LGBTQ+ redpill thread

I'm building up a folder. Post your best.

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This retarded thinks LGBTQ+ people have any problem at all. You're dumb af

nice bait

i concur with brazil. there's nothing wrong with being lgbt

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Sure thing, Shlomo. I've never seen more fag flags than in Tel Aviv.

That’s a good meme

Thanks, that's exactly what I was searching for. There was also this image of several posts on a blue board where user points out that homosexuality is scientifically wrong.

People like you are why pic related is where it is and will stay there until judgement day.

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The "plus" is for "Plus Size".

I think it's pronounced high rate of self harm and suicide

>le gays are pedos meme

Pedos are pedos, full stop. Men who rape young boys aren't any more gay than men who rape young girls are straight - unless you as a straight man consider little girls to be within the range of sexual desirability. And seeing the amount of loli shilling or "hebephilia" defenders on Jow Forums and elsewhere, as well as the appeal of neotenous traits and Asian women among straight men, I could be lead to think straight men are crypto-pedos - except I'm not a cherry-picking fucktard who likes to pick low-hanging fruit and listen to Ben Shapiro to feel better about himself.

You will never win the culture wars if you engage them on (((their))) terms. This is the great lie of the (((alt-right))), that hammering facts over feels will win hearts and minds when in fact it is the very terrain of the debate which must be dismantled. There is no such thing as "LGBTQ", it is an empty shell propped up by divide-and-conquer agents, much like feminism is (even moreso in a sense - the very notion of sexual orientation is a 19th century construct of psychologists whereas women have of course existed since forever).

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>By Michael Swift, "Gay Revolutionary." Reprinted from The Congressional Record of the United States Congress. First printed in Gay Community News, February 15-21 1987
>“We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us."

You should go check out the full Gay Manifesto. Everything he wrote has happened. EVERYTHING.

But of course, goy. It is just satire.


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I love the "2% of population" bit, it's so laughable. I'd love to see how they managed to write a paper and come up with this retarded cipher. I think maybe 1 out of 10 people would admit to be gay at the very least, and to that you'd have to add the ones that wouldn't admit it in fear of being attacked by retarded jew-mongers like yourself. I'd say it's probably close to 20%

you shut read this thread fag

fucking honeypot nigger faggot

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You don't belong here. You're going to hell. Repent of your sins.

It's not 1990s anymore faggotphile. Homos are out of the closet and in schools and streets with your kids.

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Fuck off kike.

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God's work, user

he belong here more then you mutt, don't you have some war to get butchered in ? i tought it was your favorite past time

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Kys kike.

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Moshe get out

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Israel should be rangebanned

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>I have a vagina

No you don't, you have a mutilated penis.

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look at his face, that is the face of a broken """""man"""""

Everytime I see a transsomething lunatic, I always wonder if they're going to be a part of the 40% and what kind of method they're going to use.

Ruskis are so fucking based, they always save degenerate civilization like napoleon and his day 10 week and now with this

yeah there's a grill like that who im still on good terms with. Maybe I should hit that before the joins the 40%

Hit it with a tire iron.

I'm going to be honest here. This is a massive fucking problem. Mainstream culture has been brainwashing children from very young that there is nothing wrong with this lifestyle. Many young men like myself have had moments we are not proud of because of outside forces encouraging us to 'explore' at times of confusion. It might be a lack of fathers, or cultural Marxism or whatever but so-called 'bisexual' is increasing in the Western world and we will regret it.

Evil hidden in plain site. All the trans kids shit has exposed their true agenda. I wish I could have seen it before.

We can't normalize transexuality. You should not have sex with them.

i should but she's probably gonna die in a few years from overdose

nah she hasn't had an operation and with all the sex shes having i reckon shes keeping her vegana

The lgbt isn't redpilled. They're just a rainbow version of blm

Attached: This is the entire lgbt.jpg (3114x4437, 1.3M)

lol nope

Attached: lgbt pedophilia.jpg (1024x669, 51K)

OP isn't saying that. Look at the images in this thread.

don't bother correcting him. he's an ameritard. even russians have a better grasp of the english language than muttfats do.

>33% of child molesters
67% are not

>67% of all aids cases
not all gay people have aids, and not all people with aids are straight

>78% have STDs
22% do not. Not all gay people have STDs, not all people with STDs are gay.

>have lifespans 30 years shorter than normal
On average. Homosexuality does not affect your lifespan, it is correlated with life expectancy.

Repeat for every claim made here. This image doesn't say anything bad about gay people, it merely points out correlations from arbitrary lines. The lines drawn in this image happen to be genital-based, showing how sex-obsessed the author is.

>not all
>not all
>not all

Nice try, schlomo. Are you a leftist or a globalist shill?

Attached: gays-are-pedos.jpg (1162x726, 137K)

Name one negative thing about homosexuality that doesn't universally apply to all sexuality. Disease rates don't count, because they have no relation to homosexuality. Homosexuality does not cause STDs.
