Pick one

Pick one.

Attached: 6faaa64d-5617-4dbb-a164-c04f9d321973.jpg (768x432, 73K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>pick a tranny
no thx


>for sex the two on the right
>for a traditional wife who cooks and cleans the one on the left

No. Off topic thread

obviously the one on the left, man we gotta keep if diverse in this beoch

Literally mentally insufficient

k m f

>the state of cr*ats

wow they're all so ugly

>friends with a shitskin
none of them

the black chick
you can the conservationism/shyness/morals in her face
western women can no longer be saved

Fuck. Marry. Kill. GO!


Welsh/British man here, the one in the middle looks like female version of me!

Attached: looks like me.jpg (884x620, 57K)

all these teens girl have active instas

I love it.


So if I pick the obviously better looking one is that when I find out he has a cock?

The one on the right is the only option. Kikes on slav vpn's ITT aren't fooling anyone.

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Attached: 1550554848472.jpg (500x453, 21K)

Attached: 1550688418538.png (767x432, 602K)

The tall one looks like my wife

They are all trannies, I choose the rope