so much out of what I assume is shame)

Stay on topic man.

Found that article. That graphic is referring to the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012. Creepy shit.

Hey man, every older man in my family and my wife's family have Fox on every time I come over. I've had to watch my fair share of Fox News.

Nothing is worse than CNN, literally would rather watch North Korean propaganda videos.

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Those are some strong words, considering North Korea is a totalitarian regime whose oppressive effects can literally be seen from space. Hyperbole aside, what bugs you so much about CNN? Serious question to get at your thoughts, I'm sure you have valid reasons.

Controlled opposition

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>change my mind
back to plebbit with you trashtard

i don't change folk's stale retardations,
I flush 'em down the Shit-hole

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>what bugs you so much about CNN?

Very propagandistic. I've noticed that they don't correct false statements when the statement is anti-Trump. For contrast, NPR actually strives to correct false statements on air even though they are on the left.

They're lying faggots.

>Who owns fox corp
>Rupert murdoch
>who is Rupert murdoch
The most disgusting vile shabbos goy kike lover to ever exist on this earth. He was so disgusting even the Australians wanted him out of the country for sucking too much kike dick.

Yeah, it's not like CNN has ever been proven to fake anything.
CNN fakes being in Middle east during gulf war:
CNN fakes being at sandy hook, green screen screw up:
CNN caught telling focus group what to say live on air after Debates:
CNN says it's ILLEGAL for you to read the Wikileaks/Hillary Clinton emails:
Podesta emails: CNNs Wolf Blitzer gets his questions for Trump directly from the DNC:
CNN guest calls Assange a pedophile without any evidence or challenge from the host:
CNN falsely says illegal immigration is not necessarily a crime - 8 U.S. Code ยง 1325 begs to differ:
CNN fakes interview and interviews own cameraman:
CNN Claims missing Airplane Disappear into Black hole::
CNN gives Clinton debate questions:
CNN fakes story to make BLM look good, ignores call to violence:
CNN fakes satellite feed when two reporters are in the same parking lot:
Hospital CEO Wins Major Court Victory After CNN fakes Statistics
CNN Fakes racist pepe image
CNN Green screen fail, pretends to be on a boat

CNN fakes popularity numbers
CNN Media Manipulation
CNN fakes crowd Sizes
CNN lying about use of a song?
CNN and others faking and manipulating words for narraitve.
Feed Cuts
CNN cutting mic for saying Jesus:
CNN Cuts mic when trump calls out their lies:
CNN cuts feed when Wikileaks is mentioned:
CNN Cuts Bernie Sander's mic when he calls them fake news
CNN Pushing Russia Conspiracy
CNN misleads about Trump officials contact with Russia
CNN feeding into russia conspiracies, claims russia hacking without evidence
CNN claiming Russan hacking to undermind Trump:
CNN uses Fallout 4 for hackers footage:
Misc. CNN calls Fake news equivalent to the N-Word:
CNN ignores gas attack in favor of talking about chicken:
CNN says presidents health isn't our concern

The fuck is up with this clown thing anyway? It's cool how much it has caught on recently. Does it mean anything special, or is it just a new pepe for the market?

Oh yeah Daddy, fuck my tight little asshole with your logic and reasoning.

Publications that can't redact false statements should be taken out back and shot. I totally agree that's hot garbage and spits in the face of journalistic integrity.

Doesn't Murdoch still have a personal beef with George Soros because he bet against him on Black Wednesday and lost $1 billion dollars?

>Not watching OANN.

Have fun being a cuck.

I won't argue that Fox News doesn't target conservatives. However, I think you need to take your blinders off if you don't think the other networks aren't doing the same thing, and there's way more of them. You're attacking Fox News because they don't tow the party line.

Also look at what all of the networks (including Fox News) agree on. Zionism is the real bias going on here.

You're a retard.

>only news channels that pander to my childish left wing ideology should be allowed

>I've had to watch my fair share of Fox
then you'd know their spin isn't hard right. they cant even compare to the 24/7 spin on CNN or MSNBC, not to mention every late night show or mainstream movie. its NOT EVEN CLOSE. they constantly are retracting stories (silently of course).
do you see anything near dana perino or shep smith, or hosts like juan Williams or heraldo rivera on the other channels? and I don't even like fox

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Fox News is shit, Fox Business is kino

>fox is propaganda
Way to state the obvious, idiot. So are all the other stations. Yet you concern yourself with just one.

