Don't Hit Tech Firms With Antitrust Cases to Protect Conservatives from 'Bias'

>As of late, Republicans insecure over allegations of anti-conservative bias have been all too anxious to regulate Big Tech. Indeed, Senator Hawley (R-MO) continued this trend by asking recently confirmed Attorney General Bill Barr about the DOJ’s role in policing bias. Hesitantly, Barr replied: “I'd have to think long and hard before I said that it was really the stuff of an antitrust matter,” And Barr is right to stop and consider — since antitrust laws are meant to protect competition, not meet political end goals. But even if the DOJ were to go after tech companies for bias, they wouldn’t have much of a case.

>According to the Federal Trade Commission, the prime enforcer of antitrust law in the United States, the goal of these laws is simple: to promote consumer welfare and protect them from unfair and deceptive practices. But this doesn’t leave any room for the DOJ to go after tech firms for “bias against conservatives,” which is merely a political end goal supported by evidence that’s flimsy, at best.

>From an algorithmic standpoint, there is no evidence of systematic bias from any of the “tech-giants.” We’ve seen plenty of like Trump complaining about Google’s search results being biased in favor of “left-wing media.” But these can be explained by the way that algorithms work. For instance, search engines like Google prioritize content from larger companies — companies that tend to be politically left-leaning. Claims of conservative bias have been litigated many times over but the underlying laws protecting platforms have received less attention. Even if tech platforms are indeed biased, the DOJ would have a tough time prosecuting them for it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>no bias
>but more lefty outlets, still not bias
>its totally cool, goyim
Fuck these clowns.

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Skip to 1:12:10

>seeing these Global conversations and ideally participating in them because it did helps helps us solve the problems faster and I just believe that more open society allows us to solve problems much faster so you in many ways see Twitter is having some sort of a social responsibility in this is totally totally right now like how are we how are we ensuring that there is more healthy contribution to that Global conversation and you know it I just think it's so it's so critical that we start talking about the things that are facing all of us not just one nation I do think you know that that's where our current model really puts the world at a disadvantage because it incentivizes more of the elk Echo Chambers which lead to things like nationalism instead of taking the broader picture and looking at what's happening

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The media is so scared of flat earthers because its true

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i agree. If we create new regulations then we'll get our short term prize, but they'll just adapt their tactics. Before long those same regulations will be used as a weapon against freedom.

Anti trust is coming.


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Whoa, it's totally not a jewish psyop.

Nice proxy thought police JIDF. TRUTH FEARS NO INVESTIGATION.

If you make an antitrust case against any tech company you immediately make it part of the bureaucracy and ensure it is around for ever.

Some people in the tech journalism circles like Dvorak argue that social media companies want to run afoul of antitrust becsuse it woukd ebsure they do not lose userbase like myspace did.


He hasn't been read into the classified material yet, give him a couple weeks.

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Big tech is fucked between antirust and Mueller indicting them.

Jew psyop.
Leave that research for when jews are eradicated and a future for the white race secured, because clearly, that's the biggest problem right now.

Not a psy op. It's the truth.

>Mueller indicting them
Kek. Mueller is over in about a week.

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Go to bed, Adam Greene. All of Mueller's findings go straight to Huber after this week. Cope.

Adam Greenburg is a kike


That he is. Don't get me wrong, Bannon was a faggot zionist but Trump kicked him out for being one. So user trying to make a connection between the two is laughable at best.

Bannon is gonna be hanged for treason



Good. One can only hope.

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Mueller's investigation is ending though, so look to Huber or Horowitz for the actual prosecution of these glowniggers. They'll have access to Mueller's data once he shuts down.

Mueller works for Trump and you're a loser.

Even if you broke up big companies like Facebook, the smaller entities would still not be obliged to give anyone a platform for their speech.

If you want everything to be totally free speech by LAW, we'd need a government funded and run social media site.

Fucking lol

Fucking kek you kikes are screwed.

That's hilarious. No he doesn't. He was made to play a role, if you wanna call that "working for Trump" that's on you but he still tried to help Rosenstein use the 25th amendment to out Trump. Let that sink in.

>let me give you some advice goy

because they're being paid by Big Tech - Google was giving National Review millions of dollars since 2017, for example.

