Race or Poverty?

Which is the stronger factor as to why the Black community in America is not prosperous like others?

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They are poor because of their race.

This question is beyond the intellectual capabilities of Jow Forums, I suggest you bring this question to another forum such as Quora

this is pol what do you think your answer is going to be

there is a little town in new york that is all religious jews. they are considered 'poor jews' and the whole place looks nice normal town.

Elaborate. By that rational, Nigerian immigrants would come over and maintain their poverty status- as opposed to being one of the more wealthy sub-groups in America

Reddit would know too.

By your rationale then Nigeria SHOULDN’T look like Nigeria, yet it does, even though it’s filled full of smart and hard working Nigerians.

>doesn't understand averages
Its not possible to have a debat with someone so fucking stupid. We've had this discussion over a million times and every single time its proven without a doubt that its racial.

You are
A) newfag
B) shill
C) plebbitor

In the event of all three being true lurk moar you fucking faggot.

I just need some opposing viewpoints, Person im talking too believes that Blacks are being systematically held down/are poor just because they are black.

I’m going to go with “poor individual decisions with a gangster-glorifying influence in the media” for 400 Alex.

HAhaha I see what you did there, so funny XDXD
Fuck off and go back to plebbit. You are cancer.

/thread, does someone have the correlation graph

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Yeah ill need that pls

They could be saved if they found God and raised their children the way it was intended, but the Jews ruined that dream

You know that the Minnesota trans racial adoption study was refuted right

No. I mean, there may have been a time where that was the case, but in today's world, we give blacks every advantage possible (welfare, hiring practices, media propaganda, etc) and it's still not "enough". And it will never BE enough.

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Show me a prosperous African country filled with niggers

ok but how can i talk about that without sounding racist

Race or Poverty? Neither.

About 70 years ago, liberal sociologists (most of them Jews) decreed that a welfare check was just as good as a stable black man in the black home. Additionally, Jews were behind every left wing organization that claimed to represent black people.

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By (((who)))?

>how can i talk about that without sounding racist
You can’t.

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This is it exactly.
Wherever blacks go, their 'society' is exactly the same. Poor, uneducated, and violent.
People believe they're violent and uneducated because they're poor, when the reality is they're poor because they're violent and resistant to education.

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The top of every crust comes to America to find a better life. So the #1 and #2 Nigerians come to America after learning the language. They prosper. However their children return to the mean of their race. Though they will have a slightly better chance of being as intelligent as their parents since intelligence is heritable.

But there is also a higher chance for all the genetic failures from before their parents from their ancestors.

Race > Poverty

Attached: Crime correlation by race.jpg (1200x359, 121K)

Obama did the same thing to rural whites causing many small towns to shutdown.

>ok but how can i talk about that without sounding racist
You can't which is why you don't get into these kinds of arguments with people if you care about appearances. Blacks in Africa have been given plenty by Meds, northern Euros and Asians and had easy access to places like Egypt; yet a lot of them still live in hellish land with hardly any infrastructure and have let the infrastructure that was built for go to waste.
Blacks as a whole are children that need to be looked after or they'll burn down the house. Sure, a few can take care of themselves or even help but as a whole they aren't worth much just like a lot of Asian groups.

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t.brainlet shill
the post

no wait this is the brainlet shill post

why work when you can steal

same reason why our gypsies still prefer tents.

The rejection of the three pillars of Americana: E pluribus unum, liberty, and God. Rather, many chose ethnicity and race over these.

Such a shame to see such well constructed residences in shambles like that. Imagine the cost to build something equivalent in today's markets? I'd venture that just one of those five units pictured would run at least $200K to construct.


The CIA fucked them. They were vulnerable because of their race but the cia knew they could exploit them to their full extent. The huge push of drugs into their neighborhoods and the introduction of rap culture is was what really killed the black community.

The fact they are still erect given their condition is a testament to just how well built they actually are.

Race. They don't have the intelligence or cognitive function unless their lineage has been mixed

Attached: niggers genetically dumb as shit.png (1512x1732, 134K)