Fuck off.

this, not many here even care for fox, but the boogeyman the left claims it is, is just laughable

This fine gentleman gets it. To add my own thing to this, the legacy media has always served the same general purpose, for example right now Trump is the POTUS and Fox generally toes the line and backs him, while CNN/NBC/etc are opposition. But, it's worth noting that they're just controlled opposition, similarly to how when Obama as POTUS, CNN and all were toeing the line while Fox was controlled opposition.

In the end though, they're all Zionists and Israel shills. Just listen to what they say and you'll find uniform agreement 99.9% of the time, regardless of the president or the party in power. And there in which lies a much bigger problem than propaganda/controlled opposition. Because the *real* propaganda, that has lasting damage is the pro Israel slant that they all run with, all the time.

>farther from the objective truth

I think that your ideas of "objective truths" are not actually objective at all. For example: Do unborn babies have souls? Is hate speech violence? Is it okay to love your own race more than others? These are some of the fundamental conflicts between the right and the left. There is no way to objectively prove these things true or false. You can't just whip out some numbers that prove, in fact, unborn babies don't have souls in the same way you can prove 2+2=4.

One America News Network? That launched on motherfucking July 4th? Hell yeah brother. I've got a 30 pack of some cold ones and some steaks in the fridge. Let's hang out sometime.

I take it you've been following the recent Ilhan Omar / Rashida Tlaib thing regarding Israel? It's fucking wild and you gotta check out these fireworks. My general theory is twofold
1. There's lots of Jewish people high up in media production because they had to go hyper-aggro after Nazism. If you don't get in like tics, some dickhead with a copy of Mein Kamph will just try the same shit in a century during a recession.
2. Israel is never discussed with any level of transparency or sanity because the US military needs it as a wrench in the gears of that region. Jewish Americans I know hate Israel like crazy, but all the older Jews with money just tell us to let that bullshit state exist that are obviously trash. It's weird as fuck less people say "It's about geopolitics" and instead harp on about "it's the Jewish people's religious right to that land".

Ah man, you know there's a risk-averse way to approach all those questions.
1. Unborn babies don't have the right to their mother's wombs if their mother doesn't want them around. That's bodily autonomy. Although abortions are tragic and intrusive, so affordable birth control is the answer to this quandary.
2. If hate speech is directly calling for violence or repeatedly leads to violence, that specific kind of hate speech is dangerous and should be discouraged.
3. You can love your own race more than others as long as you don't hate other races.

> 2. Israel is never discussed with any level of transparency or sanity because the US military needs it as a wrench in the gears of that region. Jewish Americans I know hate Israel like crazy, but all the older Jews with money just tell us to let that bullshit state exist that are obviously trash. It's weird as fuck less people say "It's about geopolitics" and instead harp on about "it's the Jewish people's religious right to that land".
Why does the US military need Israel. I think you have the relationship backwards there bro.

> Unborn babies don't have the right to their mother's wombs if their mother doesn't want them around.
Do you even realize how messed up this sounds? I used to be pro-choice too but jesus christ this is cold. Are parents allowed to abandon their kids after they're born too?

> 2. If hate speech is directly calling for violence or repeatedly leads to violence, that specific kind of hate speech is dangerous and should be discouraged.
We already have laws covering that. We don't need to add new ones for "hate speech" (which really just means expressing right-wing opinions).

> 3. You can love your own race more than others as long as you don't hate other races.
None of us hate other races. We just hate being turned into minorities in our own countries.

So you want me to prove your point for you...what kind of lazy faggot are you....source your claim buttfucker...

>Unborn babies don't have the right to their mother's wombs if their mother doesn't want them around.

That is an unacceptable answer to a christian though: The baby has a soul. The baby has done absolutely nothing to harm the mother, yet you are arguing that it can be killed regardless.

My point is that there is no "objective truth" you can use to argue that abortion is okay because, fundamentally, the opposition to abortion stems from a subjective belief that cannot be proven. Thus, when you say that Fox News is further from objective truth I get the feeling that you are labeling your own subjective beliefs as objective truths.

>CBS, CBSN, NBC, ABC, CNN, HLN, MSNBC, CNBC, Bloomberg, ESPN, NY1, FiOS1, NECN, and NWCN all spew far-left ideology into American culture 24/7
>and that's fine
>but that one and only sorta-kinda-right-wingish news network is bad, you guys

Automaton libtards actually believe this.

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GJ OP, you came to the same conclusion that most woke middle schoolers come to.


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I really like this video. If only all of Fox or media as a whole would be like this.

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