Mueller works for trump and you're a scared little bitch. Mueller goes public soon which means indictments are gonna be opened. It hasn't even begun yet.

>stopping making us reprehensible to our actions.
>we are the good go- I mean we are the good guys

The hypocrisy is sickening. They want to regulate the web to stop hate speech and disinformation by making sites like Facebook a public utility. That is far more egregious power and regulation than simpl using antitrust legislation to break up big companies

If anything, it means indictments will be dropped. As in no longer relevant. Mueller's scope is "Russian meddling", since the Senate went back to the original scope, not the one Rosenstein altered after the fact. That made much of his findings irrelevant. You're still running on the assumption that Rosenstein's memo is valid and it's not, hence why the investigation is ending. Retard.

Scared little bitch

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Mueller is investigating none of that. I know who is though. Not scared either, I want kikes to get the oven.

Mueller is investigating all of it you scared little bitch.

You poor poor, niglet.

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NRO is on googles dole, but they would be saying this no matter what. Their only purpose as trotskyite jews is to sabotage the right and advance jewry

>flimsy at best
lol fuck that kike

Why are you arguing with that fucking retard?

Just passing the time for lulz

Rip net neutrality

fuck Net Neutrality internet communism.



Why the hell would you expect someone named Pranjal Drall to understand a concept like free speech? It’s as alien to him as the dynamics of the Indian caste system are to me.

This is why civic nationalism is destined to fail. These people cannot integrate. They cannot understand the concepts of western civilization that developed over thousands of years. They are destined to destroy it, simply through ignorance.

This has nothing to do with race. Zionist genocide 2019 will deal with parasitic retards like you though.

Of course it does boomer retard. It has everything to do with a flood of 80 IQ foreigners taking hold of our institutions and destroying the concepts they were built on.

Zionist genocide of 2019. You will die.

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Yes, dont hit them, just siege them and sell them to loyalists on an auction

Civic nationalism can work if you dont expect the impossible integration and just deport nonwhites hostile to right-wing ideas

Seriously though, don't fucking regulate them. Fuck off with your regulations.

regulations are what these companies want. They need to be broken up and the people in charge shouldn't have the power they do. they're conducting open psychological warfare on the world by tailoring these social media platforms to only show what they want.

Just make spreading leftist propaganda & lying by omission a crime

It has everything to do with race you fucking retard. The fact that you're trying to beat 'racism' while preaching defeating zionism just demonstrates how kiked your mind is while you perpetuate the failed ideology that is civic nationalism.

Zionist genocide of 2019 incoming.

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No, it isn't. It's a psyop, like bluebook, to discredit anyone redpilled. And you're either incredibly stupid or a shill. Either way kys.


Isnt flat earthers just an elaborate trolling meme?



I hate these fucking kikes so much.

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Yes. Also an excuse for dumb people to dismiss conspiracies.

Tired of being shit on. Would like to be treated like a decent human being for once.

Based and BingPilled


>From an algorithmic standpoint, there is no evidence of systematic bias
from an algorithmic standpoint, there is a clear bias because of the inherent way the algorithm will process and show results. algorthimically showing some results on the first page and others on later pages.

get rekt

nasim had the right idea.

Ask them to define bias and their head will explode




So, say, paypal and stripe cutting services for youtube competitor bitchute and twitter competitor isn't an anti-trust issue?

That is as well. Barr is going after everything.

You can tell how true something is based on the push back. People will laugh at you if you say the earth is flat, but if you say the Holocaust was a farce, your life will be destroyed and you'll be put in jail.

>there is no evidence of systematic bias

Yeah, the evidence is of blatant personal bias in the form of direct bans and de-platforming. None of it is done via the algorithms, it's when some right-wing-thing gets popular/visible and somebody starts pressuring the corporation in question to ban them or eat bad PR. Usually they acquiesce and ban...for right-wingers. Left-wingers get to say whatever they want about feeding their political opponents' children into woodchippers without a single negative consequence, no matter the blowback.


Fuck these monopolies

>From an algorithmic standpoint, there is no evidence of systematic bias from any of the “tech-giants.”
They're literally on video saying they have algorithms silencing conservatives, "rednecks", republicans.

I think it might be real but I am a brainlet.

when mueller is done in about a week and nothing happens i want you to kill yourself for being a conspiracy retard. never return here.