Redpill me on no-fap Jow Forums

redpill me on no-fap Jow Forums

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If I don't jerk off I get dangerously close to raping a girl?. Is raping a girl really the right thing to do?.

>that pic
objectively false

I made that pic. Based.

looking at porn stimulates your arousal response and certain kinds of porn viewing habits can cause an over stimulaiton of this response which will cause you to be resistant to that stimulation when face to face with a live woman you're about to have sex with.
Constantly switching what porn you're looking at. Fast forwarding videos. looking at lots of different women, especially, has an affect.


How can anybody honestly argue that porn isn't bad?

I’ve watched porn and fapped since my balls first dropped, and so have my friends and none of us have ever experienced any problems with having sex ever. It’s just a meme for dumb fuck incels

>redpill me on no-fap Jow Forums

you can use it to channel otherworldly power by writing a sigil, memorizing it's letters and features, and then projecting it into the Absolute when you bust your load. make sure the sigil will be helpful tho

>Your Brain is susceptible to imprinting
>Some of this imprinting might take the form of internalizing what ever stimuli you're subject to
>Porn being an excessively potent stimulant, accentuates this process and greater influences the brains neural structure
>This influence often times leads to the psychological development of a condition known as autogynephilia
>Autogynephilia being associated with the prequestie cause to Trans sexuality

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There are dozens and dozens of threads made about this every week. Learn to read them and dont create another. Stop cluttering up the board faggot

If i have porn incuced ED. How long of no fap till i get normal function back?

fuck porn

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Racism is just as toxic. If you're a racist fuck then stop looking down at porn addicts. You may be worse.

Neat I thought I was the only one.

>Porn induced ED.
No such thing. Considering you are American you've probably damaged your dick beyond repair trying to get enough pleasure to ejaculate despite your circumcision. Bent dicks aren't normal.

It's not rape if you're both screaming.

Is this really a legal loophole?

>be a loser with no self-control
>or be a sucker with no self-esteem

This. People don't fucking know shit over here.

Is it bad if I masterbate as a girl.

Show an American woman a natural dick and she'll give you a look like an alpaca is running for president.

>I'm a degenerate
We know

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found the darkies

Stop talking out your ass you retarded, yellow teeth having, beans for breakfast eating, disgusting britbong. You can definitely have weaker errections due to excessive masturbation.

ok kike
sage & cage

doesnt seem to do too much, but if youre planning on fucking, dont fap for a little while beforehand, it’ll feel better, and dont worry about coming too soon, who gives a fuck.

>You have no self control
>Having self control to deny porn and ejaculation

Pick one.

The penis increases in ferocity the more it is used unless you damage it.

Saying pic related is what doctors do after they've gotten injured people addicted to pain pills. This is pilpul, and if you see this reason the jew is in charge there.

If porn wasn't bad then it wouldn't matter if you had no self-control. Whoever made this (, looking at you user) is retarded. I do agree though, porn won't ruin your life if you use in moderation like most other vices. It's still bad for you though, it should be treated like any other drug.

No it doesnt. Having sex a few times a week does increase your average testosterone (thus streangthening your errection), excessive masturbation to porn however has the opposite effect. Your errections will get weaker, not because you have less testosterone, but because your brain gets desensitized.

>hahaha, you are just a loser, don't try to improve yourself, you'll never be worth it so you might as well give up
t. thot

Anyone have a link to that 1h video about porn on the brain.
Have a coworker who literally beats it 3/day....

jesus, ive binged on adderall and beat twice a day, but 3 times in a routine is pretty impressive.