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they all get amnesty and now there is a a berlin wall theyll tear down on TV like the deranged faggots they are

What's this crap, beaners can't play pool or what?

So much for that lawsuit from Gay Baby Newscum, lol what an impotent cuck.

Go back faggot

>14 miles
wow you really showed those californians!

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you do realize the govt goes back to partial shitdown in a few months?
> 1post by this shitter

you do realize that we would have had a government shutdown now if trump didn't cuck in?

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>posting fake news
lol can you link to the actual documentation of those deals? they were garbage and we both know it

He still shouldn't have caved.


>14 miles
>out of a 1000

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great, give the wall to the only people who don't want it and don't deserve it. awesome.

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Fuck I live here. Where do I go to get a job to build this

>*out of nearly miles 2000 miles of the border

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I love how salty all of the (((14 mile))) posts are. It's just the beginning and you fags know it. Your precious Nancy couldn't protect you from the wall and now it's coming. You can't stop it. :3

>steel planks
no, kys ptg shill

10 feet higher

3 yrs later and we get 14 miles? If this is winning then fuck winning. Trump cucked to Pelosi on the SOTU and the budget bill. Trump fucked not only his base but himself he won't win a re-election now. I guarantee it. 1 term president who got nothing done except bend the knee to kikes.

This but seriously we cant let him get his hands on the nuclear codes

wtf i hate drumpf now

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none of this shit in your cartoon has been done by Trump you fucking idiot

Do we really have almost an open southern border? I live in Michigan never made it that far south.

>they'll tear it down like the Berlin wall
That would signal the end of our republic. America is a zombie but people dont want to admit we're a dead man walking yet

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A whales vagina

>Trump spending his 1 billion Nancy-bux

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Gather your tools, drive down to the site, watch it a while, identify the foreman, then ask. After a while, volunteer. Ask some of the grunts if they could use a hand. Start helping out. At lunch break, go sit and eat with them. Listen then mention you're helping for free and want a job, even just startout. Report back. Fairly sure you'll get at least some form of temp gig, possibly more. You'll definitely have to fill out some serious OSS and OSHA paperwork but the pay and resume boost will be worth it. I hope you get it, user.

Lots of desert and un passable terrain, à couple military units could hold half the border with 3 rifles.

this is what the entire border looks like along new mexico and parts of arizona. the only times you see pics of the wall are located in cities along the border

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may 8th 2018:
Days later, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors voted in favor of supporting the Trump administration’s lawsuit against the state of California over its sanctuary laws. Trump applauded the move, thanking the county for “defending the rule of law and supporting our lawsuit against California’s illegal and unconstitutional ‘Sanctuary’ policies."

old news shills try again

>None of this actually happened
>Skinhead meme
>Thinks asking nicely will get nogs to vote red
That picture reeks of RtD

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redpill me on this state of emergency

2 years after Trump takes office and you're all jerking off about 14 miles of steel fence. What the fuck happened to a concrete wall "from sea to sea" as Trump used to put it?
Trump and his MAGApede followers will celebrate every dozen miles of fencing with boomer memes on Twitter while we still grant amnesty to illegals, countless low IQ illegals will enter via chain migration and Texas completes its conversion to blue and the right loses all political power forever.

the irony of civic nationalism is that it's less attainable than ethno nationalism.

ethno nationalism only needs people of a certain race to live together, work together, and be homogenous within their own borders.

civic nationalism meanwhile requires the systematic destruction of all cultures and ideals in one country until you get them to merge together and somehow convince people to go against their biological nature and insist they are part of the same tribe. you will never convince entire groups of people to give up their culture without keeping parts of it. civic nationalism only appeal is that it is optics friendly.

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Brown people have been entering from the South since WW2 when we invited them in to farm-work the land we stole from them.
After the War, Eisenhower tried to Operation Wetback them back to Mexico, which was a PR disaster. Farmers have always wanted these sorts for shit-pay labor.
Eventually Reagan and the Bush family give tens of millions of them citizenship, which solves everything.
Then Dolan decides to sell that the (greatly reduced) influx of Mexicans into the US is responsible for all the Asians doing our manufacturing, AIDS, broken marriages, teen suicide, and homosexuality. Retards eat it up, and vote him in alongside fed-up rust belters with no hope.
Now Dolan is trying to expand the powers of the Executive branch, and the Dems (and GOP) are letting the States have a crack at stopping him so they can avoid putting an end to it.

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You're kinda right, but there are some flaws. Current society already sees people of different ethnicities living beside one another, throwing their culture away for the replacement that jews offer them. The part where you're right is that all this is superficial, and when it comes to throwing your life away for a nation largely of people with whom you feel no kinship then the harmony stops.

>destroying federal property that is under 24/7 surveillance and armed guards
Please, I hope they try.

yea we ded

If it were surveilled 24/7 by armed guards there'd be no need for the wall in the first place.

>they all get amnesty

This fuck Trump

>Only 14 miles of wall
Good, now the illegals won't even need a ladder

So a partial fence as promised.

That’s nonsense. ICE says there is no secret amnesty

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